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Support the Dáil Motion to Sanction IsraelWe need your support to ensure a majority of TDs in Dáil Éireann back our motion calling for the Government to: - Intensify its advocacy for an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages. - Provide strong leadership at EU level to advocate for economic sanctions on Israel, including: - Suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement on the basis of a serious breach of the essential elements human rights clause in that agreement. - Suspension of the EU-Israel Horizon Europe Association Agreement and Israel’s access to the €95 billion Horizon Europe fund for research and innovation. - Make a referral to the International Criminal Court requesting that it investigate whether members of the Israeli government and military have committed war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity in Gaza. - Enact the Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018 and the Illegal Israeli Settlements Divestment Bill 2023 as a matter of urgency. - Withdraw the diplomatic status of the Israeli Ambassador given the failure of the Israeli State to cease the deliberate targeting of civilians, journalists, UN staff and healthcare workers. - Pursue all possible avenues at the EU and the UN to build an international alliance for peace to provide a pathway away from violence and back to the negotiation table.2,019 of 3,000 Signatures
The Hat Factory Campaign CastlebarThe redevelopment of the hat factory site would be a huge boost to Castlebar providing badly needed preschool facilities to local families and social housing that is desperately needed to alleviate the housing crisis.60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joe Daly
Expel the Israeli Ambassador from Ireland NOW!Israel is committing war crimes and genocide against the people of Palestine. Thousands of children are dying before our eyes. Families are being wiped out. Lives are being destroyed. Expelling the Israeli Ambassador would communicate a strong message that we, the people of Ireland, do NOT accept genocide and mass destruction. It would give courage to other nations around the world to stand in solidarity and do the same. It would send the message that - no matter how small the nation, our voices will be heard. We can not afford to be quiet today. We need to raise our voices for those who cannot and take a stand. Sign the petition to Expel the Israeli Ambassador NOW!198 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Keira Banim
Flood relief scheme for MidletonRecent floodings show us that Midleton needs proper protection from flooding, so that residents, business owners and the whole town can feel safe during storms or high tides. Floods are destroying many homes and businesses in Midleton, recent damages show that the situation is very bad. The Office of Public Works (OPW) is responsible for leading and co-ordinating flood relief schemes to provide flood protection for towns either directly or in association with relevant Local Authorities. Midleton needs a proper flood relief scheme, expedited, as the town has already suffered multiple floods. Floor relief scheme can save the town and further suffering of residents. It is vital not only for protecting property and ensuring public safety but also for fostering sustainable development, preserving the environment, and enhancing the community's ability to withstand and recover from natural disasters.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jacob Sosinsky
Flood relief scheme for YoughalRecent floods show us that Youghal needs proper protection from flooding, so that residents, business owners and the whole town can feel safe during storms or high tides. Floods are destroying many homes and businesses in Youghal. By prioritizing the implementation of a flood relief scheme, Youghal can effectively protect its infrastructure, preserve its cultural heritage, sustain its tourism industry, protect its coastal ecosystems, and enhance the overall resilience of its community in the face of coastal flooding and related natural hazards. **** Phase 1 of Flood Relief Scheme in Youghal is done. Phase 2 should be implemented as soon as possible, not within next 5 or 10 years, as otherwise town will be flooded yet again. [1] Flood Relief Scheme document for Youghal - Blackwater: https://www.floodinfo.ie/publications/?t=22&a=66912 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jacob Sosinsky
Should Mount Brandon be included in the Dingle National Park?The Owenmore Fishery has been sold from one private landlord too another. Its has never been in the hands of the Irish People. For the Dingle Peninsula to be recognised as the crown of the Kingdom then the people demand this government to buy what is truly ours. For too long the Dingle Peninsula has not got the recognition that it deserves that stops now. The pass and the river that drains it needs to be in the hands of the Irish people!1,435 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Brosnan
Department of Education: Create a REAL Action Plan for Integrated EducationIn 2023, 25 years after the Good Friday Agreement, only 8% of NI kids go to integrated schools despite huge demand. Right now, the Department of Education has a public consultation on their 'Action Plan' and anyone can comment. Tell the Department of Education - we want a REAL Action Plan for integrated education.532 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Adam McGibbon
Stop increasing interestTo let the government and the banks know that the people are hear to be served and not to be exploited. Tax payers money was use to bale out the banks in the last financial crash. And a charges put back on to the the Irish people. So really we as the people of Ireland should have more of a say in how we get treated buy the banks.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Martin Doyle
