1,000 signatures reached
To: Coillte and the local government,the Minister,The President..
Keep Lough Key Forest Park In Public Ownership

Castle Island (The Rock) Uná Bhán's birth place is already sold off to private owner.
It is now up for sale again on the 12 th Nov next 2018.The mixed Woodland are major carbon capture- storage land banks and any further further land use change must have this in mind.This petition is for to halt further expansion of unsuitable,private investor led 'honey-pot' development - please support by signing the petition and share....more transparency by the State is required on the sale of public owned land, that was initially taken over by the Land Commission.The piecemeal land grab is not prudent.
It is now up for sale again on the 12 th Nov next 2018.The mixed Woodland are major carbon capture- storage land banks and any further further land use change must have this in mind.This petition is for to halt further expansion of unsuitable,private investor led 'honey-pot' development - please support by signing the petition and share....more transparency by the State is required on the sale of public owned land, that was initially taken over by the Land Commission.The piecemeal land grab is not prudent.
Why is this important?
Lough Key Forest Park is a national treasure and must at all costs be kept in public ownership. We're really worried that plans are afoot to sell it or part off, similar to what happened at Newcastle Forest where publicly owned land of which we the Irish people are the stakeholders of was leased to a foreign private company for profit gain.
Una Bhan is a 'high' POEM / song in the Gaelic tradition,which tells the tragic love affair she had with a rival of her father.It is widely sung the length and breath of Ireland,and it symbolises our rich gaelic culture.She is buried on an Island close by......our heritage belongs to everyone, and no one!
Una Bhan is a 'high' POEM / song in the Gaelic tradition,which tells the tragic love affair she had with a rival of her father.It is widely sung the length and breath of Ireland,and it symbolises our rich gaelic culture.She is buried on an Island close by......our heritage belongs to everyone, and no one!
How it will be delivered
To the relevant authorities,Frank Feighan,Michael Fitzmaurice TD, and the Minister and the President and to whom else it may concern..thank you.