• Remove Anti-Homeless Devices from Gandon House
    The Department of Social Protection is meant to be responsible for fighting homelessness, not making conditions even more unbearable for rough sleepers in Dublin city centre. The recent installation of anti-homeless devices at the Department office building on Amiens street is an unacceptable measure, described in the following terms by the Director of Inner City Helping Homeless (ICHH) Anthony Flynn: "[From] the department that is supposed to look after our vulnerable people...This the most unsympathetic way of dealing with the homeless crisis, it's a 'not in my doorstep attitude' and we certainly condemn it." Accountability, however, has been lacking in the responses of both the Department of Social Protection and the Office of Public Works, which apparently manages the building in conjunction with a private landlord. But it's time for government to stop shirking responsibility. An Tánaiste Joan Burton is also Minister for Social Protection, and TD Simon Harris is Minister of State with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works. Let's call on them to take action against this appalling measure, and to advocate immediately for the removal of all anti-homeless devices from Gandon House.
    3,617 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Ciaran O'Rourke
  • Poster Free Elections
    Most of us will agree that it is not in any way going to make us choose a candidate based on a picture . Big parties have big budgets and can take over an area. They are unsightly and create an untidy look wherever they are. A person's ability to run for election should not be counted by the amount of times their face is replicated.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brigid Dervan
  • Restore 1304 crosses and grave identities at St.Lomans Hospital Mullingar
    1304 deceased patients of St.Lomans Hospital Mullingar, County Westmeath are buried without individual grave markings - one of these is my great gran Julia Leronard (nee Caffrey). My family and I discovered this after our application to have her remains exhumed to be re-interred in a family plot was turned down. Following this I visited the graveyard and discovered 1304 men and women including my great gran are in what has been allowed to become a mass grave. In 2011 the HSE sanctioned graveyard maintenance work resulting in - the removal of all the crosses marking each grave. I have heard these crosses are stored in a shed on the grounds of the hospital. The last person buried here was in 1970. These deceased patients were forgotten by Irish Society while interred in what was then known as the Asylum - I want to remember these people today and afford them some dignity and respect by marking their graves properly. On February 6 2016 myself and my family erected our own cross in the memory of our great -gran/grandmother Julia on the mass grave site. We felt we needed to do something to honor her memory as Government Authorities are not doing anything. We would like to see; 1.An expert Archaeologist hired to restore the graveyard 2.Restoration of the graveyard - meaning restoring the individual identity of all the graves i.e individual markers/crosses on each grave with the name of the person buried there and their date of birth and death. 3.Permanent memorial wall with all the names of the men and women buried there. 4.Exhumation of my great gran Julia - to be re-interred with the baby boy taken from her in the hospital - my grandfather. I think as it stands it shows up ongoing discrimination in the area of mental health. If this graveyard was in the general community there would be outrage at headstones being removed and a graveyard being turned into a mass grave.
    1,362 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Julianne Clarke
  • Lower the Pupil-Teacher Ratio
    Trying to teach 32 children in one classroom with one teacher is not doing justice to the children of Ireland, not to mention the teaching profession. We are not a poor country, yet we allow the educational experience of our children to be adversely affected by overcrowded classrooms. The result is that children who need extra attention for one reason or another are suffering more than necessary, and children who could do better are being hampered in their progress. Ask any teacher how the classroom dynamic changes for the better in a low ratio environment.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gaeilgóirí Laoi
  • Stop the Woodland Park Eviction
    Last Friday on one of coldest nights of the year, 17 families were evicted from a Traveller local authority halting site that had been decommissioned by Louth County Council. Families were given just hours to pack their belongings and either remove their caravans or mobile homes themselves or face them being impounded and having to pay €1,000 to get them back. All families, including a mother and newborn baby, must be gone by tomorrow. The council have not arranged alternative accommodation for these families and now, they like hundreds of others will be made homeless. Until Traveller specific accommodation is built, we are calling on Louth County Council to treat people with dignity and respect and to provide alternative accommodation for the Travelling community of Woodland Park.
