• Make Free At-Home STI Testing Pilot Permanent
    The HSE and SH:24 partnered to offer free STI home test kits as part of a pilot project, to find out how online services can help support people’s sexual health. These at-home STI tests were LGBT+ inclusive and were first made available to order online for residents of County Dublin, Cork and Kerry, however, as of January 6th - less than one day after the pilot launched, the service was shut due to the unprecedented high demand. The high number of sign-ups clearly illustrates the strong support for continuing and expanding this service nationwide. This scheme is particularly necessary at present as STI clinics are closed due to COVID-19, risking long waiting lists upon re-opening, and worsened health outcomes for those who could not access testing and treatment. At-home STI tests shift those with less complex sexual health needs from clinics to an online service thus reducing clinic waiting times, is safer during COVID-19, removes transportation barriers and encourages more people to get tested due to easier access. Free STI tests removes the financial barriers to testing services. Sign the petition to show your support for continuing & expanding this scheme!
    1,522 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Róisín Hackett
  • Ag fas le cheile! Say yes to a 100 % Organic, Chemical-free and GMO-free Ireland
    Dear Friends, I just created the petition: Ag fas le cheile! Say yes to a 100% Organic, 100% Chemical-free and 100% GMO-free Ireland. It would mean a lot to me if you took a moment to add your name because: A journey’s end matters not, for it is the journey itself that inspires, enriches and delights. As I took “the road less travelled” 18 months ago, I could not have imagined the amount of learning to be had on this road; for I am now less dependent on certain modern conveniences than I was in May 2019. Now in November 2020, I am • 100% shampoo-free • 100% clothes detergent-free • 100% washing-up liquid free • 100% dishwasher liquid free • 100% all-purpose cleaner free • 99% bin-free. In short, grey water that leaves my house is virtually chemical free with a minimal toxic load to the environment. My garden is 100% Organic, 100% Chemical-free and 100% GMO-free and has been for about 10 years. With the continued support from local Clare businesses and shops, Clare media and a waste prevention grant from Clare County Council, Operation de-Plastification with its “slim your bin or bin your bin challenge” has been able to inform, encourage, support and lead-by-example on the quest to waste reduction, particularly plastic related waste in the shape of single-use plastic bottles and plastic packaging. With the submission to Clare County Council for the Clare Local Development Plan 2022 – 2028 "100% Organic, 100% Chemical-free and 100% GMO-free", I am hoping to sow the seed for a different Clare, and by extension a different Ireland, to highlight a path that has been taken by other countries successfully and to encourage as many people of all ages and guises, including businesses and politicians, to re-think their habits and attitudes in relation to • everyday conveniences • everyday routines • everyday practices to aid the recovery of our planet, with an intact environment which in turn will support our future. The attempt to combine the Operation de-Plastification campaign and the vision for a post-pandemic County Clare, has generated the “ag fás le chéile” petition, where shoppers, sellers and consumers can voice, with their signature, their request for an enduring “green” Ireland. The petition aims to address all people living in Ireland: • Shoppers: we want to buy local, sustainable, affordable, nutritious, delicious, organic, plastic-packaging-free, chemical-free and gmo-free goods • Sellers: we want to sell local, sustainable, affordable, nutritious, delicious, organic, plastic-packaging-free, chemical-free and gmo-free goods • Consumers: we want to enjoy local, sustainable, affordable, nutritious, delicious, organic, plastic-packaging-free, chemical-free and gmo-free goods Assuring our environment’s and our survival, “the road not taken” may lead to a life and life-style where less is more, as less is more than enough in my experience. With the kindest regards, Cornelia Wahli Operation de-Plastification Campaign Slim your Bin or Bin your Bin Challenge “Ag fás le chéile” Petition ____________________________________________________________________ https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/ag-fas-le-cheile-say-yes-to-a-100-organic-chemical-free-and-gmo-free-ireland Real change happens when everyday people like you and I come together and stand up for what we believe in. Together we can reach lots of people and help create change around this important issue. After you've signed the petition, could you also take a moment to share it with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email. Thank you!
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by cornelia wahli
  • A Petition to Save Our Course: Ballykisteen Golf Club tragically being converted to farmland:
    The loss of Ballykisteen Golf Course impacts the lives of the 400+ members and the 20 employees that are directly and indirectly employed by the club. It removes a vital facility that brings together families from across the county, breaking apart a local community and isolating those that rely on the club for social interactions. In 2017, the Great National Hotel Group received funding support from Enterprise Ireland, a government-funded investment body focused on the creation of local jobs and economic growth. Despite this state-sponsored funding, the hotel group is planning on selling the course as farmland this week, impacting 20+ jobs in the locality and devastating the local economy. We have made numerous efforts to find alternative buyers that are interested in keeping the course open. Unfortunately, hotel management has failed to prioritise buyers interested in keeping the golf course open. Despite requests for both information and cooperation, we have had minimal communication from the hotel. Our understanding is that a contract for the sale of the land is to be signed and concluded this week with the golf course being sold as farmland. We are pleading with the hotel to do all in their power to preserve this facility for the locality. Let's do all that we can to fight for this precious amenity at the heart of our small, but mighty community.
