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To: Irish Rail, CIE, Fingal Co Co, Richmond Homes, NTA and TFI

Clongriffin Dart Access

Provide permanent safe universal access to Clongriffin Dart from Baldoyle.
Our aim of this petition is to go to the Minister For Transport to ask for his support in 2 phases;
1) to have the structure taken over by either Irish Rail or CIE to ensure that the area will be safe and accessible for all while we wait for a permanent structure (to have lifts changed to secure lifts similar as to what is inside the train station, better lighting, better CCTV etc), and most importantly
2) to ensure that the temporary structure is replaced within the 3 year timeframe and not being pushed back further until the end of the development as a whole which could go on another 5-10+ years.

Why is this important?

Encourage & facilitate use of public transport. Currently women, girls, people in wheelchairs, with bikes & buggies are either afraid or cannot access station.

How it will be delivered

Myrtle The Coast Residents Association will be delivering this petition by hand to the Minister for Transport.

Baldoyle, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2023-06-12 13:56:44 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2023-06-10 22:42:42 +0100

500 signatures reached

2023-06-10 15:07:49 +0100

100 signatures reached

2023-06-10 14:18:40 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-06-10 13:35:57 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-06-10 13:08:52 +0100

10 signatures reached