• Protect East Galway: Oppose the Gas-Fired Power Plant
    We urge decision-makers to reconsider this project and look for sustainable alternatives to meet energy needs while protecting the livelihoods, health, and wellbeing of people in East Galway.  Please sign this petition and support our urgent cause.
    232 of 300 Signatures
    Created by East Galway Gas Plant Concern Group
  • Turn the R400 into a National Road
    North Offaly is fast becoming the home of Green energy projects that are being constructed or planed in Ireland. The Yellow River Wind farm is a prime example of a project in the area. Locals objected to the Wind farm on the grounds that there was not adequate infrastructure in place to take on the increase in construction traffic. Ultimately the case was taken to the high court where the objection was refused. At the time local councilors promised the roads would be done before, maintained during and redone after construction of the wind farm. These promises ultimately proved to be empty. A few planned projects along the r400 or that will use the r400 for the majority of construction traffic: Yellow River Wind farm: https://www.sserenewables.com/onshore-wind/in-development/yellowriver/ Rhode Green Energy Park: https://www.offaly.ie/rhode-green-energy-park/ Bio-Mass Gassification Plant: https://www.offalyexpress.ie/news/home/632520/new-biomass-gasification-plant-set-to-be-constructed-in-offaly.html Battery Storage: https://www.offalyexpress.ie/news/home/550961/plans-unveiled-for-substantial-energy-storage-facility-in-offaly.html Clonin North Solar Farm: https://www.highfieldenergy.com/SolarProjects/clonin-north-solar-farm Oxigen Waste Management Facility: https://www.offalyindependent.ie/2023/11/09/controversial-waste-facility-in-north-offaly-gets-planning-approval/ Full report on Green energy within the area can be found: https://www.offaly.ie/green-energy-2/ This campaign is focused on finding the balance between these types of projects and ensuring that local residents are taken care of. Much of the local area around the r400 is not serviced by public transport and as such we rely on our cars and on the roads, which we pay for through our taxes. The r400 has been in a state for decades, the local council have failed to make it a priority, failed to hold the companies behind the large scale construction projects accountable for their use and they have failed all of us who have had to endure an unsafe, not fit for purpose, road. When questioned as to why the r400 has not seen improvements over the years Offaly County Council claim that there is not enough funding. The only way around the lack of funding on a local level, is for the road to be made a national road. That way it's reconstruction and maintenance funding, will come from the National Government. Please join us in calling for the National and local Government's to make the r400 a national road. 
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ross McGann
  • Petition to Protect the Sperrins and NI: Moratorium on Wind Farm Developments in Northern Ireland
    Northern Ireland, particularly the Sperrins, is being overwhelmed by wind farms, with insufficient consideration of their drawbacks. The Sperrin region, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), faces the imminent threat of becoming a dumping ground for large, seemingly eco-friendly energy projects. We believe there is currently an unsustainable over-reliance on wind energy development as the primary means to meet renewable energy targets. This over-dependence on wind energy endangers our overall energy security, further diminishes our already shrinking biodiversity and natural heritage, negatively affects community well-being and health, and eliminates fair opportunities and benefits for everyone in our transition to a greener, more sustainable future.
    654 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Save the Moat Save the Sperrins Picture
  • Demand a Commitment to Restore Irish Rail Infrastructure and Stop Investing in Greenways
    You should join this campaign if you are a believer in sustainable public transport, and wish to see Ireland have a rail network for the 21st century, and not continued investment into Greenways.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew James Quill
  • Open Portarlington Garda Station
    For the security and safety of the Town and area Why do we have to go to Portlaoise to have a form signed
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nevil Veighey
  • Put limits on the purchase of land by the mega wealthy
    It doesn’t have to be this way. There are alternatives. In France they have a system called SAFER which: *Intervenes in land sales in the public interest where there is land speculation by non farmers and billionaire investors *Ensures viable land holdings, *Maintains rural communities and the viability of   existing farms, *Controls prices so land is affordable. https://www.landcommission.gov.scot/downloads/6554aa4252c5a_Review%20of%20France%C3%94%C3%87%C3%96s%20SAFER%20Land%20Market%20Interventions.pdf Our politicians are avoiding this issue.  They have their heads in the sand. We demand that they address the problem now to ensure viable landholdings for farming families. Irish Family Farms is a group of landowners and other citizens who have got together to raise awareness of this issue and demand change. We will use this petition to apply pressure on government ministers McConalogue and Hackett to change the system and set up a multi-stakeholder Land Observatory. This would act as a watchdog to oversee land-related issues and foster collaboration to protect our most precious physical resource: our land.
    487 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Irish Family Farms
  • Keep Rathangan Garda Station linked to Kildare town, not Leixlip
    Please sign and share this petition on social media and ask your family and friends to sign and share it too. Once this decision is made, it will not be rescinded.
