• Stop Unfair Car Insurance Premiums
    Car Insurance has increased again and is really affecting vulnerable people esp older people barely surviving on their pension. Older people, especially in rural areas, depend on their cars to get to the shops, to Mass and to the Post Office. Now older people are being forced off the road by unaffordable premiums. This further isolates a people who are already isolated by lack of rural transport and the depopulation of rural areas. Car insurance hikes also affects students who need car transport to get to college. Workers on low incomes can't afford to get to work. Anyone living in rural Ireland needs a car to get to schools, shops etc. My car insurance has been increased from 450 Euro in 2015 to 731 Euro in 2016. This is an increase of 281 Euro - 3 weeks pension. I have no claims and no penalty points to warrant this increase. This is beyond my reach and many older people I have spoken to are in the same position. There is a place called 'STOP' and this is it.
    10,228 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Lily O'Donoghue
  • Make Cavan A TTIP Free Zone
    Our local businesses, environment and democracy are under threat from a trade deal currently being negotiated between the EU Commission and the USA. The deal is called TTIP and could outlaw local authorities’ support of local businesses, allow multinational corporations to sue us if councils deny fracking permits and open up services like water, health and education to privatisation. What’s up for grabs are the rules and regulations that force corporations to abide by standards that protect our health, our rights, our jobs, services and the environment. These regulations for example stop corporations releasing chemicals and products into the market before they are proven to be safe. They also make sure workers get their rights and that local communities are protected from environmental disasters. But if TTIP goes ahead corporations will get to have a say on policies that govern our daily lives - before we or even politicians get to see them. And if they don’t like the rules they will be able to sue governments when they make changes or bring in new policies that could potentially affect their profits. Right now in Canada a fracking company Lone Pine Resources Inc., is suing the government for its decision to not allow fracking in Quebec. They are able to do this because of an ISDS clause in another trade deal. In Egypt the government was sued by water company Veolia for attempting to bring in a minimum wage. Germany is being sued by Swedish energy company Vatenfall for €4.7 billion because of Germany's decision to phase out nuclear power. TTIP also removes barriers to US companies who want to sell their products in Europe. Right now the sale of US beef in Europe is very limited. Hormone injected beef is banned outright. Hundreds of councils across Europe have already said they don’t want TTIP. Because of people power politicians are waking up to the threat TTIP poses and to the fact that people aren’t going to stand aside and let our democracy and rights be sold off.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noreen Porter
  • Make Monaghan a TTIP Free Zone
    Our local businesses, environment and democracy are under threat from a trade deal currently being negotiated between the EU Commission and the USA. The deal is called TTIP and could outlaw local authorities’ support of local businesses, allow multinational corporations to sue us if councils deny fracking permits and open up services like water, health and education to privatisation. What’s up for grabs are the rules and regulations that force corporations to abide by standards that protect our health, our rights, our jobs, services and the environment. These regulations for example stop corporations releasing chemicals and products into the market before they are proven to be safe. They also make sure workers get their rights and that local communities are protected from environmental disasters. But if TTIP goes ahead corporations will get to have a say on policies that govern our daily lives - before we or even politicians get to see them. And if they don’t like the rules they will be able to sue governments when they make changes or bring in new policies that could potentially affect their profits. Right now in Canada a fracking company Lone Pine Resources Inc., is suing the government for its decision to not allow fracking in Quebec. They are able to do this because of an ISDS clause in another trade deal. In Egypt the government was sued by water company Veolia for attempting to bring in a minimum wage. Germany is being sued by Swedish energy company Vatenfall for €4.7 billion because of Germany's decision to phase out nuclear power. TTIP also removes barriers to US companies who want to sell their products in Europe. Right now the sale of US beef in Europe is very limited. Hormone injected beef is banned outright. Hundreds of councils across Europe have already said they don’t want TTIP. Because of people power politicians are waking up to the threat TTIP poses and to the fact that people aren’t going to stand aside and let our democracy and rights be sold off.
    243 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Emily Duffy Picture
  • Aire Sinsear don Gaeltacht sa Rialtas!
