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To: We call for the Irish Government, Public Representatives, Policymakers and Regulators to take action

Protect East Galway: Oppose the Gas-Fired Power Plant

We created this petition to express our deep concern about plans to develop a gas-fired power generator and a battery energy storage facility in the Portumna/Killimor area of East Galway.

There has been no engagement or consultation with the local community in relation to this development.

We are seriously concerned about the impact of such an enormous facility on property, tourism, agriculture and local business in East Galway. 

The potential health impacts cannot be overlooked.

We believe this will have a grave impact on the biodiveristy of the local area. 

The tourism industry and local businesses, which so heavily rely on the preservation and promotion of the unique environment of East Galway, could face significant negative impacts. 

We must ask - why is there a need for more power plants in this region?

We will need expert help in our fight against this development. Our official fundraising page is:

Why is this important?

We urge decision-makers to reconsider this project and look for sustainable alternatives to meet energy needs while protecting the livelihoods, health, and wellbeing of people in East Galway. 

Please sign this petition and support our urgent cause.

How it will be delivered

We will bring this petition to decision-makers, once we reach our target number of signatures.

Galway, Ireland

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2024-07-23 15:25:10 +0100

100 signatures reached

2024-07-23 10:47:23 +0100

50 signatures reached

2024-07-23 10:02:47 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-07-19 12:19:43 +0100

10 signatures reached