• Protect the Limerick Greenway
    The Limerick Greenway, which opened in July and cost €10M euros, is now the most successful greenway in Ireland with over 250K visitors already. The greenway traverses a green plain under Rooskagh Hill. This region has huge potential for tourism and could create a multiple of the estimated 200 jobs created in Mayo on the back of their fabulous greenway. It is similar in size to Limerick and visitor numbers are comparable. A dual carriageway through the plain and the greenway will stunt any further growth in amenities and jobs. We believe Limerick County Council; Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Department of Transport have chosen it not because it is the best route to alleviate traffic congestion in and around Newcastle West but purely because they think that it is achievable in the time frame that they must spend the funds promised and also allows them to circumvent future restrictions from the EU in relation to climate control. We want to raise awareness of this flawed decision and try and reverse it before it is too late. The process to date has evolved side by side with the Covid pandemic and the authorities have been able to move swiftly without entertaining any real democratic questioning. Zoom calls with pre-prepared scripts has been the order of the day. The whole planning, implementation and engagement of this process has been rushed and expedited. Most local politicians appear to be repeating the same mantra as the council and there is a clear democratic deficit here. It is left up to ordinary citizens to voice their concern through the media and other channels such as this petition. https://www.facebook.com/protectlimerickgreenway [email protected]
    444 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Limerick Greenway
  • Reopen YouthReach in Iveragh, Southwest Kerry
    SW Kerry needs more services for young people facing challenges, not less. YouthReach was run successfully for 20 years, so it can be done. As a community we embrace all our young people and wish them the same opportunities as their urban counterparts. Life can be a very bumpy path and if a young person hits a 'life bump' in their teens they deserve all the support a community can give. Access to education is a fundamental human right for everyone. Mainstream schools do not suit everyone, people need a second option.
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Henehan
  • Clean up the Broadmeadow Estuary, Co Dublin - and keep it clean.
    For some years now, Fingal Council has shown very little interest in keeping a clean environment around the Broadmeadow Estuary catchment area. Volunteers in "Swords Pickers" were able to remove truck loads of dumped rubbish from Ward River Valley Park and Broadmeadow Estuary in the first half of 2021 alone. If something is not done to fundamentally correct this, plastic & other waste will continue to travel from the parkland in Swords, through the Estuary and out into the Irish Sea. Development of either the full size all-weather playing pitch and/or the Broadmeadow Greenway in 2021 will obviously add to the problem by multiplying volumes of human traffic.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Drinane
  • Save our Post Office in Kinvara
    Seven months ago, our much loved postmistress, gave notice that she was to retire. An Post responded by putting a poster in the window looking for interested parties to take over the service. They did not advertise this in local or national press. Now, to our dismay, we have been informed that the post office will be closing on the 14th August 2021 . The Post Office service in Kinvara has been a hugely important hub of activity for many years and it continues to be a busy service. Kinvara Post Office is a core enterprise in this rural community and is responsible for the provision of vital financial services to the most vulnerable service users in our area. There is a agreement between An Post and the government that An Post must ensure that people continue to have access to financial services and are not financially excluded. One worrying result of this will be that our most vulnerable; older service users and those with physical or intellectual challenges, will now have to travel to Kilcolgan (8 km) or Gort (14.5 km) to draw their cash payments. There is also a serious lack of public transport in the area and people without cars are at a distinct disadvantage. Kinvara is a growing village and has many small businesses who both directly and indirectly benefit from the presence of our post office and the removal of this vital service will undoubtedly have a detrimental effect on these businesses. We call on An Post and Minister Eamon Ryan to reissue the call for a postmaster in Kinvara and this time advertise it so that relevant interested parties can see it.
