1,000 signatures reached
To: Leo Varadkar
Fair carbon tax now! Make polluters pay

The Government needs to make polluters pay at least €30 per tonne on carbon - this measure is crucial if we're to avoid damaging our planet past the point of no return.
Why is this important?
We've just heard that we're on track to damage our climate so irreparably, we won't recognise the world we live in. But the Government has failed to act by letting the polluters who've put us in this situation off the hook.
If we don't immediately escalate the action we're taking on climate change, we're on track for 3 degrees of warming - double the maximum amount said to be safe by experts. Leo Varadkar and the Government talk the talk - but when it comes down to it, they've let us down. Please sign so we can build a campaign big enough to make them retract their failure to act!
If we don't immediately escalate the action we're taking on climate change, we're on track for 3 degrees of warming - double the maximum amount said to be safe by experts. Leo Varadkar and the Government talk the talk - but when it comes down to it, they've let us down. Please sign so we can build a campaign big enough to make them retract their failure to act!