    1,327 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Club Member
  • Birr Primary Care Centre
    Primary Care Centre for Birr This week the HSE turned down the Rectory Field as a location for the proposed Birr Primary Care Centre. For years the HSE have been informing the people of Birr that they are committed to providing a Primary Care Centre in the town and to date nothing has happened. This weeks news has set us back to square one. Tullamore has a Primary care centre, the Primary Care Centre in Banagher is near completion so why is Birr no further on?? We need to show the HSE that the people of Birr and surrounding areas need a Primary care centre and we want the HSE to make this a priority. The HSE have given an assurance that space will be provided for the possible return of our “Out of Hours (MIDOC) “ when the Birr Primary Care Centre is built. The longer the delay the longer the wait to get our MIDOC back to BIRR. We are also asking for an “X-RAY Diagnostic Hub” in the new PCC. It is amazing how many cars travel to Tullamore by day and night for this service. We are fed up of travelling and fed up of waiting weeks to see a doctor. We urge the Minister for Health and the HSE to take immediate action on developing a primary care centre for Birr without further delay.
    385 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Clare Claffey Picture
  • High Quality Public Broadband for All!
    This pandemic has shown that the internet can be used to connect and strengthen communities - but only if they have high quality, affordable access. If we build a public network, we can guarantee free, quality internet for everyone.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Duffy Picture
  • Save Ballymore Post Office
    The Post Office service in Ballymore has been a hugely important hub of activity for many years and it continues to be a busy service. Ballymore Post Office is a core enterprise of rural communities and is responsible for the provision of vital financial services to the most vulnerable service users in our area. There is a agreement between An Post and the government that AnPost must ensure that people continue to have access to financial services and are not financially excluded. The reform agenda of An Post is forcing 'change' onto people, before they have actually had a chance to adapt their ways to modern day online facilities. One worrying result of this will be that our most vulnerable; older service users and those with physical or intellectual challenges, will now be drawn into towns to draw their cash payments. This not not only subjects them to the fear of theft, but in these current times, there are at a hugely higher risk of being infected with Covid19. There is also a distinct lack of public or private transport in the area. "This is yet another service being slowly ripped away from rural Ireland, if we stand by and allow this to happen we will wake up one day and there won’t be a heart left in our rural communities,” said Cllr McCormack.
    652 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nicola O'Callaghan
  • Reinstate South East Rail Network
    Help us protect and improve public transport & infrastructure for future generations.Engage in a multi-year process of improving services to make rail transport a successful transport option in the South East of Ireland.
    653 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Una Dunphy
  • Allow off-grid, low impact housing in Ireland
    In Ireland our individual ecological footprint is approximately 5.2 Global Hectares per Capita (ghc) but the Planet’s actual capacity is only 1.8 ghc: we are living as if there are almost three Planet Earths. This way of life is not only contributing to mass extinction, pandemics and extreme economic inequalities, it means that, in all likelihood, our country will be uninhabitable for our grandchildren. A One Planet Development scheme would give people the option of moving out of the city and into the countryside to pioneer a way of life that goes some way towards bringing the human-nature relationship back into balance. It would allow people to build small low-impact dwellings, to establish community and to work with the land in a regenerative way to bring systemic change to our food systems.
    4,416 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Róisín Dexter
  • Ballinasloe MUST be on The Athlone- Galway Greenway Route
    The Athlone to Galway Greenway being routed through Ballinalsoe is essential to: - REJUVENATE much needed economic activity to revive a rural gateway to the west town and its surrounding hinterland. -STIMULATE huge tourism activity in the area creating sustainable employment and endless business opportunities. -ENCOURAGE health and well-being in the area to combat rising physical and mental health issues.
    2,278 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Loraine Treacy
  • Remove school profiling from the leaving certificate calculated grading system
    From the example of the UK, we can see just how disastrous school profiling would be for a large amount of students. 39% of teacher predicted grades were downgraded by an algorithm, which could have robbed thousands of students of their futures (if not for the recent U-Turn of the British government). School profiling is frankly not an accurate assessment of student ability. All students, regardless of their background should be given the opportunity to excel in their leaving certificate without being held back by economic circumstances. Students should be assessed on their own ability and not the past performance of their schools. We recognise that we are a long way from solving the problem of inequality in our education system, but many of us are worried that this is a step backwards.
    2,404 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Aidan Cusack
  • Upgrade the South Inishowen water supply
    Far too frequently, this supply line bursts and impacts upon thousands of people from Buncrana, Fahan, Inch, Tooban, Burnfoot, Bridgend, Muff, Netwoncunningham and Killea. This impacts on the way of life for thousands of residents. It affects out schools, medical facilities, community centres and businesses. It is simply unacceptable and would not be tolerated anywhere else in Ireland. We are simply calling for a consistent water supply as would be expected anywhere else.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Murray
  • Stephen Donnolly: Demand meat factory owners protect people from COVID-19
    The people who produce our food are often treated the worst in society. Now, they're being exposed to COVID-19 at work, and bosses are allowed to get away with it. It's time Minister for Health Stephen Donnolly took action to make meat factory bosses protect the people who work there.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Duffy Picture