• Stop puppy farms in ireland
    I believe people should join because the breeding of puppies in very poor Conditions, where dogs (bitches) are bred multiple times is shocking. Irish people are animal lovers&abhor this practice.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Costello
  • Urgent ! E scooter safety regulations needed immediately
    quantum proliferation ,young kids hurtling dangerously around on roads and pavement ,deadly accident potential if trend continues particularly in dark winter months
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by liam O Drona
  • Keep AIB cash banks in Waterford
    Ireland has an Ageing population. There must be continued provision and resourcing of off-line alternatives to digital access to ensure equal access for those who are not using the Internet. (Digital Inclusion and an Ageing Population - published October 2021).
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marion O'Mara
  • Keep Cash Services in AIB Raheen
    AIB is moving 70 of their branches to cashless banking. [1] Not only will going cashless mean no notes, coins, cheques, foreign exchange, bank drafts - it will remove any drop safes, night safes and ATMs outside. This is going to cause huge hardship for many people - especially older and vulnerable people, disabled people, immigrant workers, low income families, local businesses, and people who don’t have access to the internet. The greed and recklessness of banks, including AIB bosses, played a crucial role in bringing about the financial crash. [2] Homes were repossessed by banks, families lost their incomes, young and not-so-young people were forced to emigrate, businesses had to close. We cannot stand by while our majority state-owned bank hurts our communities again. Whether large corporations (such as AIB) want to admit it or not, physical cash flow is crucial to the success and stability of our communities. We cannot sit by and allow a bunch of people in offices make decisions about what our future will look like. [1] https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2022/0719/1311026-aib-to-turn-70-branches-cashless-expand-an-post-deal/ [2] https://pai.ie/bank-bailout-costs-state-nearly-e42-billion/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-32516942
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ezra LePoidevin
  • 1 minute silence day
    We should realise that it s not just property,income and human lives that are affected by these infernos but living creatures in the wild are being burned alive...
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carl Herpels Carl Herpels
  • Meaningful reparations from Catholic Church for systemic abuses
    The time for being fearful of the Religious bodies is over. They were complicit in Abuse and crimes, and since they are unwilling to act in a Christian manner and apologise and make reparations, they must be forced to do so.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liz Casey
  • Proper contracts for Adult Ed Tutors
    Our lack of proper terms and conditions means: uncertainty about our hours & our annual income; getting laid off during the holidays so having to sign on for social welfare payments; inconsistency in rates of pay from ETB to ETB; lower pay for post-2011 entrants; no opportunity for progression; no raise in pay after years of service and improved qualifications
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James O'Keeffe
  • End Cows Burps - Reduce Carbon Hoofprint
    Methane emissions from animals is a well-known issue. Cows alone are responsible for about 40% of those planet-warming gases globally — mainly through their burps. UC Davis scientist Ermias Kebreab is something of a cow whisperer who has spent two decades studying the greenhouse gas contributions of hoofed animals. "If you tell me how much your animal is consuming, I can tell you pretty closely to the actual emissions using mathematical models," he said. "Most of the gas is formed in their stomach, so in their guts, particularly in the first chamber. And so they belch it out." He and other scientists have developed special diets and genetic predictions that could help reduce the methane formed in cow stomachs. Now, New Zealand could become the first country to tax its way to fewer "four-legged" emissions. There were 7.3 million cattle, 5.5 million sheep, 1.6 million pigs and almost 16.5 million poultry on Irish farms in 2020, while the average farm size has increased by 0.7 hectares (or 2.2 per cent) in 2020.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie Connelly
  • Community resources for North Kildare
    Evidence has shown that North Kildare is not getting its share of community resources. No swimming pool, no waste facilities, the Wonderful Barn not invested in, decrepit playgrounds, not enough youth facilities beyond sports. We need community investment along with new housing.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Neville
  • Allow pets in all apartment complexes
    Many people are struggling to find suitable accommodation with their pets and some are even forced to give up their much loved pets. Let's do what the French do. Allow our cats and dogs etc. to live with us.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Tee
  • Support South Dublin County Councils' ban on Data Centers.
    On the 9th of March, a motion to ban the building of further data centres in the constituency was put forward by Cllr Madeleine Johansson of People Before Profit and passed with the support of Sinn Fein, Social Democrats and several independent councillors. There are several reasons councillors voted to ban further Data centres in the region: Ireland currently holds 25% of Erops Data centres and South Dublin is quickly becoming the Data centre hub of Ireland with TikTok set to build one of the biggest Data Centres in Europe in Clondalkin which would use up the same amount of energy in one day then the whole of Clondalkin in three months. It is estimated that 10% of Ireland’s electricity use is currently consumed by data centres and this is expected to increase to 25-30% by 2030. Data centres consume an average of 2% of electricity globally. The continued building of new data centres is incompatible with any hope we have of reaching our climate targets in CO2 reductions. It is clear from EirGrid’s initial statement in late 2021 that the grid in Dublin is struggling to cope, something more data centres would put a further strain on. In addition to the large amount of energy used by data centres they also consume large amounts of water, again adding pressure on the capacity of water services in South Dublin where we are seeing large new housing developments. Despite the motion passing however, there is now an attempt to overturn this decision. Councillors will vote again on this on the 21st June when it will be either included in the plan or removed. After that it will be sent to the Minister for Local Government Darragh O'Brien. We need the Minister and the government to support the democratic vote of local councillors and keep the ban in place. Please sign the petition.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sadhbh Mac Lochlainn
    The Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael and Green government have missed their own deadline on the publication of a second report that was expected to outline the targets for the nationwide delivery of services. We are calling on people to contact their local government TDs and Minister Helen McEntee to urge the release of this report and provide actionable timelines for the delivery of a refuge that can provide wraparound services, in Carlow and the 8 other counties without one. Now that the issue has fallen out of public focus the government has dropped the ball, but we won’t stand for it. The Government has failed us for too long on domestic violence, we need to hold them to account on their deadlines. Ireland is currently providing less than 30% of the places recommended under the Istanbul Convention. The Government must increase the number of refuge places needs to be increased by at least 350. There are 9 counties with no refuge in Ireland. Campaigners in Carlow have been calling since 2017 and have been consistently stonewalled by the Government. Tusla has still not made any contact with Carlow Council on the provision of a refuge despite a statement from Government in February saying this would happen. Everyday, women and children are being turned away and forced to choose between homelessness and returning to their abuser and staying in abusive relationships for fear of homelessness. We cannot wait, demand action now!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by 9 Counties No Refuge Campaign