Defend Democracy at Maynooth UniversityThe decision by MU’s Governing Authority and senior management to replace democratic elections with a selection process, whereby they assume, with the assistance of a private recruitment firm, the responsibility of handpicking staff representatives, is an attack on basic principles of democracy and good governance.1,176 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by IFUT Maynooth
Demand that SFI, the IRC, Teagasc, etc. Raise PhD Stipends to Living Wage by September**Gaeilge thíos, Irish below** On the 26th June 2023, a long-awaited and long-delayed review into PhD support in Ireland was published. It recommended that government-funded PhD candidates receive a stipend of €25,000/year starting September 2023. Since then, bodies such as the SFI, the IRC, & Teagasc have remained silent, have not committed to raising stipends, and have not responded to PWO inquiries for clarification on how they would react to the review’s recommendations. The vast majority of the PGRs in Ireland are paid the equivalent of less than minimum wage, with the vast majority being held at 30% below minimum wage or worse. During the ongoing cost of living crisis, however, even a minimum wage is not enough to live on. They are desperately in need of better pay and increased support, so it is essential that stipends are raised as soon as possible. Moreover, PGRs need to know what their financial situation will look like in the near-future so they can make informed decisions about their accommodation in the midst of a longstanding housing crisis that is further exacerbated by the worsening cost of living crisis. With upcoming research costs for conferences, publications, and presentations, as well as the prospect of moving and various other important financial decisions, PGRs need clarity on what level of support they can count on from their funding agencies. However, with the current lack of communication about the potential stipend increase, PGRs have been left in limbo. Some PGRs are making long-term commitments on the basis of the stipend they receive, such as tenancy agreements, and cannot accept further delays. The Postgraduate Workers’ Organisation therefore demands that SFI, the IRC, Teagasc, and other PhD-funding bodies raise stipends to at least a living wage (i.e. €25,000/year) by September as recommended by the recent review into PhD support in Ireland, and that this increase be communicated immediately and clearly to all PhDs. ---------Gaeilge--------- Ar 26 mí Meitheamh 2023, foilsíodh tuairisc ar thacaíochta na PhDanna tar éis tréimhse feithimh agus moillithe fada. Mhol sé stipinn €25,000/bliain do PhDanna a raibh maoiniú acu ón rialtas ó Mheán Fómhair 2023 amach. Níl raibh trácht ar bith ó chomhlachtaí cosúil le SFI, leis an IRC, ná le Teagasc ar an scéal, níl gealltanas tugtha acu stipinní a ardú, agus níor fhreagair siad ceisteanna curtha ag an EOI maidir le soiléiriú ar na freagraí a bheas acu. Íoctar níos lú ná pá íosta do mhórchuid na dtaighdeoirí iarchéime in Éirinn, agus bíonn móramh acu 30% faoi phá íosta nó níos measa as. Le linn an géarchéim mhaireachtála reatha, ní leor pá íosta fiú le maireachtáil. Tá géarghá ag na taighdeoirí iarchéime ar tacaíochtaí agus pá níos fearr agus níos airde, agus mar sin is gá go mbeidh ardú tagtha ar na stipinní chomh luath agus is féidir. Thairis sin, caithfidh taighdeoirí iarchéime tuiscint cé chaoi mar a bheas an scéal sna míonna atá romhainn le go mbeadh siad in ann cinntí cónaithe a dhéanamh go feasach. Go áirithe le linn géarchéimeanna tithíochta agus maireachtála, tá an-ghá leis sin. Le costais comhdhálacha taighde, foilseacháin, taispeántais, aistrithe, srl. i measc go leor cinntí airgeadais eile, ní mór soiléireacht a thabhairt do taighdeoirí iarchéime maidir le cé mhéad tacaíochta a bheas ag dul chucu óna gcomhlachtaí maoinithe. Leis an easpa cumarsáide atá ann anois maidir le ardú na stipinní, fágadh lár lár na taighdeoirí iarchéime. Tá ar cuid acu cinntí fad-téarmach, cosúil le conartha tionóntachta, a ndéanamh acu de réir an stipinn atá ann faoi láthair, agus ní féidir leo leanúint ar aghaidh gan tuilleadh soiléireacht ar an scéal. Éilíonn Eagraíocht na nOibrithe Iarchéimithe mar sin go ndéanfaidh SFI, an IRC, Teagasc, agus comhlachtaí maoinithe PhDanna eile an stipinn a ardú go pá inmhaireachtála (.i. €25,000/bliain) ar a laghad roimh mí Mheáin Fhómhair mar atá molta ag an tuairisc le déanaí ar thacaíochta na PhDanna in Éirinn. Éilítear chomh maith go ndéanfar an ardú seo a fógairt go soiléir le gach uile PhD.3,078 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by PWO Ireland
Say YES to Linking Private Housing Rental with Property TaxJoin this campaign to emphasise a logical solution to the housing crisis.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Louise McMahon
Stop the Shannonvale Sewage FloodIt has been known, since at least as far back as 1998, to Cork County Council, and their successor organisations responsible for Water Services, Irish Water, and Uisce Éireann, that untreated sewage has been escaping from a failed sewage treatment system into a public park in the village of Shannonvale, Clonakilty, County Cork. This area, which serves as the village's sole public recreation space, is situated on the north bank of the River Argideen, upstream from the point where Uisce Éireann extracts drinking water for the entire Clonakilty municipal water supply. Despite the evident threats to public health, this issue has persisted for over 25 years, since it was first reported to Cork County Council.1,695 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Shannonvale Clonakilty