• Gain Irish exemption for 14 year old daughter with Dyslexia
    It is important because 1. Irish being a compulsory subject in this country is of little importance to my daughter who struggles with reading and writing in English because of her dyslexia. 2. Because of an outdated educational psychology system in Ireland my daughter can drop 2 other subjects to give her time for learning support.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Murphy
  • Provide Pain Relief Patches with Medical Card
    To ensure pain relief is accessible to those on a low income and to keep the usage of tablets to a minimum. United we can help my healthcare accessible to all.
    391 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Noreen Doherty
  • Gary Moore statue put up in Belfast
    To show the world that Belfast cares for the people who have put Belfast on top of the world stage in music.
    669 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Mick O Loughlin
  • Fund transport to school for homeless children
    Over 3,000 children are homeless today in Ireland and the numbers are growing. These children are placed into whatever homeless accommodation is available without consideration for their schooling. Their schools are often great distances from their accommodation resulting in costly and time- consuming travel for them and their parents. There is very limited support for them to reach school. Services should be provided for all homeless children who have to travel significant distances to school.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Declan Meenagh
  • Ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
    We have to end the inconceivable injustices and degrading treatment of disabled people here in Ireland. Too many disabled children and adults are living in forced institutions, separated from our families and communities, with no control over our lives, bodily integrity, often afraid, abused and unheard. Ireland is the last country in the European Union to ratify the convention. Ratifying the Convention will mean formal recognition of our rights and enable independent living and freedom from discrimination. 11 years after the UN adopted the Convention, Ireland is the only county in the EU that has failed to ratify it. We are asking all of you, to help us to shine a spotlight on our government’s inaction. It is NOT okay that disabled people have no control over our lives. We, disabled people, need your support and cannot do it alone. We need everyone to please support the legal protection of Disabled people's rights. By signing this important petition to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People, your support will help to positively change our country and the lives of many for the better. Thank you very much!
    8,482 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Ann Marie Flanagan
  • Stop reinforcing the stereotype of "the drunken Irish".
    We have a unhealthy relationship with alcohol and some politicians seem to be more concerned about protecting the profits of Diageo and publicans than of taking a stand in favour of the health of our people. They pay lip service to the problems caused by alcohol abuse, yet are quite happy to go along with the Diageo (Guinness) marketing charade that this practice supports. We hear excuses that banning drink driving will cause rural isolation. It is possible to go the the pub and order something other than an alcoholic beverage. Driving is a responsibility - not a right. Ask any A&E staff member or any one in a refuge for victims of domestic violence about the effects caused by excess alcohol use if you feel that this is harmless. Ireland has far more to offer than just a pint of Guinness. Shame on our politicians for ensuring this is what we are best known for and perpetuating the stereotype of "the drunken Irish". Personally I find it demeaning and offensive. I hope there are other like minded people who will sign this petition to end this practice.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark O'Hagan
  • We ask that ALL members of the 8th Committee read the Citizens Assembly report in full.
    Our lives depend on it. Our physical and mental health depends on it. Our bodily autonomy depends on it.
    479 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Carly Bailey
  • Stop Spraying Roundup in Co. Cork
    Roundup is ‘potentially carcinogenic’ according to the World Health organisation and is being sprayed in places such as playgrounds close to where children play. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/widely-used-herbicide-linked-to-cancer/
    301 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Stop using Roundup in Cork County
    Our health is being affected by Roundup.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Vote for a sustainable food future in Ireland!
