• Refuse GAA request for additional development on public land at Pairc Ui Chaoimh
    The GAA have already been sold public land for development which included conditions and contributions that haven't been fully met by the GAA including providing public lighting along The Marina. This park was intended be kept as a green space including a children's play area which has also not materialised. There has been considerable loss of habitat already due to development and building further on public land should be outright refused. Surrounding areas suffer greatly from significant traffic and illegal parking on match days, however provision of 124 extra spaces should not and will not be for public use during match days. Offering alternatives to people driving to the stadium should be the first priority. Solutions include better walking and cycling routes on match days such as road closures for non-locals and/or a GAA funded shuttle bus from the city centre. As the stadium is a 30 minute walk from the city there should be no extra motor vehicles being diverted towards the area. A "fan zone" with food trucks can be setup on the existing parking and paved space that exists on the Eastern side of the stadium should it be needed.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harry Murphy
  • Petition for an All-Ireland Referendum on Irish Unity
    This campaign is being orchestrated by the the 1916 Societies, who are an Irish separatist movement who believe the people of Ireland have the right to determine their own future. For more information on our campaign visit our website: 1916Societies.ie
    674 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Seán O'Brolcháin
  • Abolish The M50 Toll Extortion
    Construction began on the bridge in 1987 and built by National Toll Roads (NTR plc is a private company). They built 3.2 km of road way linking the N3 and N4 including the bridge. In return for building and maintaining the bridge NTR plc received the rights to operate It as a toll Bridge for 30 years. (1990-2020) Motorists have been charged daily for the use of this essential route for the last thirty years. In recent years and since the opening of the e-flow system, the state has allowed taxpayers to be charged 50 times the original toll fee for unpaid journeys even through a recession resulting in sherrifs being awarded court orders to break into citizens homes and hold their property to ransom. The 30 year contract was finished in 2020 sign this petition to move to abolish this extortion. The Irish people pay through the teeth in terms of taxes and recieve next to nothing for their contribution. Help us raise awareness and end this additional austerity and sign this petition.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Doyle
    People are dying every day from covid, Many are living with long-term effects from contracting covid, People are committing suicide at epidemic proportions, Everyone’s mental health is deteriorating, The demand for mental health services has skyrocketed to the point where the services may collapse at any moment (baring in mind that it was born on its last legs), People are suffering because there simply isn’t enough resources in place to help them, Students (primary, 2nd & 3rd level) are expected to produce the same results as years previous even though their learning environments have changed so drastically, Elderly people are experiencing loneliness like never before, The circumstances for people living in direct provision have only gotten more dire as the pandemic has continued, Many small businesses have been forced to close down permanently, Businesses that have survived this long are one more lockdown away from shutting down, The airports are open letting 100s of people into the country everyday without mandatory hotel quarantines, Vaccines are being rolled out at a painfully slow rate, The government is failing to acquire enough vaccines at a quick enough rate, Nurses, doctors and all other healthcare staff have been treated so poorly throughout the last year e.g. student nursing only receiving payment for working during a pandemic after months of protests This is a (not exhaustive) list of the things the Irish government has either directly or indirectly done to negativity impact Ireland and it’s people, in relation to the pandemic.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Flynn
  • Extend the Lifetime of the Mother and Baby Homes Commission
    Natural justice will not be served if the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby homes is allowed to close down with so many unanswered questions, not least about its own functioning and some of the conclusions in its report. A legal enquiry that publishes conclusions and testimonies that are disputed by those who gave them and then destroys evidence cannot provide closure. There are so many unanswered questions about the manner in which this commission was run and the way it reached its conclusions that it must be held to account. This commission must not be added to the list of inquiries that have added insult to the injuries of survivors and helped mask the truth. Theatening that an extension will delay compensation for survivors is not germane. Survivors want the truth. We ALL want the truth.
