• Stop Nursing Homes Charging Extra Fees
    Nursing homes need to be up front with an 'additional charges'. Many elderly people are too infirm to participate in 'additional extra’s and services! whatever they turn out to be. A reported example is of some being charged €20 for Mass is disgraceful. All private nursing homes should publish their list of what they are charging for over and above the fee for care. The list of ‘services’ should have the cost next to each item listed as well.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mairin Higgins
  • Don't air the Living With Lucy episode featuring Katie Hopkins
    Racism and hate speech is dangerous and legitimises and provokes hate crime. Programmes such as Living With Lucy are designed not to critique or analyse the views of guests but to increase their popularity and familiarity with the general public.
    832 of 1,000 Signatures
  • George Hook should be removed as a presenter on Newstalk
    Hook is in fact the one that needs to take responsibility, as a presenter on a national radio station he has a duty to be socially responsible in his endorsements and language. Instead, Hook's comments are ill-informed,disgusting and place blame on victims. His comments reinforce rape culture in Ireland and blame women for the abuse they suffer. Groups and organisations are continuously working to get women to come forward after suffering abuse and ensure they don't believe they are responsible for their rapes, but Hooks comments undermine all their value. Instead of fighting for a society where a woman should be able to go where she pleases without the fear of rape, Hook is insisting that women are responsible for the actions of men around them. For far too long comments and rhetoric like Hook's have gone without consequence except for those he is attacking. Opinions like his have no place in a civil society and do absolutely noting to ensure we have a safe society for people to live. George Hook should immediately be removed as a presenter from Newstalk and all sponsors should withdraw support from him.
    5,207 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Emma Hendrick
  • Dublin City Council Withdraw Freedom of the City from Aung San Suu Kyi
    No human being deserves to beaten, killed or starved to death because of their ethnic and religious identity -- please stand up for the dignity and humanity of the Rohingya people. Despite the government of Myanmar's denial of state complicity, there is overwhelming evidence of state sanctioned violence and instances in which the military refuse to intervene and have even taken part in organised and premeditated attacks targeting Rohingyas. The Government of Myanmar must be held accountable for its complicity in the persecution of a vulnerable minority group. People all over the world including Ireland, respected and admired Aung San Suu Kyi. She was known as a figure of patience and peace, who eventually took back the power in her country peacefully from the military dictatorship in Myanmar. Her actions or lack thereof since, have made many people disappointed and angry. There has been no official position from Aung San Suu Kyi with regards to the human right violations that have been rampant as experienced by the Rohingya minority. The Rohingya in the Northern Rakhine State are being subjected to gang-rapes, executions, torture, mass arrests and the burning down of villages by the Burmese Army and security forces. A UN Human Rights report in February described what was happening in Rakhine State as likely to amount to crimes against humanity. An interim report in January by a commission set up by the Myanmar President claimed that there was no evidence that any human rights violations had been taking place in Northern Rakhine State since the army crackdown began in October. The UK Government has referred to this report as not credible.
    35 of 100 Signatures
  • Child benefit for all in school
    With schools pushing for children to start school later through enrolment policies and lots of schools making transition year mandatory, more and more 18 and even 19 year olds are still in school for Leaving Cert. Losing child benefit at age 18 automatically is unfair in the most expensive school year.