    712 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Paddy Delaney
  • Protect the homeless in Ireland and in the Calais Jungle
    I have just read a report detailing the appalling and disgusting conditions under which homeless families in Ireland have to live. Yesterday I read about the conditions in the temporary refugee camp at Calais in France, which is run under the auspices of the French and UK governments and the EU. The conditions for the homeless in Calais and the homeless in Ireland are horrifyingly similar. Yet the Irish Government is pleading that it has no funds available to intervene and is sticking rigidly to its market economy addiction. This is not good enough when our Government is willing to throw money at bankers and developers and any johnny-come-lately who has robbed the people and contributed to the enforcement of the austerity regime. The Government's inept handling of our housing crisis is a contributory factor to the increase in anti-refugee sentiment in the country. This is cowardly behaviour on the part of those who claim to lead Ireland and who boast about what they claim to have done for Ireland. Front up for the sake of the unfortunate people who are suffering and set an example in 2016.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Pratschke
  • No to More Slash and Burn!
    The proposed changes to the Wildlife Act will allow for the burning of vegetation in March and the cutting of hedgerows in August. This decision will have serious impact on a range of wildlife species and habitats in Ireland - especially highly-threatened nesting birds and pollinators found in our hedgerows and uplands. Our hedgerows are a vital refuge for many native wildlife species in a landscape with little native woodland compared to other countries. Hedgerows provide food, shelter, nesting sites, habitat corridors and are an essential component for flood defenses, preventing soil erosion and the silting of rivers as well as carbon sequestration. Our hedgerows and upland habitats need proper management, though. Landowners and farmers must be supported to manage them in a way that works for farming, road safety and wildlife. Under existing rules, landowners have six months between September and February to manage hedgerows and uplands effectively and there is provision for hedgecutting for safety on our roads. Therefore, this decision is unwarranted, will cause a significant blow to already threatened wildlife species and goes against advice submitted by Birdwatch Ireland, An Taisce and the Irish Wildlife Trust. The change to the hedge-cutting dates will lead to further declines in populations of Red-listed Yellowhammer, Linnet and Greenfinch birds and reduce essential food supplies for pollinators, of which a third are threatened with extinction. Our upland breeding birds are experiencing significant declines with several species now of Conservation Concern, including the Red-listed Curlew, Golden Plover and Meadow Pipit. Breeding Curlew have experienced an almost 80% decline in the last 40 years. How sad it will be to lose the Cry of the Curlew in our lifetimes. Many of our upland habitats are of international importance and protected under the EU Habitats Directive. These habitats also provide a range of benefits to humans such as carbon sequestration, water filtration and attenuation to protect against floods. Why then is the Minister supporting any burning in the uplands given the fragile state of its wildlife and habitats? By allowing burning of our uplands into March, nesting activities of sensitive upland ground-nesting birds will be affected along with the breeding success of these populations. We ask you to join us in our campaign to persuade the Government to reverse this decision before the Heritage Bill 2016, is passed through the Oireachtas. Sign our petition to show your support for the wildlife that do not have a voice. If we do nothing, we risk losing yet more of our natural heritage here in Ireland. Join us and support “No to More Slash and Burn!”
    34,217 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Irish Wildlife Trust, Birdwatch Ireland, An Taisce and Hedge Laying Association of Ireland
  • Get behind the Galway Waterways Patrol
    The waterways patrol are groups of people who patrol the waterways at night. The waterways patrol are key figures in preventing people from falling in the river Corrib. The waterways patrol plays a vital role in Wexford, Limerick and Derry. We need to do something about the loss of life In Galway too.
    383 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Morgan Ocallaghan
  • Declare Clare a TTIP Free Zone
    Our local businesses, environment and democracy are under threat from a trade deal currently being negotiated between the EU Commission and the USA. The deal is called TTIP and could outlaw local authorities’ support of local businesses, allow multinational corporations to sue us if councils deny fracking permits and open up services like water, health and education to privatisation. What’s up for grabs are the rules and regulations that force corporations to abide by standards that protect our health, our rights, our jobs, services and the environment. These regulations for example stop corporations releasing chemicals and products into the market before they are proven to be safe. They also make sure workers get their rights and that local communities are protected from environmental disasters. But if TTIP goes ahead corporations will get to have a say on policies that govern our daily lives - before we or even politicians get to see them. And if they don’t like the rules they will be able to sue governments when they make changes or bring in new policies that could potentially affect their profits. Right now in Canada a fracking company Lone Pine Resources Inc., is suing the government for its decision to not allow fracking in Quebec. They are able to do this because of an ISDS clause in another trade deal. In Egypt the government was sued by water company Veolia for attempting to bring in a minimum wage. Germany is being sued by Swedish energy company Vatenfall for €4.7 billion because of Germany's decision to phase out nuclear power. TTIP also removes barriers to US companies who want to sell their products in Europe. Right now the sale of US beef in Europe is very limited. Hormone injected beef is banned outright. Hundreds of councils across Europe have already said they don’t want TTIP. Because of people power politicians are waking up to the threat TTIP poses and to the fact that people aren’t going to stand aside and let our democracy and rights be sold off.
