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To: Football Association of Ireland

Ireland u/21s Soccer Team, Don’t Play Israel.

We call on the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) to cancel the soccer match fixture between Ireland's under 21 team and Israel to be played on Thursday, October 11th 2018 in Israel.
We ask the FAI to support the call to suspend the Israeli Football Association from FIFA until Israel respects the human rights of Palestinians and observes international law.

FAI- Don't legitimise Israeli apartheid. (1)

Why is this important?

An International Boycott campaign aims to put pressure on Israel because of its racist occupation of Palestinian land and brutal treatment of the Palestinian people. This Boycott includes sport.
UEFA has a commitment to anti-Racism and a tradition of promoting Fair Play. There is overwhelming evidence that the system instituted by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people meets the UN definition of Apartheid. (1)
Israel doesn't do 'fair play' when it comes to soccer and Palestine.

There are legitimate concerns that Israeli State Forces target Palestinian soccer players as shootings and maiming of youth players/ club players form a pattern going back over a number of years.

Israel has bombed Palestinian football stadiums.(3)

Lack of freedom to travel also severely restricts Palestinian soccer teams from being able to participate in the sport locally and internationally. This has even interfered with World Cup qualification.(4)

The Israeli Football Association plays a role in supporting the illegal settlements which are a war crime under international law. (5)

Some examples of what has happened already this year:

*The Argentinean soccer team cancelled a friendly fixture with Israel. (6)

*In March 2 youngsters were shot by the Israeli army in the West Bank One died. The other boy, aged 14 who was returning from football practice fortunately survived after being shot in the thigh. (8)

*30th March 23-year-old football player Mohammad Khalil Obeid was shot in both knees as he filmed himself. The video, published on social media, shows the moment he was shot: standing in an isolated area, not posing any threat. He needs a knee replacement to be able to walk again. As a soccer player his life has been destroyed.(2)

*This summer a Gaza children’s soccer team was unable to play in a kid’s tournament in Ireland because of travel restrictions. (7)
*Large demonstrations met the Israeli soccer team in Belfast this September. (9)

*Adidas withdrew its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (10)

Please, show your support for Palestinian rights and call on the FAI to stand up against apartheid and for fair play, equality and justice.

Knocknacarra Palestine Network












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2018-10-01 21:23:07 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-10-01 12:58:59 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-09-30 23:55:50 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-09-30 17:48:10 +0100

10 signatures reached