    193 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Hurley
  • Campaign for the resumption of juvenile training
    The priority is, as it must be, the resumption of proper schooling. The current system of remote learning is not healthy for children and we must get children back into their classrooms immediately. The Covid crisis is hard for everyone, but it is especially difficult for children who have been denied the ability to mix and play with their peers. The winter weather and dark evenings, not to mention the easy attractions of electronic devices, has made it incredibly difficult to have children come anywhere close to meeting their recommended 60 minutes of activity per day. The resumption of school, combined with a managed and safe return to collective outdoor exercise, will be transformative for children’s physical and mental wellbeing. Precedent The previous lockdown made provision for non-contact outdoor exercise in pods of 15 for children of school-going age and we appeal to you to include that in the new Living with Covid Plan Support As coaches and parents, we have all witnessed how the current lockdown has impacted on youngsters leaving them withdrawn and isolated from their peers and with little or no interest in exercising. We appeal to you to support our campaign for the resumption of juvenile training
    1,572 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ciaran Long
  • Don't allow Texaco to Use Our Children
    Courts in Ecuador found that Chevron-Texaco had deliberately dumped 16 billion gallons of cancer-causing toxic oil waste into the rainforest, causing a cancer epidemic that has killed thousands and has decimated five indigenous nations who are teetering on the brink of extinction. They inflicted death and devastation on communities of people and wildlife that no fair-minded Irish person would ever tolerate. “The oil companies came to these pristine forests, backed by our own government. They took what they wanted and wiped-out cultures, completely disregarded the Indigenous people, killed animals and ruined sacred places. In the end, the people couldn’t do anything about it because they couldn’t speak the language of the people destroying their lives! The same destruction is still going on to this day.” Nina Gualinga, Indigenous campaigner for Ecuador Amazon Watch. Nina Gualinga, an indigenous environmental and human rights warrior from Ecuador. https://amazonwatch.org/news/2016/0715-toxic-tour Then, they fled Ecuador after a court had ordered them to pay $US9.5 billion in compensation to local communities. Ever since, they have threatened the communities they violated with a ‘lifetime of litigation’ unless they dropped the case. They have attacked their victims with retaliatory lawsuits. In the face of their inexcusable and catastrophic impact on the planet, fossil fuel companies like Chevron-Texaco are desperate for a ‘social-licence’ to operate. In parallel with their human-rights abuses in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Texaco were cynically running a ‘Children’s Art Competition’ here in Ireland while at the same time they were destroying children’s lives in the Amazon. The legacy of that destruction continues to this day. There can be no place for fossil fuel companies like Texaco in Children’s Art or Sports in Ireland. Join the growing number of major arts institutions and museums around the world who have severed their ties with major oil companies like Texaco.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Just Forests
  • Fix Accident Black Spot R45RY83 Now
    Our petition is about the catastrophic effects of neglecting to fix an issue after the first death, not the seventh. Needless loss of life has a devastating effect on families and communities. Make the fix now. Please sign this petition and support us as we work to bring the urgency of this need to the officials of Edenderry, Tullamore and Ofally Thank you for signing, thank you for sharing this and stay safe on the road this year.
    4,505 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Stella Clinton
  • Dublin Councils must choose dog pound services based on WELFARE & QUALITY, not cost or convenience
    In recent years, the Dublin councils have only ever received one valid tender for their dog pound contracts, which was from Ashton Dog Pound & Warden Services. Over the years, many people have come to question the standards of care and the quality of service provided at Ashton Dog Pound, particularly in light of the current garda investigation into the misuse of controlled drugs which allegedly led to the death of 2 dogs in Summer 2020, which has now resulted in arrests. This has lead to a fundamental undermining of trust, not only in the Dublin dog pound and warden service, but in the whole public procurement process itself which has allowed a situation to continue, whereby there has been only one applicant for such a lucrative government contract. It is very important that the Dublin councils take urgent action to restore our faith in both the dog pound services they provide and the system by which they appoint service providers. Section 35(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 is subject to a public interest test, and states that information should generally be released if the public interest would, on balance, be better served by granting than by refusing to grant the FOI request. With this in mind, we call on all 4 Dublin councils to put animal welfare at the forefront of their decision making process when choosing a dog pound service provider in 2021 and fully commit to making all tenders available after the choice has been made, so that Dubliners can see that it was indeed in the best interest of our city's dogs.
    1,364 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Gallagher
  • Micheál Martin (Taoiseach) - stay at home for St. Patrick’s Day
    Irish people have been locked down since last March. We are currently in another level 5 lockdown. Children are out of school, employees out of work, the hospitality sector shut down. People cannot travel outside of 5km. For you to decide to travel to America for St. Patrick’s Day would be a huge slap in the face for everyone. Show leadership and do what everyone else has to do! Stay at home.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Doyle
  • Non-essential travel applies to all, including Politicans
    The people of Ireland have been asked not to travel outside of the country and to restrict their movements to help reduce the risk of transmission of Covid 19. All of the people are being asked to make sacrifices and out of respect for those who have lost their lives, their job and those working on the front line, it is vital that the Taoiseach of Ireland also abides by the rules and therefore does not travel to Washington DC for St Patrick's Day. People are asked to conduct their business through Zoom and other online applications, this should be sufficent on this occasion.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dara McGann
  • Protect and Pay Student Nurses
    At the start of the pandemic, student nurses were being paid to staff wards and make up the staffing shortfall in the NHS. Since September these payments stopped, despite the current wave of Covid19 putting Northern Ireland's hospitals under pressure like never before. Students Nurses work 37.5hrs per week on clinical placement at the rate of £2.86 per hour under the current bursary of £430 per month. This does not meet basic cost of living standards. Paid less than the national minimum wage. Northern Ireland bursary has not been increased whereas Scotland's bursary is increased year to year. The majority of students still have to work part time on top of placement to be able to live month to month. Due to covid placement areas students are restricted to where they can work if at all Students are working in Covid wards and are at the same risk of as a paid member of staff. Students do not receive sick pay. Many students have incurred costs from covid-19 pandemic from moving out of home due to vulnerable family members at risk. No support available. These student nurses are the future of our NHS. They deserve to be paid for the risks they are taking at the frontline of this pandemic.
    1,241 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nathan McAree