• Rural Ireland needs Broadband but not at any cost
    Every home and business in Ireland needs access to quality broadband. It is as important as electricity and water. But the roll out of Broadband has gone from 500 million euros to 3 billion euros. The whole process has been marred by controversy and lack of transparency. We need to learn the lessons from the National Children's Hospital. Public money is our money and needs to be spend correctly, transparency and with proper governance.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Reid
  • Boycott 'Battery Cage Living' for our young professionals
    Everyone and every young professional should be able to afford a roof over their head, a house or apartment, not a shoebox room and communal dining and washing facilities. They now want to cage us as they milk us.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Bazigou
  • Save Our Square! Stop The Move!
    The post office is at the heart of our town and is part of the social and commercial fabric of Liberty Square. it is easily accessible for people of all ages but particularly for those with mobility issues. It is also extremely convenient for people using public transport. The proposed re-location to a vulture fund owned shopping centre is completely contrary to Government policy to protect town centres and will decimate Liberty Square.
    348 of 400 Signatures
    Created by John Butler
  • Boycott Airbnb for listing illegal Israeli settlements!
    For two years, Human Rights Watch has spoken with Airbnb about their brokering of rentals in West Bank settlements that are illegal under international humanitarian law and for which Palestinian ID holders are effectively barred from entering. The settlement movement has sought to encourage tourism in occupied land, with the help of the Israeli government, which established national parks there. A leaked European Union report said some projects were being used “as a political tool to … support, legitimise and expand settlements”. Irish people know only too well the negative consequences of imperialist racist occupation. [1] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/nov/19/airbnb-removes-rentals-in-israeli-west-bank-settlements
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Og Meehan
  • Reverse Decision to Replace St Joseph's Hospital Beds (Long Stay-Dementia-Med Asses) made Jan 2016
    This is because the Finn Valley has a growing elderly population and a reducing number of potential family carers. Also parts of the area have little access to public transport and are quite isolated i.e the border and gaeltacht areas. For over three years the People of the Finn Valley and wider Donegal area have been asking the question about what is the future of St Josephs Community Hospital in Stranorlar, Co. Donegal. The government and HSE representatives have never given a clear answer on the future of the Hospital and have even provided conflicting information. The people of the area have twice held well attended public demonstraions where they marched from the Hospital in Stranorlar to Jacksons Hotel in Ballybofey a distance of 2.6km. Many who marched were over 60 and feel abandoned by the way they are being treated. We wish to know the answer of how many and what types of beds that are planned to be serviced at the hospital. What staffing levels will be retained in future at St Josephs in terms of Doctors, Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Administration and Ancillary staff. We want to know now what Capital Budget and other Budgets will be allocated and the plans that will be transformed into buildings i.e. refurbushements, extensions etc so as to meet HIQA standards.
    239 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Paul Anderson Picture
  • Traffic problems in Foxford County Mayo
    It is important because I feel the cost and construction of the crossings could have and should have been put to better use. I feel that a one-way system around secondary school would have solved the problem and would have cost less, it is also important because it puts the safety of drivers and school children on the line and since they have been constructed one fatal accident has occurred at the location. Finally, it is important for those with authority to focus on smaller projects which would benefit communities more instead of larger un-necessary projects which cost more money.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oisin Terzioglu
  • Keep Clare Bus in Clare!
    Clare-TCU is the office where local dispatchers take calls for bookings, who know where all our regular passengers are based. We have 16 years’ experience of delivering a flexible and fully accessible bus service to the people of Clare and South Galway. Dispatchers work closely with drivers to make sure the bus diverts to where the people are, facilitating bookings up to an hour before departure. The dispatchers are the life force, that direct the bus service, look after drivers and, above all, look after the passengers. They are part of your community. The TCU is the driving force behind Clare Bus, taken away from our community the service will be a shadow of its former self. Impact on passengers: loss of the highly responsive service that has become a life line to many people. Impact on Clare Bus: loss of dispatchers, taking out local control of service provision and development threatens the viability of the whole service and potentially puts 25 Clare jobs at risk.