    Is é an Gaeilge ár teanga náisiúnta, agus le Aire sinsear Gaeltachta, is féidir leis an Stát an Stráitéas 20 Bliain don teanga a neartú. Ba chóir go mbeadh gach Roinn den Rialtás áiseanna as Gaeilge a chur ar fáil, agus le béim níos fearr ón córas polaitiúil, beadh seans níos fearr do athbheocháin na teanga.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Culloty
  • Introduce a Living Wage for All Workers
    Making sure that all workers are paid at least the living wage of €11.45 per hour will create a better standard of living for all people. It will reduce poverty, boost local economies and ensure an inclusive society for all people. For more info on fair working conditions, visit: http://www.ictu.ie/charter/
    2,242 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Dave Curran
  • Create a Citizens' Convention for a Post-Carbon Ireland
    Since pre-industrial times, our world has warmed by a global average of almost 1 degree celsius, due primarily to greenhouse gas pollution from human activities. This has already triggered serious planetary-scale climate disruption, and is having devastating humanitarian impacts on vulnerable communities in diverse geographical regions. But we are not powerless. We can still act: both to limit the speed and ultimate severity of global climate impacts, and to brace our own society for the potentially drastic shocks ahead due to the climate disruptions we have already initiated. This will require urgent and radical societal transformation. That can only happen with the willing engagement and support of the people. We need a genuine, sustained process that allows every single citizen and community in Ireland to fully consider the range and nature of the changes we face, and to advance policies and actions that are commensurate with them. Only in this way can we hope to create the unity and solidarity that is essential to create a strong, resilent, and genuinely sustainable society. We need a Citizens' Convention for a Post-Carbon Ireland.
    1,110 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Barry McMullin
  • New Garda recruits for Roscommon/Galway
    There has been a rise in burglaries in the last year. Burglaries have been more or less consistently happening since last November. Communities are afraid and this should not be the case for people in 2024. We need and deserve proper rural policing.  
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Claire Kerrane Picture
  • Keep AIB cash banks in Waterford
    Ireland has an Ageing population. There must be continued provision and resourcing of off-line alternatives to digital access to ensure equal access for those who are not using the Internet. (Digital Inclusion and an Ageing Population - published October 2021).
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marion O'Mara
  • Keep Cash Services in AIB Raheen
    AIB is moving 70 of their branches to cashless banking. [1] Not only will going cashless mean no notes, coins, cheques, foreign exchange, bank drafts - it will remove any drop safes, night safes and ATMs outside. This is going to cause huge hardship for many people - especially older and vulnerable people, disabled people, immigrant workers, low income families, local businesses, and people who don’t have access to the internet. The greed and recklessness of banks, including AIB bosses, played a crucial role in bringing about the financial crash. [2] Homes were repossessed by banks, families lost their incomes, young and not-so-young people were forced to emigrate, businesses had to close. We cannot stand by while our majority state-owned bank hurts our communities again. Whether large corporations (such as AIB) want to admit it or not, physical cash flow is crucial to the success and stability of our communities. We cannot sit by and allow a bunch of people in offices make decisions about what our future will look like. [1] https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2022/0719/1311026-aib-to-turn-70-branches-cashless-expand-an-post-deal/ [2] https://pai.ie/bank-bailout-costs-state-nearly-e42-billion/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-32516942
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ezra LePoidevin
  • Community resources for North Kildare
    Evidence has shown that North Kildare is not getting its share of community resources. No swimming pool, no waste facilities, the Wonderful Barn not invested in, decrepit playgrounds, not enough youth facilities beyond sports. We need community investment along with new housing.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Neville
    The Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael and Green government have missed their own deadline on the publication of a second report that was expected to outline the targets for the nationwide delivery of services. We are calling on people to contact their local government TDs and Minister Helen McEntee to urge the release of this report and provide actionable timelines for the delivery of a refuge that can provide wraparound services, in Carlow and the 8 other counties without one. Now that the issue has fallen out of public focus the government has dropped the ball, but we won’t stand for it. The Government has failed us for too long on domestic violence, we need to hold them to account on their deadlines. Ireland is currently providing less than 30% of the places recommended under the Istanbul Convention. The Government must increase the number of refuge places needs to be increased by at least 350. There are 9 counties with no refuge in Ireland. Campaigners in Carlow have been calling since 2017 and have been consistently stonewalled by the Government. Tusla has still not made any contact with Carlow Council on the provision of a refuge despite a statement from Government in February saying this would happen. Everyday, women and children are being turned away and forced to choose between homelessness and returning to their abuser and staying in abusive relationships for fear of homelessness. We cannot wait, demand action now!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by 9 Counties No Refuge Campaign
  • Traffic lights at ballyragget NS
    Its a dangerous road, kids have to cross to get to the school with trucks and cars speeding by.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Malone