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To: Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan, Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly

Amend Road Traffic Legislation to Support Emergency First Responders

I am writing to express my strong support for the inclusion of Community First Responders (CFRs) and other emergency volunteers in the national Road Traffic Legislation, granting them the same parking and operational exemptions that are currently afforded to official emergency services.

Community First Responders are often the first individuals on the scene in emergency situations, providing critical care before the arrival of official emergency services such as ambulances or fire brigades. However, under the current legislation, CFRs and other volunteers are not provided the same legal protections, particularly when it comes to parking in designated areas during emergency response. This creates unnecessary barriers and delays for these vital volunteers, who frequently operate under time-sensitive conditions.

Recently, Kildare County Council considered a proposal by Social Democrats Cllrs Pat Balfe and Chris Pender to implement a local parking pass scheme for CFRs and other volunteers in the Newbridge Kildare Municipal District. The council highlighted that there is no national legislative provision allowing CFRs to be exempt from parking penalties, as is the case with official emergency vehicles. The council’s response underscores the urgent need for a legislative change at the national level to ensure that CFRs and emergency volunteers are able to perform their life-saving duties without hindrance.

Therefore, I urge the Government to act swiftly to amend the Road Traffic Legislation to include CFRs and other emergency volunteers in the same category as official emergency services. This legislative amendment would:

  1. Provide CFRs and other emergency volunteers with the same parking exemptions as ambulances and fire brigades when responding to emergencies.
  2. Remove the need for temporary parking passes or cumbersome appeal processes, ensuring consistent and fair treatment for all emergency responders.
  3. Empower local authorities to easily accommodate these changes, supporting swift and unhindered emergency response at a local level.

Community First Responders and volunteers are an essential part of our national emergency response system, and they deserve to be recognised and supported by the law. By making this amendment, the Government would ensure that these responders can carry out their duties without fear of penalties or delays, ultimately helping to save lives and protect communities.

I kindly ask that you consider this request and take the necessary steps to amend the legislation as a matter of priority. Thank you for your attention to this crucial issue.

Yours sincerely,

Why is this important?

Community First Responders (CFRs) and other emergency volunteers are vital components of our emergency response system. These are trained volunteers who often arrive on the scene before ambulances or other official emergency services, providing life-saving interventions in critical situations. However, the current road traffic legislation does not grant them the same exemptions that official emergency vehicles enjoy, such as being able to park without fear of penalties during emergencies.

Time is of the essence in emergency situations—delays caused by parking restrictions or concerns about fines can have life-threatening consequences. Without proper legislative support, CFRs are forced to navigate unnecessary obstacles that can prevent them from saving lives. It’s crucial that they have the same protections and privileges as other emergency services to ensure they can perform their duties quickly and efficiently.

Why Should Other People Join This Campaign?

This campaign is about more than just parking passes—it’s about supporting the people who are there for us when we need them the most. CFRs are volunteers who give their time and skills to save lives in our communities. Ensuring they have the legal support they need means that when the worst happens, help can arrive without delay.

By joining this campaign, you are standing up for:

  1. Safer Communities – By removing barriers that prevent quick emergency response, we increase the chances of saving lives.

  2. Supporting Volunteers – CFRs and other emergency volunteers give their time selflessly. It’s only fair that we give them the legal protections they need to perform their roles effectively.

  3. A Stronger Emergency Response System – Including CFRs in national legislation alongside official emergency services creates a more robust, reliable response to emergencies in every community.

This issue affects everyone because emergencies can happen to any of us, at any time. By joining this campaign, we can push for a simple, yet powerful change that ensures CFRs and emergency volunteers are recognised and supported by the law. This is a step toward building safer and more responsive communities across Ireland.


2024-09-24 14:04:56 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-09-23 22:11:52 +0100

10 signatures reached