    1,568 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Maeve Kelly
  • Upgrade and Invest in the Limerick – Nenagh – Ballybrophy Railway Line
    The Limerick - Nenagh - Ballybrophy Railway is a vital piece of national rail infrastructure but it needs a more holistic approach to investment and upgrading in order to deliver a proper service that will attract passengers. Public transport throughout the Midwest region is not good enough. I would hope people throughout the Midwest and supporters of the rail network throughout Ireland would support our campaign. Our requests are not unreasonable, they are modest practical requests that would massively improve the services available on the line. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
    1,193 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Edward Kelly Picture
  • Government funded 3rd party car insurance
    This is important because it provides 3rd cover for all private roadworthy vehicles, helping those who are financially disadvantaged and young people, to avail of road legal transport. It also ensures that drivers of larger gas guzzler vehicles and those who use our roads most, pay the most. In addition, it removes the ability of insurance companies to charge extortionate prices for young people and levels the playing field for those with older cars, rural dwellers and those who have inadequate access to public transport.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Niall Mac
  • UN General Assembly Resolution on Addressing the Challenges of Persons Living with a Rare Disease
    The 300 million PLWRD around the world and their families face common challenges in all aspects of their daily lives. As a population with increasing vulnerabilities, they are disproportionally affected by stigma, discrimination and social marginalization, within their social environment and in society at large. The paucity of knowledge and expertise on rare diseases and the lack of awareness of the challenges faced by PLWRD mean that they are psychologically, socially, culturally and economically vulnerable. b) There are a number of synergies between the rare disease community’s needs and goals, and those of the UN 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals1 ,
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Doyle
  • Full redress for Mica crumbling homes
    People's homes are crumbling down around them, through no fault of their own. but because they where supplied with mica affected blocks. The suppliers have washed their hands of any responsibility. Many of the homes will have to be completely demolished and rebuilt. The government have set up a 90/10 scheme, but most of the family's cant afford to pay the 10% on top of their mortgages All they want is to be treated equally, as the pyrite scheme was a 100% redress for affected homes.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dermot hegarty
  • Support Pedal pursuits bike hire and west limerick community development
    We need to protect our greenways potential/heritage along with businesses and community development.
    784 of 800 Signatures
    Created by James Barrett
  • Underground the proposed Irish North South Interconnector (NSI) power line.
    Eirgrid, who operate the Irish Electricity Grid, plans to link the electricity grids in the Republic and North of Ireland by a 400kv overhead power line called the North South Interconnector. This plan would involve the erection of 409 steel pylons ranging in height from 26m to 51m through rural Meath Cavan and Monaghan and Tyrone in close proximity to many homes. This proposal has been rejected vehemently by the residents of these counties on the basis of (a) Health risks associated with living in close proximity to power lines, in particular an association with childhood leukemia, (b) Impact on Heritage, Community life, farming and wildlife (c) Visual impact (d) Noise (e) Impact on property values. From the outset the affected communities, through their representative group NEPP (North East Pylon Pressure) have advocated for the project to proceed using underground cabling to connect the power grids. Eirgrid rejected this proposal stating initially that it wasn't feasible and would cost from 10 to 25 times the overhead option. Eirgrid have since had to concede that undergrounding is indeed feasible and that their costings were grossly wide of the mark. Undergrounding is not in fact more expensive when all costs are taken into account. Indeed Eirgrid have recently selected UNDERGROUND CABLING as the best option for the Kildare-Meath Grid link upgrade. Eirgrid state ..."during the consultation period, new information was received in the form of advice from the Asset Owner cable specialists suggesting that UGC can be constructed in a more efficient manner than was previously assumed.." It can be laid along the road side in a trench 2m by 2m. Had Eirgrid used the same criteria in the Public Consultation process for NSI there is no doubt the NSI would be undergrounded. It is worth noting that Eirgrid are planning to underground the Celtic Interconnector and have dropped plans for the Grid west Overhead line. Why scar the landscape and negatively impact our rural communities for generations to come when there is a viable alternative. Help us to preserve the beauty of our landscape and protect the Health and well-being of our communities. Undergrounding this project is feasible and affordable. We call on Govt to direct Eirgrid accordingly.
    730 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Philip Ward
  • Let People Do Their Driver Theory Test Online
    Due to COVID-19 the backlog of people waiting for a driver theory test is extortionate. This is impacting people trying to find work and many of these are young people, who are already suffering from isolation in a pandemic now to be told they may have to wait longer to start out in the work-force. We already know there was an online pilot for truck and bus licenses and the RSA committed to making this service available for all theory test customers, but we are still waiting for the launch. Once this is launched the backlog will go down and will lower the unemployment in Ireland. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/munster/arid-40218968.html
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meghan Roe
  • Save Church View Market Tramore
    This is a growing Community Market which offers so much more than locally made goods and produce, it offers a meeting place for people in a safe outdoor setting. It is a great addition to the town of Tramore and is well supported by residents. The Council need to be realistic in the number of stalls needed here AND listen to the voices of the community,both market stall owners and those in the town who support the market.
    1,133 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Blackvelvet