• Traffic lights at ballyragget NS
    Its a dangerous road, kids have to cross to get to the school with trucks and cars speeding by.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Malone
  • Make PPE Masks Recyclable
    In our cities and rural areas
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Etain Feeley
  • Make Misogyny a Hate Crime
    Since 1996 244 women have been murdered only 13% of them were murdered by a person they didn't know the rest were murdered by someone they knew a partner a husband a lover. 33,000 unanswered domestic assault calls by the Garda last year alone demonstrate the level of violence towards women. It has become ingrained in our culture to accept poor behaviour towards women. 200 euro bail for men who kicked a young woman so badly that she is in danger of losing an eye. This is not enough. The publicly shaming raping victims for clothing in court or past sexual history and taking letters of recommendation on the behaviour of violent men towards women to count as a reference on their good nature towards men. This misogynistic culture needs to stop and for those guilty of misogyny to be given a custodial sentece. We need to end violence against women
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Doyle
  • Truth and justice for my daughter
    I am finding it impossible to get to the truth the coroner has even said no to an inquest
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Mc Quillan
    PUBLIC support strengthens our plight for Justice & repeal the Seal have supported SURVIVORS
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David-John Kinsella
  • Amend the HAP in Ireland
    The HAP scheme is majorly flawed and using the private rental market as a replacement for social housing is damaging the rental market for all, even those not receiving assistance.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julieanne Doyle
  • End unfair treatment of Special Needs Teenagers
    I am calling on the Minister for Disabilities Anne Rabbitte TD to end the unfair treatment of special needs teenagers who are forced to transition from their much-needed Domiciliary Care Allowance to Disability Allowance whilst still in education. This is both unfair and discriminatory. I would value your help in raising this matter in the Dáil Éireann I am the father of two boys on the Autism spectrum, because of their lifelong medical conditions they qualify for Domiciliary Care Allowance, which is a monthly payment for a child aged under 16 with a severe disability. The child must need ongoing care and attention substantially over and above that usually needed by a child of the same age. It is not means tested. This is very useful to fund the myriad of expenses that result in providing them the best possible care and also seek private options for support removed by the state. My eldest boy is 14 and just started secondary school. I hope and pray he remains in education as long as possible but when he turns 16 under the current legislation in Ireland, he loses his Domiciliary Care Allowance and has to apply himself as an adult in his own right for Disability Allowance . Disability Allowance is a means-tested payment for people with disabilities who as a result of their disability are substantially restricted in undertaking work that would otherwise be suitable for a person of their age, experience and qualifications. As any parent of a child with special needs will tell you their condition does not magically disappear over night and the process of applying for any support is both time consuming and a traumatic experience. Many children with disabilities are denied Disability Allowance while still in education because they are deemed fit for work and available for work which they cannot undertake due to still being at school.! This denial of support results in an increase in child poverty and removes the ability of many to fund additional resources which the state is not providing. A worrying trend is also becoming clear, with many applications being denied Disability allowance at first in the hope the appeal process will put off them reapplying. This is a cynical money-making exercise Please can you show your support to highlight this unfair treatment of some of the weakest in our society. Thank you for your help and Support
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Joe McGinley
  • End to age related minimum wage rates
    It constitutes legal age discrimination and is contrary to the concept of equal pay for equal work.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Ní Dhubhda
    We ask Minister Ryan to refuse to grant a prospecting license to Minco Ltd. in County Clare. Please go to Futureproof Clare Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/futureproofclare/ copy and paste, add your name and send the template submission by next Saturday the 8th of January, to [email protected]
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emanuela Ferrari
  • 3rd years missed as much time as last years 3rd years
    It is very unfair on the people that didnt have computers or phones or any device that they could access teams during the lockdown. Also we missed as much time off school as last years third years which they got predicted grades
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by paul foley
  • New Development Plan for Clongriffin and Belmayne
    The existing development plan, due to expire in 2022, was originally written in 2012 and renewed for five years in 2017. Being nearly a decade old, it does not account for the many societal changes brought about by the Covid Pandemic and the changes that will be required to address the Climate Emergency. It also does not take into account the views and aspirations of the residents of Clongriffin and Belmayne. While many of the residential properties outlined in the local area plan have been delivered the area remains bereft of amenities and has infrastructure issues that the current local area plan will not solve. Some of these issues include, but are not limited to: A lack of local amenities, including shops, cafes, restaurants, and gyms. Existing buildings designed for these amenities, including the centre piece shopping centre, have remained empty for a decade. In addition, many of these existing premises offer only indoor space, and areas yet to be built are zoned for indoor only spaces. A lack of security, currently the nearest Garda Station is in Coolock, at least a 15 minute drive from the area. Sewage capacity concerns, with working from home and the expected increase in population there are concerns that the planned for waste water capacity is insufficient. Lack of childcare and education (both primary & secondary schools). Lack of quality cycle lanes and safe cycling environments. The development lands in Clongriffin have recently been put up for sale by the current owners, Gannon, and we feel this presents a perfect opportunity for the council to work with local residents to develop a new plan for the area.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Josh Noon
  • Abolish Application Fee For Undocumented Migrants
    The proposed scheme allows about 17,000 undocumented migrants to legally apply for residency in Ireland. It will only occur once and be available to them for a limited time. Applying for the scheme will cost €550 per person under the current proposal. This is a prohibitive amount for someone living in Ireland working for less than or minimum wage, particularly if they have been trafficked, abused or taken advantage of.
    3 of 100 Signatures