500 signatures reached
To: Board of Education, Diocese of Limerick, Board of Management
Keep Scoil Naomh Padraig for our Rural Community

Scoil Naomh Padraig has served the local community for generations and has recently, without broad consultation with the local community, reduced its catchment area significantly excluding town lands such as Knockbrack, Cratloe, Park, Port and Kingsland. This means that the children of families who, when times were hard for the school dug deep and gave what they had to keep the school open and operating for all, are no longer admitted.
Efforts to engage with the Board of Management have been unsuccessful and now it is time for the local community to demonstrate how important this school is.
Efforts to engage with the Board of Management have been unsuccessful and now it is time for the local community to demonstrate how important this school is.
Why is this important?
1. Reducing the catchment area of the school makes it very unlikely that it will ever be increased again.
2. The school is a crucial part of local community life.
3. This school has served these local townlands for generations and in the hardest times, people worked hard to keep it open for all.
4. This change has a detrimental impact to the local community. No consideration has been given to this fact - no consultation or engagement with the broader community...the same community who fought to keep the school open when it was on the brink of closure throughout the years.
5. Parents no longer have a realistic option for co-ed schooling for their children once the townlands in which they live have been excluded from the admissions policy of Knocknasna NS.
You should sign this petition if:
- You are a parent of a child from any of the excluded town lands.
- You are a parent of a child from Knocknasna. The school has always been central to the wider community and it is in all our interests to maintain that community spirit.
- You are a past pupil and you want to protect the school for those coming after you.
- You care about rural community and you want to prevent the erosion of rural life.
2. The school is a crucial part of local community life.
3. This school has served these local townlands for generations and in the hardest times, people worked hard to keep it open for all.
4. This change has a detrimental impact to the local community. No consideration has been given to this fact - no consultation or engagement with the broader community...the same community who fought to keep the school open when it was on the brink of closure throughout the years.
5. Parents no longer have a realistic option for co-ed schooling for their children once the townlands in which they live have been excluded from the admissions policy of Knocknasna NS.
You should sign this petition if:
- You are a parent of a child from any of the excluded town lands.
- You are a parent of a child from Knocknasna. The school has always been central to the wider community and it is in all our interests to maintain that community spirit.
- You are a past pupil and you want to protect the school for those coming after you.
- You care about rural community and you want to prevent the erosion of rural life.
How it will be delivered
We continue to engage with the Board of Management, with the Diocesan Office and the Board of Education. The purpose of this petition is to demonstrate support from the broader community and to show that this decision does not just impact parents of current school children but future parents in these areas and those who feel a sense of responsibility to protect the fabric of our local rural community.