To: Minister for Transport, Shane Ross
Pedestrian Crossings in Ireland: We deserve better!

We are not given adequate time to cross the street and roads in Ireland at crossings. I want them to acknowledge that "4-6 seconds" is not adequate time for many people to cross at pedestrian crossings in Ireland. When we compare with France, Spain, and Portugal , pedestrian crossings are very rushed here, and people are not at all able to cross in a relaxed fashion in many cases. This is because the priority of the car over pedestrians is still enshrined in the time given to pedestrians to cross roads and streets in this country. It is also notable that there seems to be a lack of trust of Irish drivers to not speed in urban areas as the lack of Pelican Crossings here in our towns and cities is very noticeable. These are the best way to allow pedestrians cross and not have traffic building up.
Why is this important?
This is important for all of us to have adequate time to cross. We must think of people who have walking disabilities, use a walker, are on crutches and wheelchairs, and our elderly who need more time than 4-6 seconds to cross.