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To: Taoiseach

Please sign Irish petition for UN Committee Against Torture

Irish and U.K. Survivors of historic institutional child abuse in Ireland
Thank you to you and your supporters X
you and your supporters please show of electronic support via online signatures will be put as petition before the Committee Against Torture, the UN body which monitors the implementation of the convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment by state parties.

Why is this important?

Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Indicate how it proposes to implement all the recommendations of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse and indicate the time frame for doing so;
(b) Institute prompt, independent and thorough investigations into all cases of abuse as found by the report and, if appropriate, prosecute and punish perpetrators;
(c) Ensure that all victims of abuse obtain redress and have an enforceable right to compensation, including the means for as full rehabilitation as possible.
Call to action :
please show your support by commenting via also and sharing this cause via social media
Thank you to you and your supporters X
p.s. no abusive language

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2017-07-02 10:04:53 +0100

Aislinn Education and Support Centre for Survivors of Institutional Abuse

to re-open at Jervis in August under new charity name

new website under construction

in the meantime - please check-out fundraiser Sat 8th July Thank you

2017-07-02 10:04:22 +0100

2017-06-25 14:20:39 +0100

Extra officer to process Caranua complaints
Ellen Coyne, Senior Ireland News Reporter
June 23 2017
The Times
Mary Higgins said that survivors’ bad experiences had been overstated

The government has hired an extra appeals officer to help deal with a backlog of complaints against Caranua.

2017-06-20 22:10:42 +0100

Caranua spent funds in bars and restaurants
The Times
Thomas Byrne, the Fianna Fáil education spokesman, said that the agency credit card bills were outrageous
A state agency has been branded “disgusting” and “scandalous” for using abuse survivors’ money on €950 bar bills and high-end meals.
Caranua, which was set up to make payments from a fund for survivors of residential institutions, has refused to respond to questions from The Times about its credit card bills. Staff spent €7,000 on accessories for an office it was about to leave and used the redress fund for €700 meals for its chief executive and board members.

2017-06-20 22:04:17 +0100

Great that Newstalk got an interview with Mary Higgins
As @thetimesIE asked for one Monday ...were told she was not available at all this week.
Pat Kenny Newstalk‏ @PatKennyNT 20 June 2017
PK spoke with @ellenmcoyne about the controversy around Caranua spending. PK also speaks with Caranua CEO Mary Higgins on Newstalk
"There's nothing untoward in this in terms of the things that are being spent," says Caranua CEO Mary Higgins #pknt
Chief exec of Caranua says the frustration on the part of survivors has been overstated by the media:
"Most people who come to us are quite happy with the service they get," says Mary Higgins, Caranua CEO #pknt

Chief exec of Caranua says office was not a pleasant place, needed work. Survivors have expressed frustration at not being able to visit it.

People who were half way through their applications were told suddenly the limit was being imposed.

2017-06-14 12:48:21 +0100

2017-06-14 12:38:50 +0100

Almost 100 contracts that it entered into were retrospectively approved by the government, with about 86 approved on one day...See please up-to-date articles by Ellen Coyne (as per Times links as below)

2017-06-14 12:33:17 +0100

2017-06-14 12:30:29 +0100

2017-06-13 00:02:57 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-06-04 20:19:21 +0100

10 signatures reached