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Public transport subscriptions for rural townsAs cars become more and more expensive and almost unattainable for most people going forward. We need to invest in local public transport to make it more reliable and convenient for everyone who use it.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Oisin O'Dwyer
Get Bins for Clerihan Village!There has been no bins in Clerihan Village for a long time now. The community have organised many clean-ups, but they will never be as effective as bins. Without bins the children, adults, elderly and biodiversity of Clerihan are suffering. The village has become disgusting due to the lack of proper disposal areas. WE NEED BINS!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Heather Doyle
Stop the Closure of the Aughagad Link RoadThis road provides a safer turning point for all residents turning onto the N15 going to Grange and to Sligo Town. The council gave very little notice of the road closure to those of us living in the area. They have made claims of increasing safety by implementing a right hand turning lane but this has not yet been done. How can they make this claim and close a road prior to their so-called better safety measures being implemented. Please sign this petition!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fiona Hargadon
Equal rights, proper pay and national job discription for Health Care Assistants and carersAs I am both a health care assistant and help my partner with her parents who need full time care, she only gets €109 a week which is shambolic for all she does and saves the country like all other carers who look after their children, parents, and young adults with disabilities, they need more support as medication, treatment and other outgoings are very expensive and it is unrealistic to expect these people to live on such a small allowance.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brendan Gallagher
General election needed for 2021We the Irish people who pay the salaries of the give every have the right to decide who governs our nation. We are now faced with a government who have shown lack of compassion and care towards the Irish people as a whole. They have proved they are not trustworthy or capable of governing this country. We the Irish people voted for change in February 2020 and this has been denied by the current cabinet. We deserve the change that was voted for. Our health system is at its knees, our housing is in a state of emergency and in need of a sensible but compassionate approach. Our elderly are being robbed of what they worked all their lives to earn, those who refuse to work are being rewarded heavily through social welfare. A reform of the entire system is needed. Our rural communities are at their knees, almost at the point of extinction. Crime is at an all time high in this country and the Garda are without the powers to enforce the rule of law.58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Smith
CALLING ON THE IRISH GOVERNMENT TO INVEST MORE IN SCIENCE!!According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1 billion cases and millions of deaths each year can be traced back to diseases originating from animal populations. In the past three decades, researchers have found more than 30 bacteria or viruses that are capable of infecting humans. Over three quarters of those are believed to have come from animal populations. And while the current pandemic may feel like a very rare happening, scientists say the pace of these pandemics is accelerating dramatically thanks to humans' ever-encroaching proximity to wildlife. "The time between these outbreaks is getting shorter and shorter," said Dr. Tracey McNamara, a professor of pathology at Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine. And it's becoming increasingly clear that these viruses aren't just a threat to our health -- they're also a threat to the global economy. "We are only able to sustain an outbreak maybe once every decade," said Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance. "The rate we are going is not sustainable." As our population continues to expand, the interactions between humans and wildlife grow closer and closer. Cutting down forests and altering habitats push animals out of their own homes and deeper into human communities. Poorly developed hygiene and sanitation systems can make it more likely for germs to build up. With humans and animals living in such close proximity, bacteria and viruses can easily jump from one species to another. Once people become infected, the increasing interconnectedness of our world makes the spread of the disease easier. People and domestic animals are able to traverse the globe in a matter of hours. Illegal trade of exotic animals can move across borders undetected, carrying with them deadly bacteria and viruses.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sinead Jackson
Brown Bin Collection in NewtowncashelCurrently I put all food waste in my black bin which costs me a lot of money but this cost would greatly decrease if a brown bin was available in our area as it only costs €2 per collection for a food waste caddy bin. It would also benefit our environment if our food waste was being disposed of correctly.72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Síle Mulvihill
Save Citizen Information services in Killaloe BallinaIt’s with alarming concert that we the community of killaloe & Ballina hear that the local weekly citizens advice service had been suspended due to unforeseen circumstances. The community of killaloe & Ballina have a population of over 4,500 residents and the service had been in situ for well over 10 years providing free information advice support and Advocacy. We the community of Killaloe & Ballina value that weekly citizens information (CIC) service and wish to emphasise the importance of it, in supporting and addressing our complex queries. We have sign this petition to highlight the importance of keeping this service open in Killaloe to meet the needs of our community and to especially provide a face to face service to those that are marginalised and unable to get to Limerick or Nenagh Citizens information centers offices.100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Orla Foley
School Bus for AdamstownIt is imperative to have a second school bus running for rural sustainability and the educational welfare of students.429 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Cait Bradley
New Secondary School in Riverchapel Gorey for Riverchapel and surrounding areasEducation is a constitutional right of every child and currently the existing schools in Gorey will not have capacity to accept every child in the Gorey area from 2021.691 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Elaine O'Malley Clarke
stop the killing of pike in the western fisheries regionnot only is this going to lead to an unprecedented slaughter of one of our natural predatory fish species ,it will also lead to an environmental imbalance in the waters eco systems - pike feed mainly on sick ,dying and distressed fish - this helps keep the waters delicate ecosystem in check - in short it is natures way of balancing the books ,the unnecessary and indiscriminate killing of pike without restriction to any size ,weight or number will lead to an imbalance . pike are not only predatory fish but also cannibalistic in as such as they will feed on their own species -- this helps keep down the number of smaller 'jack ' pike in any water - killing and removing larger pike will lead to an explosion af smaller jack pike , these smaller jack's can only eat fish that are again smaller than themselves - so will feed on younger fish and fry of other species - leading to a reduction in the numbers of those species - jack pike are far more likely to devour more 'prey' in one day than a larger -older pike would -so the more jacks a water holds -the more small fish and fry that get eaten , conservation wise the decision to allow the unlimited killing of pike across the western fisheries region is akin to shooting ones self in the foot - a pointless and painful exercise . in addition to the environmental aspect of this 'cull ' there are also other aspects that must be considered - ireland rely's on the tourist industry , a large part of ireland's tourism is t in the angling and sport fishing sector - over 1 million anglers per year come to fish irish water - that number of anglers bring many benefits - businesses such as tackle and bait suppliers , b&b's ,guest houses , holiday homes ,hotels ,bars ,pubs, cafe's restaurants, boat hire companies ,petrol stations ,camping sites all gain from anglers visiting these shores - in the to late 1980s ireland attracted almost as many anglers as there were residents -some 3 million per year - those numbers have declined because of issues with water quality ,access to rivers ,lakes and fisheries , poor water management and maintenance - but over the last 5-6 years tourist numbers have been on an upward trend and are now back over the 1 million mark for the first time in a decade . many of those anglers come here because of the excellent pike fishing - especially the uk, french ,german and dutch anglers - a great many of those anglers are so disgusted by this backwards step to allow the unregulated slaughter of predatory species especially pike that they are considering removing ireland from the list of countries to visit - the knock on effect to the tourism industry and other small local businesses would be devastating to say the least - imagine losing at least 1 quarter of your prospective business !! therefore im asking people -not just anglers but also those interested in the conservation and natural resources of this country to sign this petition and try to get this disgraceful decision reversed . thank you11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eric Davies
Connemara stone wallsConnemara stone walls are a distinct landmark of the west of Ireland that were put up during famine times by the local farming landlords as a way of clearing the land for the growing of crops to feed the population when it was badly needed they are a reminder of the past and now a landmark and to our heritage.They should be protected in the fullest way possible and made a protected area of importance to Ireland and its way of life9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Micheal Morgan