• Turn Empty Homes into Public Homes: Carlow County Council
    Thousands of people are being forced into factory-like accomodation with camp beds in halls, insecure hostels and cramped institutions, while some are even pitching tents or sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile thousands of homes lie empty across the Island - some have been built by toxic vulture funds and are owned by banks and businesses waiting on the prices to rise to turn a quick buck. Others are lying in disrepair with little intention to be used again. Many Airbnb’s and tourist lets are used only for a few weeks of the year.
    20 of 100 Signatures
  • Turn Empty Homes into Public Homes: Offaly County Council
    Thousands of people are being forced into factory-like accomodation with camp beds in halls, insecure hostels and cramped institutions, while some are even pitching tents or sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile thousands of homes lie empty across the Island - some have been built by toxic vulture funds and are owned by banks and businesses waiting on the prices to rise to turn a quick buck. Others are lying in disrepair with little intention to be used again. Many Airbnb’s and tourist lets are used only for a few weeks of the year.
    18 of 100 Signatures
  • Turn Vacant Properties into Homes: Cork County Council
    Thousands of people are being forced into factory-like accomodation with camp beds in halls, insecure hostels and cramped institutions, while some are even pitching tents or sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile thousands of homes lie empty across the Island - some have been built by toxic vulture funds and are owned by banks and businesses waiting on the prices to rise to turn a quick buck. Others are lying in disrepair with little intention to be used again. Many Airbnb’s and tourist lets are used only for a few weeks of the year.
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Turn Vacant Properties into Homes: Dublin City Council
    Thousands of people are being forced into factory-like accomodation with camp beds in halls, insecure hostels and cramped institutions, while some are even pitching tents or sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile thousands of homes lie empty across the Island - some have been built by toxic vulture funds and are owned by banks and businesses waiting on the prices to rise to turn a quick buck. Others are lying in disrepair with little intention to be used again. Many Airbnb’s and tourist lets are used only for a few weeks of the year.
    319 of 400 Signatures
  • Ensure Pre-legislative Scrutiny of the Defective Concrete Blocks Bill
    The Defective Concrete Block crisis is now affecting at least 12 counties across the country: Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, Clare, Limerick, Tipperary, Louth, Meath, Dublin, Kildare, Carlow and Wexford. The crisis has seen thousands of homes, businesses and public buildings crumble, due to decades of State failure to enforce Building Control and Concrete Product Regulations, a system that continues today. For over 10 years, affected families and communities have endured Government inaction, a failed and inaccessible original Scheme and a standard (IS 465) to assess homes that is not fit for purpose nor science-led. Tens of thousands of homeowners have protested on two occasions in Dublin, are at financial and psychological breaking-point and they need your help. Minister for Housing, Darragh O’Brien, has announced his intention to rush the Defective Concrete Blocks Bill through the legislative process and bypass the important step of pre-legislative scrutiny by the Housing Committee. This is against the wishes of the victims of this crisis and concerns expressed by both Scientists and the Insurance industry. The leading expert on concrete, Dr. Andreas Leemann, has described the Department of Housing’s proposed minor remediation options as ‘playing with fire’, whilst some homeowners have already been advised by insurance companies they will not be eligible for home insurance cover following remediation on the Scheme. But, the Government is ignoring these important warnings. Victims want pre-legislative scrutiny of this important Bill to ensure the Scheme works this time and is: o Accessible and provides the ‘Full Redress’ promised by Minister Darragh O’Brien o Includes all homeowners in all affected counties o Based on science and provides effective and durable remediation options Pre-legislative scrutiny of the Defective Concrete Blocks Bill would allow Housing Committee member TDs and Senators, from both Government and Opposition, to conduct a detailed examination of the Bill and, most importantly, to invite experts and stakeholders to provide their inputs. This will ensure the Government Gets it Right this Time and that families can move on with their lives. Without pre-legislative scrutiny, the new Scheme will be another failure and families will remain in crisis. Please sign this petition to let all TDs and Senators know you support our demand for Pre-legislative Scrutiny of the Defective Concrete Blocks Bill.
    4,572 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Mica Action Group MAG
  • Don't withdraw our Speech and Language Therapy teacher.
    If our Speech and Language Therapy teacher is withdrawn it means that out of 55 children receiving Speech and Language Therapy in the school only 5 will continue to receive it in St Mary's. Parents of special needs children have to fight tooth and nail for any services for their children and to think a service that is having a positive effect on all these children's progression is going to be withdrawn is absolutely disgraceful and unforgivable. We are calling on all our local Councillors and TD's particularly those in Government for support and to use their influence to have this decision reversed.
    2,906 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Alan Lawes
  • A Family & Community Resource Centre for Erris
    Erris is one of the most beautiful but isolated regions in the country, with many members of the community having to travel significant distances to access services that other areas may take for granted. A local steering committee has been formed to secure a Family & Community Resource Centre for the area. This Centre would act as a hub from which a range of family, community, mental health and well-being supports and services could be delivered, as well as supporting community development activity. By signing this petition you are supporting the FRC for Erris Campaign and our vision for Erris as an inclusive, sustainable, and independent community that is self-sufficient and provides a supportive environment to all those living in the area.
    678 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Erris Community Picture
  • Theatre for Tramore
    People powered campaigns are the best for delivering for their own communities, join to enrich the culture of our hometown.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Una Dunphy
  • Open a Women's Refuge in Offaly
    Offaly currently has no domestic violence refuge. This is despite domestic violence being a known red flag. We need safe spaces for women and children who are fleeing domestic violence.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maree Ryan-O'Brien Picture
  • Make Integrated Education A Priority
    It's been 40 years since the first integrated school was started here, but in 2022 only 7.5% of schools here are integrated schools - bringing together children from all backgrounds - Catholic, Protestant and other. But there is overwhelming demand: 71% of people here believe our children should be educated together. Stormont has commissioned a new Independent Review of Education that could change everything - but we need you to tell them integrated education matters to you so that they make recommendations to promote integrated education! Now's your chance to speak up! Email the panel members now and tell them that you want to live in a future where all our children are educated together, promoting reconciliation.
    263 of 300 Signatures
  • Free Public Transport
    Part of our climate change goals & ambitions.
    1,556 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Cormac McKay
  • Keep Scoil Naomh Padraig for our Rural Community
    1. Reducing the catchment area of the school makes it very unlikely that it will ever be increased again. 2. The school is a crucial part of local community life. 3. This school has served these local townlands for generations and in the hardest times, people worked hard to keep it open for all. 4. This change has a detrimental impact to the local community. No consideration has been given to this fact - no consultation or engagement with the broader community...the same community who fought to keep the school open when it was on the brink of closure throughout the years. 5. Parents no longer have a realistic option for co-ed schooling for their children once the townlands in which they live have been excluded from the admissions policy of Knocknasna NS. You should sign this petition if: - You are a parent of a child from any of the excluded town lands. - You are a parent of a child from Knocknasna. The school has always been central to the wider community and it is in all our interests to maintain that community spirit. - You are a past pupil and you want to protect the school for those coming after you. - You care about rural community and you want to prevent the erosion of rural life.
    750 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Friends of Knocknasna