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To: Greenway Users, TD's, County Council, TII

Protect the Limerick Greenway

Don't destroy the magical Limerick Greenway through building two underpasses on it and building a 7 kilometer dual carriageway through the environment that it sits.

Why is this important?

The Limerick Greenway, which opened in July and cost €10M euros, is now the most successful greenway in Ireland with over 250K visitors already. The greenway traverses a green plain under Rooskagh Hill. This region has huge potential for tourism and could create a multiple of the estimated 200 jobs created in Mayo on the back of their fabulous greenway. It is similar in size to Limerick and visitor numbers are comparable. A dual carriageway through the plain and the greenway will stunt any further growth in amenities and jobs. We believe Limerick County Council; Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Department of Transport have chosen it not because it is the best route to alleviate traffic congestion in and around Newcastle West but purely because they think that it is achievable in the time frame that they must spend the funds promised and also allows them to circumvent future restrictions from the EU in relation to climate control.

We want to raise awareness of this flawed decision and try and reverse it before it is too late.

The process to date has evolved side by side with the Covid pandemic and the authorities have been able to move swiftly without entertaining any real democratic questioning. Zoom calls with pre-prepared scripts has been the order of the day. The whole planning, implementation and engagement of this process has been rushed and expedited. Most local politicians appear to be repeating the same mantra as the council and there is a clear democratic deficit here. It is left up to ordinary citizens to voice their concern through the media and other channels such as this petition.
[email protected]
Rathkeale, Co. Limerick, Ireland

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2021-12-17 09:47:13 +0000

Latest article published by the Limerick Leader this morning regarding the proposed route of the bypass...

2021-12-06 19:41:50 +0000

The final date for submission's or observations in relation to the proposed Newcastle West bypass is tomorrow Tuesday 7th December.....

We really need as many people as possible who support this petition and protecting the greenway to e-mail or post a submission before this coming Tuesday. Even if it the submission is only 2 lines long it is all a huge help as it tells the people who make the decisions that people are not happy with this flawed decision.

Submissions may be made to:

[email protected]

N21 Newcastle West Road Scheme
Mid West National Road Design Office
Lissanalta House
V94 H5RR

2021-12-04 19:39:03 +0000

The final date for submission's or observations in relation to the proposed Newcastle West bypass is Tuesday 7th December.

We really need as many people as possible who support this petition and protecting the greenway to e-mail or post a submission before this coming Tuesday. Even if it the submission is only 2 lines long it is all a huge help as it tells the people who make the decisions that people are not happy with this flawed decision.

Submissions may be made to:

[email protected]

N21 Newcastle West Road Scheme
Mid West National Road Design Office
Lissanalta House
V94 H5RR

2021-11-22 19:44:03 +0000

Well Done Everyone, nearly at 300 Signatures and we made the National News, Please continue to share and like

2021-11-16 22:14:50 +0000

100 signatures reached

2021-11-16 17:14:25 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-11-16 14:36:26 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-11-16 11:13:18 +0000

10 signatures reached

2021-11-16 10:40:29 +0000

Open Public Meeting to be held in the Longcourt House Hotel tonight (16th November) at 7PM relating to this and other issues with the responsible and sustainable planning of the bypass.