• No vote for von der Leyen
    "Von der Leyen is responsible for aiding and abetting the commission of crimes and violations of international humanitarian law, within the meaning of Article 25(3)(c) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court". 12 Jun 2024
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by West Cork for Palestine
  • Urge Supermarkets to ditch single use plastics
    Single use plastics have become a daily occurrence for the vast majority of us. They are commonly used for Supermarket meal deals i.e. wraps and sandwiches. Due to the ever increasing demand for these convenience foods, it is estimated that about 23 million tons of plastic packaging are produced every year in Europe. Staggeringly around 40% of this plastic ends up in landfills with 32% making it's way into our lands and oceans.   It is expected that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than there is fish. This is not the legacy we want to leave for our children and future generations is it?  It's fair to say we all wish we could make better choices when it comes to our environmental impact in the world. The world we call home. Ultimately though, our hands our tied by what choices are available to us in our local Supermarket.  For many of us prepacked wraps and sandwiches are a necessity during the daily lunch time rush. The opportunity to prepare lunch the night before is not always an available option. Therefore our hands are tied by what is in front of us when we enter our local shop around the corner.  If our hands are tied, who has the power to untie them? That is the purpose of this petition, to send a direct message to the people that do have the power to lead a seismic change in the war against single use plastics. We implore Supermarkets nationwide to adopt environmentally friendly biodegradable food packaging throughout their stores.  In doing so they will be taking one giant leap towards the protection of our environment and the safeguarding of it's future. 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Black
  • Cruelty to our fellow animals
    This issue is important because it reflects badly on society  If people torture animals it is almost inevitable they will do the same to humans many studies have shown this to be the case 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denice Corbett
  • Horse Slaughter in Ireland; The state needs to take responsibility
    After the RTE investigates documentary on horse slaughter in Ireland & other issues related the country has seen how bad conditions were prior to the closure of Shannonside  The problem, however, does not end with Shannonside as now with no horse slaughter facility in Ireland the other issues highlighted by the documentary will be all the more pertinent; The issues of improperly regulated live export, and lack of cohesion between European bodies.  We can see with the US as an example the serious & glaring issues of having no slaughter facilities onshore & the subsequent problems of neglect, abandonment, & shipping conditions having to ship animals that often need to be slaughtered due to having an ailment that is a long term quality of life issue, & the cruelty of sending them long distances over multiple days.  It is my opinion that the department of agriculture needs to open at least 1 but preferably 2-3 state run horse slaughter facilities, run to a world class standard of hygiene & welfare, where the buck actually stops with someone & there is proper oversight. Otherwise we are going to face a crisis of neglected & abandoned horses, another brewing live export scandal & the buck being passed to already overstretched horse rescues. 
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by April Maria Sheehan Corkery
  • Abi gives me operater again
    Cause I’m bored and can’t do anything 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sexywalter 09
    It's important to have laws against hate speech because they protect vulnerable groups from discrimination and violence, promote social cohesion, and uphold the principles of equality and human dignity in society. In Ireland, examples of hate speech have included derogatory remarks targeting immigrants, racist slurs against ethnic minorities, homophobic or transphobic comments, and discriminatory statements against religious groups.  It's important to address and combat hate speech because it can fuel prejudice, incite violence, and create divisions within society. By having laws that prohibit hate speech, Ireland aims to protect the rights and safety of all individuals, promote respect for diversity, and uphold a more inclusive and tolerant society.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Roche
  • Upgrade celbridge playground
    Aghards playground is a vital facility for local children promoting exercise and fitness is essential from a young age
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by AM Beattie
  • basketball court in naas
    because there a lack of courts to support the sport in the local area
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by gordon tsoi
  • Ireland To Support the Mission to Gaza & Stand with the Freedom Flotilla
    It is important to support the Freedom Flotilla mission because it represents a vital humanitarian effort to provide life-saving aid to the people of Gaza who are enduring unimaginable hardships under a prolonged siege. By joining this campaign for change, others can stand in solidarity with the oppressed and advocate for justice on the international stage. Supporting the Freedom Flotilla not only ensures that essential aid reaches those in need but also sends a powerful message against injustice and in support of human rights.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by KT Hogan
  • Keep Mullingar Open - Paediatric Diabetes Services
    The nursing support are who keep out type 1 diabetic children safe and health in a daily basis
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice Reel
  • ASD class needed urgently
    Six children started in the ASD class together in St Clares primary school and are currently in 3rd class but there is no ASD class in the feeder post primary school in the same town. Where will these 6 children go to school when they finish primary school? Would it not make sense to have an ASD class in the feeder school
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gillian Lawler
  • More childcare places in Tralee
    I manage a community-based , not-for-profit childcare service in Tralee. We receive innumerable phonecalls and emails from exasperated parents and families unable to find childcare in the town and surrounding areas. Childcare services have reached capacity, there are no spaces at all for under 3s in the town, this is a massive systemic issue. Our service originally operated in Blennerville village and after years of repeated attempts to secure suitable land, our goal remains to build another facility back in Blennerville to facilitate more childcare spaces. This would free up much needed spaces in our current premises in Caherslee, Tralee. Please sign this petition to show your support. We need to build public awareness regarding the issues at play here, new planning approaches regarding childcare and sustained investment in childcare to facilitate working parents and build sustainable communities. Purpose-built childcare facilities should be provided for in major residential development. Please feel free to highlight this issue with your local politicians.
    231 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Laura MacKenna