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To: Minister For Justice, Minister For Health, Pakistani Ambassador to Ir Irish Consulate Karachi, Irish Service Delivery

Urgent call to immediately resolve family visa delays #FastTrackFamilyVisa

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Our Proposal:
1) Create an immediate communication channel between visa section of DOJ and our panel to share data of applicants who are facing delays/being treated unfairly.
2) Create a complaint cell that can be accessed 24/7 by applicants who are being rejected/treated unfairly.
3) Urge Pakistani Ambassador to uphold this grave issue for the Pakistani Community.
4) Do an audit on processing time of applications of certain countries to check the root cause of delays.

Why is this important?

Dear all, 

I hope you are all in good health. 

As you all know, Irish Society of International Doctors (ISID) and Association of Irish Pakistani Physicians and Surgeons (AIPPS) who represent 1000's of international doctors and their families have been engaging and working with stakeholders on visa delays for the past year or so to benefit everyone especially healthcare workers in Ireland.

All skilled professionals living in Ireland are facing serious delays in processing for their families visas but some nationalities are facing more delays than others with waiting time beyond one year before their applications are being processed. 

This has negatively impacted their mental health and emotional well being and in turn might be worsening the staffing crisis and patient care.

Foreign healthcare workers constitute more than 60% of the Irish health system and are the backbone of this system. They deserve to be treated fairly and to have their families with them in Ireland especially when their jobs are so demanding. 

A recent survey conducted by us revealed that certain countries (including Pakistan) have:
1) High visa rejection rate for family members i.e. spouse, children, parents etc 
2) Long delays in application processing - more than one  year for even visit visas 
3) Vague and generic copy paste refusal reasons   
4) Processing time for appeals is one year plus 
5) Poor Communication: there is a serious element of broken communication with applicants and the Department. 

Lastly, we urge Pakistani Ambassadorin Ireland to take up and investigate this issue with the Irish Consulate in Karachi as the community is not happy with their treatment; through an audit of applicants being rejected as THERE IS NO COMPLAINT CELL THAT EXISTS WHERE THESE ISSUES AND UNFAIR TREATMENT CAN BE RAISED.

Please sign this petition and spread the word to resolve this grave issue. #FastTrackFamilyVisa

Many thanks.

Dr Liqa Rehman ||| Mr Nauman Nabi
President ,ISID ||| President AIPPS
G.Secretary, AIPPS ||| Executive, ISID


2024-04-28 16:51:16 +0100

100 signatures reached

2024-04-28 11:29:01 +0100

50 signatures reached

2024-04-24 16:27:06 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-04-24 07:38:11 +0100

10 signatures reached