    579 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Marese Hickey
  • Offaly County Council release Budget Vs Actual Data
    A Chairde, As a "blow-in" to the Rhode area in Co Offaly I have been shocked at the state of the local roads within the area. At the beginning of this year, after spending more money on suspension issues on my car I did a small audit of section B04 (local roads) of the Offaly county council budget. The main findings so far: Variance of over €445K in the 2022 budget compared to Prior year figure in 2023 file. No additional funding provided with the exception of €150K additional funding in 2024. No Data or information relating to how much of the budget has actually been spent. No Data provided on where the money is actually being spent. After speaking with other locals, it appears that due to a lack of representation within the Rhode/Edenderry area, Other areas in Offaly are looked after at a higher rate than we are. I have sent on a Freedom of Information request to Offaly County Council asking for the following: "Would it be possible to ask for a breakdown of Section B04 for budget's 2020/21/22 and an explanation for the variance in 2022 figures. Is there an "Actual V Budget" Breakdown available anywhere? Can you provide expenditure data on B0402 Local Rd Surface Rest/Road Reconstruction/Overlay? Is there data available for what road's/areas resurfacing works were carried out for 2020/2021/2022/2023 and the associated spends? Same as above for B0405 Local Roads General Maintenance Works. It is clear that B0402 Local Rd Surface Rest/Road Reconstruction/Overlay has seen no increase in budget for over 3 years, can you provide an explanation as to why? Is there a forecast for the additional 150K that has been budgeted in B0405 Local Roads General Maintenance Works in 2024? Is there currently any National or EU schemes available for the reconstruction of local roads in rural/farming communities?" My Request has been refused by the council and I am in contact with the Office of Information Commission in order to appeal the decision. I am asking that you sign this petition in support of transparency within our local council and would ask that you contact your local councilors and ask them to release the Data that has been requested: https://www.offaly.ie/c/councillilors/ Go raibh maith agat! Ross
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ross McGann
  • Reinstate Public Bus Service between Galway and Dublin
    In 2021, the Bus Éireann route 20/X20 was cancelled, impacting commuters in Galway City and towns such as Craughwell, Loughrea, Aughrim and Ballinasloe. The route was privatised and replaced with the 706/706X route ran by a private company. This route ignored Craughwell, Loughrea and Aughrim and left Ballinasloe with less frequent services. Now in 2024 the private route is being cancelled, with the company saying it is not profitable enough. Public transport is an essential public service and should be ran as such, not left to the whims of private companies.
    956 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Curran
  • Permanent Public Toilet Block in Rossnowlagh
    Rossnowlagh Community Needs you 👆 Donegal's busiest beach – but still no public toilets block. The few sub-par portaloos have been deemed insufficient for the public at Donegal's busiest beach - Michael McMahon Let's keep the pressure on the council and get Rossnowlagh, the locals and our visitors what it truely deserves - A Permanent Public Toilet Block in the Council Car Park We look forward to hearing the outcome of the March council meeting next week, when this is on the agenda! Sign the petition today.
    1,401 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by James Garvey
  • Improve the 350 Bus Service
    The 350 bus service is highly used, connecting rural villages such as Kinvara, Ballinderreen, Ballyvaughan, Doolin and surrounding areas with Galway city. For many young people this is their only means of travel to Galway city, it is especially important to those attending university in town as with the housing crisis students often cannot afford or even find accommodation in town and rely on this service. Despite the amount of people this bus service should be serving, people are frequently left stranded at their bus stop due to the bus already being packed full at the Cliffs of Moher and other tourist attractions along the way. On several of occasions in the last two years I have waited up to an hour for the bus to arrive only for it to drive past the stop without even stopping in Kinvara, where more than ten people have been left to find alternative ways to town. This is especially frustrating to those trying to get the five o'clock bus on weekend days as the next bus does not come until 8. I was driven to make this petition with my friend Síofra when only today she was left stranded by a passing bus in Kinvara, for the third time since she has started university. Additionally, TFI provide this route with the lower capacity buses which have room for significantly less passengers than the buses used to serve Gort and its surrounding areas. The 350 bus route was referred to the Guardian as being "the most scenic bus route in Ireland" in 2022, as most of the route is now part of Discover Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way tour. While one can appreciate the push for tourists to avail of slow travel and it is wonderful to see our surrounding areas being promoted, the 350 bus service is not a luxury to us as locals, it is a necessity. Signing this petition is a demand for change from the National Transport Authority (TFI) to provide more frequent buses as there is a very clear demand for hourly bus services. I am sure if you ask any bus driver on this route they will be very familiar with this problem, but unfortunately it is not in their control to change this. It is up to the National Transport Authority to acknowledge this problem and resolve it with an increased servicing of this area. TFI are unlikely to attend to this issue without political power behind us as individuals, but collective action and a push from local Councillor Joe Byrne, Galway South-East TD's Ciarán Cannon, Séan Canney and Anne Rabbitte could be all we need for this change to happen. If you have been affected by the poor servicing, we understand your frustration! Please consider signing this petition, which will be presented to the relevant TDs and our local Councillor as well as TFI. Please also consider sharing this petition as I'm sure you know someone who has also experienced this. Thank you, Aoibhín and Síofra
    1,134 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Aoibhin Twomey
  • Construct a Footpath to our School
    As a parent and concerned resident of Youghal, I'm fearful for the safety of our children going to school daily with the lack of a footpath leading to the school from the bottom of the Newline to Pobail Scoil Na Trionoide. There are over 1,500 people attending the school daily including Children and staff. This makes for an extremely busy place. The right for our children to walk to school safely is not just about convenience, it's about their fundamental right as citizen. According to UNICEF's convention on the rights of the child (article19) governments must do all the can to protect our children from harm. I believe that this includes providing them with a safe route to and from school. Our school is growing annually, thus creating a greater risk of an accident. There is so much happening on Cork Hill. The largest portion of the town is living up there. Also very close to the school there are factories, industrial units, Hospital, Ambulance base, Petrol station, Athletic club, Rugby club, water tower several farms, planning for a health centre the list goes on. If this footpath was built it would take some pressure off Cork Hill and make the strand area more accessible to our children & all residents of our town. I understand that infrastructure projects like this require funding and planning, but I believe our children's safety should be prioritised. The project would benefit our community now and for future generations. I urge Cork County Council and our government to act now. CONSTRUCT A FOOTPATH TO OUR SCHOOL. By signing this petition you are standing up for the safety of Children and showing your support for making their journey safer every day........
    323 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Eimear Coffey