• Stop Food Delivery Drones
    We live in a congested city at times the only space around us is when we look up, the last thing we should want is drones flying over our heads. It also offers no benefit to people other than perhaps they get there food 5 mins earlier.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Hanley
  • Mental health (suicide awareness)
    To many people are dying due to suicide there's not enough awareness or places to go where people listen to your problems I know first had as I lost my dad Christmas last year he took his own life there was no one around to listen to him which lead to suicide
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Stone
  • No more plastic bottles in school canteens
    With some schools with over 1,000 pupils this would seriously reduce the amount of plastic that is produced alco children spend almost 7 hours 5 days a week at school so if you make that time plastic free we'll....
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Climate Change
  • Ask Irish retailers to make their "own brand" food packaging plastic free!
    Our addiction to oil-based plastic is destroying the natural world and has become an existential threat to many species, including our own. Every day, around 8 million pieces of plastic drift into the world's oceans. There, they are often fatally ingested by marine animals, including sea turtles, whales, seals and seabirds. Around 100,000 marine animals and a million seabirds die annually from plastic pollution. Many of these species are now facing extinction due to human activity. Musgrave Group and Dunnes Stores, Ireland's two largest domestic retailers, can make a small but significant contribution to changing this narrative by refusing to use plastic packaging for their "own brand" food products. We call on them to do so for the long-term benefit of our communities, the natural environment and future generations.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Micheál Geoghegan
  • Ask Irish retailers to make their "own brand" food packaging plastic free!
    Our addiction to oil-based plastic is destroying the natural world and has become an existential threat to many species, including our own. Every day, around 8 million pieces of plastic drift into the world's oceans. There, they are often fatally ingested by marine animals, including sea turtles, whales, seals and seabirds. Around 100,000 marine animals and a million seabirds die annually from plastic pollution. Many of these species are now facing extinction due to human activity. Musgrave Group and Dunnes Stores, Ireland's two largest domestic retailers, can make a small but significant contribution to changing this narrative by refusing to use plastic packaging for their "own brand" food products. We call on them to do so for the long-term benefit of our communities, the natural environment and future generations.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Micheál Geoghegan
  • Ban Hunting with dogs in Northern Ireland
    Currently Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK which has NOT outlawed hunting with dogs. 61% of people think it has already been banned. Hunting with dogs was banned in Scotland through the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act in 2002 and in England and Wales in 2005 under the Hunting Act. People here feel strongly about this issue. In 2016 an Ipsos MORI poll commissioned by the League against Cruel Sports said fewer than one in five people supported fox hunting remaining legal.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Mental health and wellbeing in schools for children
    It is the most important thing in life it would reduce all of the issues across the bored if we are are going to fight for mental health we should start with the younger generations we need to give them tools to help others and help themselves it is fundamental to have something in our shcools at a young age
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Jane Kinsella
  • Keep Michael in Ireland - from Carlow College, St. Patrick's
    Michael has been resident in Ireland for five years. In those years he has consistently striven towards completing his education, entirely on the merit of his own hard work. Never once has he claimed assistance from the state, and has worked for the entirety of his time in Ireland. The grounds for his deportation were the result of failing to produce documents confirming his attendance at Carlow College; this was an impossibility for the simple reason that his acceptance had yet to be confirmed. Michael intends to use his degree in Social Political and Community studies to become a community worker, allowing him to better serve in whatever community he comes to reside. Upon achieving his degree, he intends to return to his native Malawi, having completed his education without any financial assistance from the Irish state. The situation in which he finds himself could befall anybody in similar circumstances, and the ends to which intends to turn his degree are supremely noble. By allowing him to complete his degree we are helping Michael to help others. The students stand with Michael. Carlow College stands with Michael. We need you to stand with Michael too. #CarlowWithMichael
    1,187 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Adam Kane
  • Knockraha Says 'No' to Eirgrid Energy Converter
    We need to stop the industrialisation of Irelands rural landscape, noise pollution, damaging our historic townland's, natural heritage, environment, rural communities health and causing property devaluation.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mary Cremin
  • Rid our food chain of Single Use Plastics
    Single use plastics are damaging to the environment, non-recyclable and are a by product of the oil industry. With rocketing co2 levels and extreme weather events now a reality, we need to divest.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emer Fallon
  • Limit chain stores to preserve small business and the heritage of Galway
    Galway is becoming a carbon copy city and losing what makes it special. It is becoming uniform, full of multinational chains instead of the beautiful independent businesses it once had and is famous for.
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Clare Anne
  • I support Martin Kenny TD and stand against intimidation of supporters of asylum seekers.
    Free speech should not provoke fear of retribution by intimidation and acts of violence. People who support the rights of asylum seekers should not be silenced through fear. Our society must not be silenced by inarticulate bullies.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shae Flanagan Picture