    2,217 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Brigid Lyons
  • West Kerry Native Irish Speakers
    Preservation of our beautiful native tongue which has been denied and destroyed for centuries needs to be prioritised by supporting native Irish speakers to live in West Kerry.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pol MacCoinnich
  • Calling on Bank of Ireland to reverse the decision to delete the ATM Irish Language Option
    The decision of the Bank of Ireland to delete their ATM Irish Language Option devalues the Irish language. There are tens of thousands of Irish speakers and hundreds of thousands of Irish people who greatly value the Irish language as part of their identity. As customers we have great purchasing power and with our purchasing decisions we can effect great change in how private companies engage with us. Is céim siar agus léiriú dímheasa ar an nGaeilge an cinneadh fáil réidh lei ó na UBManna Banc na hÉireann. Tá an earnáil baincéireachta go dona maidir le héascaíocht a dhéanamh do Ghaeilgeoirí an teanga a úsáid. Tá sé do-dhéanta ráitis a fháil, baincéireacht ar líne a dhéanamh nó seirbhís custaiméara a fháil trí Ghaeilge in áit ar bith. Bhí Banc na hÉireann go sainiúil ag déanamh iarrachta tacú leis an nGaeilge agus í a chur ar fáil mar theanga roghnach sna UBManna. Bhí fíorbheagáin costais i gceist le seo, d’fhreastail sé ar riachtanais teanga na mílte duine agus thug sé deis don bhanc meas a léiriú ar chuid lárnach dár bhféiniúlacht. Faraor, tá an Banc ag cúlú siar ar an rogha theanga seo a chur ar fáil – cé gur rud beag a bhí ann, bhí sé luachmhar. Ní chuireann an earnáil phríobháideach an Ghaeilge nó cearta teanga san áireamh in aon chor agus ní inghlactha an scéal é. Nuair a chuirtear an Ghaeilge san áireamh i gcúrsaí brandála, margaíochta agus seirbhís custaiméara ag an earnáil phríobháideach, téann sé seo i bhfeidhm ar an bpobal i gcoitinne. Leis an gcinneadh is déanaí atá déanta ag Banc na hÉireann, tá díluacháil ar an dteanga á dhéanamh acu. An mbeidh an tseirbhís seo ar fáil sna ceantair Gaeltachta nó na Bailte Seirbhíse Gaeltachta cosúil leis an nGaillimh? Tá sé seo ag cur isteach ar na hiarrachtaí atá ar bun ag an bpobal agus an rialtas an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn mar theanga laethúil sna ceantair Gaeltachta agus ar fud an stáit. Is iomaí fadhb tubaisteach a bhí ag na bainc le deich mbliana anuas. Bhí ar shaoránaigh an Stáit seo teacht i dtarrtháil orthu. Is é is lú dóibh a dhéanamh ná rogha theanga a thabhairt dóibh ionas go mbeidh siad in ann cumarsáid a dhéanamh i cibé acu dár dteanga náisiúnta gur mhian leo. “Mar Chathaoirleach ar An Euro Gaelach, táim ag tathant ar dhaoine a gcuid míshástachta a léiriú maidir leis an gcinneadh seo agus picéadú a dhéanamh ag a mbrainse áitiúil de Bhanc na hÉireann, Dé hAoine, an 1ú Mean Fómhair idir a 1:30pm agus 2:30pm."
    524 of 600 Signatures
    Created by An Euro Gaelach Picture
  • Return Gaeilge Option to BOI ATMs
    For many years, this Irish language option has been a very welcome addition to banking services in this country and it’s removal shows very little regard for those who use the Irish language daily and live in Gaeltacht areas. The latest Census figures tell us that 190,276 people speak Irish every week. Initiatives like being able to take out cash as Gaeilge are a novel way of inserting the Irish language into your daily life.
    3,659 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Aodhán Ó Ríordáin Picture
  • Give Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Ass a seat on the Rural Development Programme EU Monitoring Comm
    The INHFA represent over 30,000 farmers in the West of Ireland. As they have no seat on any of the decision making committee, these farmer have no voice on these committees, which decides the future of farming and rural life in Ireland.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan Ward
  • Improved Internet for Three Ireland Customers in Donegal
    Donegal is a county which is deprived and often neglected by the Government and by corporations. As customers of Three Ireland we feel we deserve the same service as those in other areas who are charged the same rates for better quality internet. We ask that Three Ireland improve the quality of their internet for their customers in Donegal. We'd also like Three to make it clear once and for all as to to whether there is upgrade work being done in the county and when do they expect the work to be completed. Finally we ask for a reduction in the rates until such a time as we in Donegal receive the same standard of service as those in areas with high quality internet.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Gamble
  • Dublin City Council, stop using RoundUp
    Dublin City Council are rumoured to be very close to banning glyphosate - the toxic chemical found in Monsanto's RoundUp weedkiller. If hundreds of us sign this petition, it might give them the push to finally stop using glyphosate.
    32 of 100 Signatures
  • Hold a Competition For A New Rebel Flag
    After the attacks in America by racists wielding the confederate flag, it's important that Irish sports fans don't seem to be endorsing the racism long associated with the confederate flag. But, Cork's history as the rebel county should be celebrated, and this is a great opportunity to do it!
    31 of 100 Signatures