    607 of 800 Signatures
    Created by John Higgins
  • More than sweeping brushes - support for communities at risk of flooding
    As a family, we have experienced two major flooding incidents - our family home in Galway in September 2015 and my mother's home a number of years ago - followed by a near escape over Christmas in my mother's home. In the days following Christmas, we witnessed elderly people and families using sweeping brushes and wheelie bins to bail water in an attempt to protect their homes, homes that had already been destroyed a few years earlier. The impact on other communities around the country was, in this instance, far worse. Flooding, and the fear of it that permeates communities prone, is life -destroying. People need to be equipped and supported to protect their homes and businesses. The inevitability of these events needs to be conceded and the promises of action that we have been hearing needs to happen now. In terms of crisis response (prevention is a whole other story) in the immediate term; • There needs to be local co-ordination and a crisis response plan in areas that are prone to flooding, including a text alert system to people willing to help; • There should be a store of sand-bags in these areas. Easy-to-store sand-bags (five in a box about the size of a lap-top box) are now available, but these are generally distributed far too late. In our own case we got a delivery of sand-bags the day after the flood. That evening a local politician sourced them and while it wasn’t too late, it would have been far better if they had been available earlier; • At one stage the fire brigade brought a small pump and generator and this cleared the water out of the worst affected homes in a few minutes – work that had taken us all night. These should be available in all flood prone areas and training provided to local people to be able to use it; • People in these areas should receive grants to install flood-barriers – these work unless the flood is overwhelming; • Guarantees that either insurance companies will be required to provide flood insurance or a national insurance fund is established.
    328 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ann Irwin
  • Maintain the Sanctions Against Russian War Criminals
    In spite of E.U. sanctions against Russia for their role in destabilising Ukraine and annexing parts of the country, on December 7th, 2015, a 16-strong trade delegation led by Minister of State Sean Sherlock under the auspices of the Joint Economic Commission – Russia/Ireland, went to Moscow "to build on our existing excellent relationships"(1). Meanwhile Russia is bombing and killing hundreds of innocent civilians in Syria. According to the respected Syria Network for Human Rights, Russian airstrikes since September 30th until December 1st, 2015, have targeted markets, mosques, bakeries, killing 583 individuals - 570 of whom were civilians, including 152 children and 60 women. A recent report from Human Rights Watch also highlighted Russian extensive use of cluster bombs (2). The Convention on Cluster Munitions which banned their use under any circumstances, was actually adopted in Dublin on 30th May 2008. Their use also violates United Nations Resolution 2139 which demanded that all parties involved in Syria end “indiscriminate employment of weapons in populated areas" (3). Russia also vetoed a UN Security Council resolution to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court (4). The Amnesty International report of December 23rd, 2015, in effect corroborates and elaborates on the substance of these earlier (SNR, HRW) reports in laying out egregious violations of human rights and international law perpetrated by the Russian military. Please sign this petition to ensure that our government does not support the lifting of current E.U. sanctions against Russia when they are due for renewal. 1. http://www.intellinews.com/irish-government-gets-primed-for-lifting-of-sanctions-against-russia-86361 Irish government gets primed for lifting of sanctions against Russia 2. https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/12/20/russia/syria-extensive-recent-use-cluster-munitions Russia/Syria: Extensive Recent Use of Cluster Munitions 3. http://www.un.org/press/en/2014/sc11292.doc.htm Security Council Unanimously Adopts Resolution 2139 (2014) to Ease Aid Delivery to Syrians, Provide Relief from ‘Chilling Darkness’ 4. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-27514256 Russia and China veto UN move to refer Syria to ICC
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tricia Lynch
  • Keep Donald Trump out of Ireland
    Following Donald's Trump's anti-immigrant position, we, as a nation of emmigrants, cannot allow such ignorant and hateful actions which inspire fear and hatred as well as justified anger. We are part of EU and we are on the front-lines at the moment. We must welcome ALL people no matter their religion/beliefs as long as they are not out to harm others or incite hate. I am starting this campaign because Donald Trump is an inciter of hate and fear and should not be allowed a stage to cause further divisiveness among peoples of the world. Therefore, I am asking you to sign this petition to ban Donald Trump from being allowed to visit The Republic of Ireland for any reason.
    1,945 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jon Sheehan Picture