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To: The Taoiseach and the Minister for Social Protection


I would like the carers allowance to be reviewed,There is so much talk off the rise in the minimum Wage,I,m a full time carer for my Elderly mother on call 24/7.Taking these hours into account my wage is 1.27euros an hour.

Why is this important?

As a carer for an Elderly Family member I have put my Life on Hold,as have so many people around this beautiful country of Ireland,I feel that we are Forgotten about when it comes to a basic standard off living,I,m on call 24/7 365 days a year and have to survive on 1.27euros an hour,If it was,nt for so many loyal Carers the health service would implode.When you hear talk off the minimum wage please take a look at the carers Allowance.Just treat us fairly!.



2016-11-14 01:51:53 +0000

10 signatures reached