• Rename 'Herzog' Park, Rathgar, Dublin to 'Free Palestine' Park
    Dublin City's 'Herzog' Park is called after the Dublin-raised Chaim Herzog who became 6th Israeli president, having fought along with Zionist paramilitaries in the late 1940s and then serving in Israeli administration. His son, Yitzhak (Isaac) Herzog is current Israeli president, who has recently called for the violent elimination of Palestinians. The name Herzog is a name long associated with the barbarity & shame of on-going Israeli aggression against Palestinians. The people of Dublin stand with the people of Palestine in the on-going Israeli onslaught. The message of the renaming of the 'Herzog' to ‘Free Palestine’ of the Dublin City Park can be another symbolic expression of the people of Dublin's solidarity.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mel mac giobúin
  • More Gardai Patrols in Belmayne/balgriffin/clongriffin
    There has been several people threatened and there was involvement of knives from robbers. We would like to feel safe again. This is a family neighborhood.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hala Joumaa
  • Save St. Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre
    This beautiful building has become an iconic landmark in Dublin. The building in its current form is more fitting in the area than the proposed building. The view from within St Stephen’s Green will be radically changed in a negative way by the new build.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Bowes
  • Extend Carlow Bus Service to Willow Park & surrounding areas
    People that cannot drive/don’t have a licence will have to walk for up to 1.5km for the nearest bus stop.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous Anonymous
  • Stop LITTER in Co. Tipperary
    Its important as litter kills our wildlife
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by philip lloyd
  • Stop Road plan in Clonmel Centre
    Right now, there are 104 empty shop units in Clonmel town Centre. These proposed plans will reduce access to the town Centre, further risking the closing down of even more shops. The heart of our town is the shops in Clonmel. They give us a reason to go in and meet people. We need to protect that heart. Sign the petition if you agree. A formal objection letter needs to be sent to An Bord Pleanála before December 18th, 2023.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shula Mccarthy
  • Keep Dublin City Marathon in the City
    Dublin’s marathon is iconic. Please let Dublin City Council and the marathon organisers know that we want it to stay in the city centre. Running through the city and finishing in its heart are at the very core of this event and what draws tens of thousands of Irish and overseas runners to the race.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Seán Ó hArgáin
  • Hulu to recreate the love/hate series
    It’s a well liked show .
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barry Mc Hugh
  • 5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Divya Bavitha
  • Improve variety, quality and prices for the Canteen in CSM
    This issue affects everyone in the college. A balanced and affordable diet is extremely important. Recycling the same dishes on a weekly basis is not considerate of the overall needs of students and staff. Alot of students are not eating in the college due to prices and this has a knock on effect on a students ability to apply healthy eating and habits to their everyday college lives.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Donal O Keeffe
  • Revive the Waves: Petition to Reopen Indoor Swimming Pool in Belmullet
    By supporting the petition, individuals contribute to the restoration of a valuable community asset that positively impacts the lives of Erris residents, fosters a healthier and more active community, and creates opportunities for educational and economic growth. The revitalised swimming pool will play a crucial role in building a stronger, more vibrant, and connected community in Erris.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Doocey
    For students to feel they have a space to stay in and socialise where they don’t feel like an inconvenience
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Blessing Adepoju