    Ireland finds itself under increasing pressure to reduce its agricultural GHG emissions. Climate change is upon us and is a serious threat to our environment, social and economic world, subsequently affecting our ability to continue a business-as-usual approach to food production. The state cannot continue to ignore the fact the expansionist agenda in agriculture is not working. It is not environmentally, economically or socially sustainable. Environmentally Unsustainable: Under Food Harvest 2020 and Food Wise 2025, our emissions under a best case scenario are set to rise by 6/7% to 2020 Over 53% of water pollution is directly related to agriculture, with one in three rivers and lakes now at risk of further pollution. What’s more, biodiversity continues to decline, with rare species on the verge of extinction Economically Unsustainable: Ireland’s agri-sector is dominated by small farmers, who are struggling to survive. Farmers find themselves caught between pressures in trying to get a fair price for produce and a CAP ( European Common Agricultural Policy) that rewards the bigger land-owner. Farm incomes continue to decline, a fact blamed on falling milk and grain prices, with the OECD-FAO outlook predicting that markets will continue to remain weak Socially Unsustainable: A shocking and unacceptable fact is that only 1% of Ireland’s agricultural land is used to grow vegetables. Ireland has to import vegetables worth 1.2 billion euro each year, making us vulnerable to fluctuations on the market. Earlier this year, a drought in Spain resulted in higher prices for vegetables. Food prices hikes impact everyone forcing many to substitute vegetables with cheaper, nutritionally poor, energy dense foods. Leading to various health problems. Climate change, political instabilities and other factors can affect imports, if imports stopped today we would have approximately 4 weeks of fresh produce left on our shelves. We are not food secure! We stand on the side of small farmers, who risk it all, day in day out, to produce healthy food, true custodians of the land, protecting the environment, preserving biodiversity, keeping skills alive and ensuring that future generations have the opportunity to produce nutritionally good food. These farmers continue to be pushed to the fringes, by the state and the EU. With this petition we want to show that we stand with these farmers. That we care and all want a sustainable food future. If you care about what’s on our plate, care about local economies and about a sustainable future. Make you voice heard by signing this petition. Let’s speak as one voice to the Irish government and tell them: - to support small farmers financially - to support farmers in diversifying their holdings - to offer supports to increase the amount of vegetables produced in Ireland for food security - to increase environmental standards in agriculture beyond carbon footprints and give incentives to those who meet and surpass those standards - to practice the polluter pays principle and heavily fine those who continue to pollute our land and waterways - to increase reforestation with native species in and around farms, to support farmers in transitions to agroforestry 1. http://www.epa.ie/pubs/reports/air/airemissions/2020_GHG_Projections_2016_Bulletin.pdf 2. http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/water-quality-in-one-in-three-irish-rivers-and-lakes-is-at-risk-of-deteriorating-35850649.html 3. http://www.thatsfarming.com/news/curlew-ireland 4. http://www.independent.ie/business/farming/beef/beef-farmers-will-again-struggle-to-cover-costs-in-2017-35290234.html 5. http://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/ifa-president-says-farmers-again-struggling-to-make-a-living-1.2057112 6. http://www.independent.ie/business/farming/schemes/system-failure-massive-difference-in-cap-payment-rates-35118778.html 7. http://www.irishtimes.com/business/agribusiness-and-food/average-family-farm-income-down-9-to-24-060-1.3102770 8. http://www.agri-outlook.org/
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nathalie Markiefka Picture
  • Ban now the use of Glyphosate based and other toxic Weedkillers used by Roscommon County Council
    These chemical based weedkillers are highly carcinogenic and linked to a variety of potentially fatal diseases. Monsanto's Roundup weedkiller, Pathclear, Gallup, Pistol, Weedol and Mossgo are to name but a few of the weedkillers currently on the market that contain the cancer causing chemical glyphosate which is lethal to all living organisms. Ireland has the second highest level of glyphosate in our surface water in the EU and the third highest death rate of cancer in Europe. To ensure a safer, cleaner living environment for our current and future generations we want a complete ban of glyphosate weedkiller. We are extremely concerned that our Agricultural sector/farmers are bombarded with misinformation and pressure from government bodies that are directly lobbied by toxic chemical companies. 1. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/environment/farmers-weapons-of-mass-destruction-carry-cancer-fears-1.3148492 2. http://greennews.ie/why-is-ireland-diluting-legislation-on-banning-hormone-changing-chemicals/ 3. https://www.euractiv.com/section/agriculture-food/news/france-tables-eu-wide-non-agricultural-pesticide-ban/
    367 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Keane
  • Protect children coping with domestic violence
    Childrens safety should be paramount in situations of domestic abuse. Studies show that 40 - 60% of men that abuse women also abuse their children. Irish law needs to change to protect children and prevent abusive parents from having access.
    98 of 100 Signatures