    11,067 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Clare Bus Feakle
  • BMX bike track for Kildare Town
    Kildare needs more facilities for children and adults to engage in sports to promote a healthier lifestyle benefiting physical and mental health. With BMX all Ages and Abilities are Welcome: BMX isn’t just for children, Parents and children can ride bikes together, there aren’t many sports out there that parents and children can participate in together. It’s a great way for families to bond over a common interest helping to combat the raising obesity rate and reducing screen time and promoting general well being. Kildare town is constantly growing with more new housing developments but no new projects promoting sports activity have been completed, with the communities help we can change this! With the provision of a BMX bike track being built Kildare could envision provincial and national champions coming from the BMX club that would be based there. Kildare has already produced Provincial and National champions with no local facilities! Because of the involvement of adults mentoring and coaching the younger riders there is never any prospect of antisocial behavior. Building a BMX bike track will reduce any antisocial tendencies drawing the interests of the youth to ride their bikes in a safe fun place, and help role model BMX bike riding by discouraging the use of scramblers on the Curragh plains. The BMX bike track would become a bike tourism attraction drawing families to try the sport, raising revenue for the town from extra foot fall to local businesses. For more information of what is a BMX bike track click the links below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfA3fBgA10g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXqlMh8U81M
    378 of 400 Signatures
    Created by barry dunne
  • Free Travel for People With Epilepsy in Ireland
    - The costs of public transport poses hardship to many people with epilepsy who are not eligible for Disability Allowance or any other payment which Free Travel is attached to. - The Free Travel Pass would enable people who have been told they cannot drive for a minimum period to stay economically active and compensate them for the added costs of public transport. - This would make a huge difference to supporting people with epilepsy in travelling to work, retaining employment and improving overall quality of life. - Travel concessions for people with epilepsy are available in other countries and there should be similar provisions here. - Successive governments have not delivered on the issue of free travel despite intense lobbying from organisations - we need public support on this issue!
    2,112 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Free Travel for Epilepsy Campaign
  • Monasterevin Garda Station
    In recent years our town and its surrounding areas have expanded greatly due to increased housing development, while this is welcomed we also need a significant update of Garda presence. This is something that we as a community feel should be built on alongside our development and instead it has gone the opposite direction. we hope that with this petition, we can increase the presence of Garda in our area and reduce the anti-social behaviour. We also would like to see our station be opened more often for tasks such as forms being completed etc.
    301 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Ryan
  • Get Galway moving in 2020
    Imagine if Ireland was able to implement a single policy that could reduce traffic, combat climate change, let people take up jobs they couldn’t before, make life in rural Ireland easier and reduce the cost of living all at once. And it only took a year or two to get it up and running. It may sound too good to be true but free public transport could do all this and we want to pilot it in Galway during 2020. Dear Minister Ross, Minister Bruton, and Minister Donohue, We, the people of Galway, ask you to trial free-fare public transport in Galway during 2020. This a policy that has been piloted across Europe and is working. In Aubagne, a French city of 100,000 people, public transport ridership increased by 142% and car trips decreased by 10% once free public transport was introduced. Overall, there was a reduction in public expenditure per journey of 48% from €3.93 to €2.04. This policy of fare-free public transport could allow the following outcomes across Ireland: * Reduction in traffic and commute time in cities and counties * Reducing our climate emissions and contributing towards our stated ambition to make Ireland a leader in tackling climate change * Increased economic activity and lower social welfare costs through improved social mobility and access to jobs and lower cost housing * Improved rural mobility with better public transport options in rural Ireland * Reduced cost of living through lower fares and giving families the option of giving up second cars With Galway welcoming the world to the European Capital of Culture in 2020, and our well-documented traffic problems, Galway 2020 is the perfect place and time to pilot this policy. We respectfully request that the Department of Transport and Department of Climate Action would immediately begin design and costing a pilot for free-fare public transport in Galway during 2020 and that the Department of Finance would allocate for this pilot in the 2020 Finance Bill or as part of the Climate Action Fund. We would ask that this pilot allows for: * An increase in bus capacity in Galway city and county so that buses are more frequent and reliable * A redesign of the route network including multiple crossings of the bridges and avoiding all bus traffic going through the city centre * The addition of new buses designs with modern interiors (similar to BRT designs like Glider in Belfast) that make the bus experience more pleasant * A proper study of the economic, environmental and social outcomes of the pilot. We are available to meet with you at your earliest convenience to outline our request and work with you to make it happen. Yours sincerely, Galway Free Public Transport Campaign
    496 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Niall Ó Tuathail
  • Save the Manorhamilton Post Office
    Super Valu only has two disabled parking spaces which is completely inadequate for the potential costumer base of the post office which includes the elderly and people on disability allowance. This will put extra pressure on the Super Valu car-park which is already struggling to cater for their own customers parking. The car park is also very badly laid out for pedestrian access and the extra traffic will exacerbate this problem. Main Street in Manorhamilton, where the Post Office is now located, is slowly becoming decimated and this move will be the final nail in the coffin. We thereby plead with you to reconsider this ill-thought out decision and to retain our Post Office where it rightly belongs on our Main Street.
    845 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by t n