To: Chief Executive of Waterways Ireland

Remove the Barriers from the Grand Canal!

To the Chief Executive Waterways Ireland,

We, the residents of Dublin and the local area, are calling on you to please remove the barriers along the Grand Canal as soon as possible. 

The barriers are:
  1. Destroying one of the few green spaces and public amenities in the area
  2. Putting members of the public in danger by caging them in while walking along the canal 
  3. Wasting large amounts of public money (€30,000 per week!) which could be spent on improving the Grand Canal for recreational use or improving the quality of our waterways around the island

The barriers are not:
  1. Addressing the housing or rough sleeping crisis in the area

Please remove these barriers as a matter of urgency!

Concerned Resident

Why is this important?

The Grand Canal has been a valued public amenity in this part of Dublin since the late 18th century, and a core green space for local residents since. Its a valuable part of our city's heritage and brings relief to local residents on their daily commutes, runs, and walks.

In response to rough sleeping in the area brought about by poor planning, mismanagement of resources, and ineffective government agency responses over several years, Waterways Ireland has erected preventative fencing along the canal. This has deprived the local residents of their public realm and created an brutal eyesore for all who pass by.

These fences must be removed, government agencies must be resourced to take swift action to accommodate and help our rough sleepers, and our public realm must be reclaimed for the benefit of all!
Grand Canal, Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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