To: Minister Eamon Ryan

Release funding for N17 Knock to Collooney Road Upgrade

Photo by Nick Thomas on Unsplash

Dear Minister Eamon Ryan,

I write this letter to express my deep concern and disappointment regarding the lack of funding and attention given to the urgent upgrades needed for the N17 Knock to Collooney Road. As the Minister for Transport and the driving force behind sustainable development, I believe it is imperative that you take immediate action to address the dangers associated with neglecting this crucial transportation route.

The N17 Knock to Collooney Road serves as a vital lifeline for the region, connecting communities, facilitating commerce, and enabling tourism. However, the lack of necessary upgrades has led to severe repercussions, which cannot be ignored. The road's insufficient capacity and resulting congestion have not only hampered economic growth but have also compromised the safety of road users.

It is alarming to witness the mounting risks that motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians face due to outdated infrastructure and poor road conditions. The absence of modern safety features, such as wider lanes, advanced signaling systems, and well-designed intersections, significantly increases the likelihood of accidents. Lives are being put in danger every day that necessary improvements are delayed or ignored.

Moreover, the economic implications of neglecting the N17 Knock to Collooney Road cannot be overstated. By failing to invest in upgrading this road, you are hindering local industries, discouraging investment, and limiting job opportunities. The resulting inefficiencies, congestion, and delays are detrimental to the region's overall development. As the Minister responsible for fostering sustainable growth and connectivity, it is your duty to prioritize this critical infrastructure project.

Furthermore, the impact on tourism cannot be ignored. Ireland's allure as a tourist destination heavily relies on its scenic landscapes, historical sites, and well-connected road network. Neglecting upgrades to the N17 Knock to Collooney Road jeopardizes the visitor experience, dissuading tourists from exploring the region. This, in turn, affects local businesses, hospitality, and the broader tourism industry.

Additionally, as a proponent of environmental sustainability, it is disheartening to witness the environmental consequences of neglected road infrastructure. Congestion and slow-moving traffic contribute to increased carbon emissions and air pollution. By releasing the necessary funding for the N17 Knock to Collooney Road upgrades, you have an opportunity to incorporate eco-friendly features and promote sustainable transportation options, aligning with your vision for a greener future.

Minister Ryan, I implore you to consider the immediate release of funding for the much-needed upgrades to the N17 Knock to Collooney Road. Lives are at stake, the economy is suffering, tourism is being impacted, and the environment is being harmed. The time for action is now. By investing in this crucial infrastructure project, you will not only ensure safer travel and enhance economic growth but also demonstrate your commitment to the well-being and progress of the communities you serve.

Yours sincerely,

North West of Ireland citizens

Why is this important?

Together, let's demand the attention, funding, and action that this crucial infrastructure project deserves. Join us in advocating for safer roads, economic prosperity, sustainable development, enhanced connectivity, and the empowerment of the community.

Connacht, Ireland

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