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To: Darragh O'Brien, Minister for Energy

Cap electricity prices now

Introduce an immediate cap on energy prices to stop electricity providers from hiking prices any further. 

Why is this important?

Electricity prices have risen rapidly in the last couple of years. People are having problems paying their bills and covering their monthly costs. We need an urgent cap on electricity prices to stop these companies from hiking their prices any further.



2024-04-07 23:20:04 +0100

If you want more information about this or want to discuss it, then just say it: leave a post here or send me an e-mail to [email protected]. I can provide you with information material (public and personal one). And if you have any suggestion - whatever it may be -, then just make it: I'm all ears! Always better than not saying or doing anything! Thanks for your attention.

2024-04-07 23:19:42 +0100

What is my suspicion since May 2022 is that, now, we have a price cartel for the Irish energy. (And not just in this specific business market...) That means that there are just 4-5 energy providers that dominate the national energy market and agree between themselves the prices - and keep them that way much higher, not having to fight with any competitors. Why do I think this? Because, before that date, a Spanish provider of solar energy, Iberdrola, was promoting here and getting clients. (They are the biggest, widest provider in Spain and also Latin America.) And then, in May 2022, they suddenly gave up and removed from the whole Irish market, passing their clients over to other Irish providers; no specific, detailed information was given in an article that was written about this. Strange, don't you think?

2024-04-07 23:19:13 +0100

Now, I am not an economist and don't know exactly how this has developed and moved on since then; I have heard of economists that actually even nowadays say that the inflation, the economic problems we are going through at the moment are long-term consequences of that crisis sixteen years ago. (Covid-19 has surely contributed to it, even though all the economic effects have seldom been discussed in the "daily news".)

2024-04-07 23:12:15 +0100

Hello to all the signers up to now! Thank you very much for your interest, contribution and (I assume) participation in this subject, which should be impacting a lot of people in Ireland (and other parts of Europe and the world!), but - for whatever reason it may be - no-one seems to be able to get more active and do something more than just complaining. And that's like talking bad about the weather: it won't change it!

Just to make a little comment about your post, Carla: you are both - right and wrong. Privatisation hasn't failed: it worked in the Celtic Tiger. And there was a lot of competition on a wide economic market before 2008 - the year when we had the Global Economic Crisis. But then, a lot of big international/multinational companies gave up and moved away from Ireland, mainly to the east of Europe. (Dell is for me the best example for this.) And international investors lost interest in putting their money into Ireland and Irish companies; they became/were very sceptical.

2024-04-03 17:30:34 +0100

10 signatures reached