• Women Should Not Be Locked Up Because They Want An Abortion
    The misuse of the mental health act as a means to deny women and young girls the medical care they need is not acceptable. It's time for real choice, it's time for a referendum on the eighth amendment that offers real choice to the Irish public.
    15,861 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Protect & Expand NI Abortion Rights
    DUP MPs with extremist views on abortion must not be allowed to threaten an area of healthcare that one in three women will need in their lifetime. They must not be allowed to block the progress women deserve. It’s 50 years since the Abortion Act was passed and it needs to be extended not rowed back on
    32 of 100 Signatures
  • More Bicycle Parking for Galway City!
    In 2014 Sara Morris, spokeswoman for the National Transport Authority, advised of the allocation of €50,000 for the provision of additional bike parking to Galway City Council. Three years later, on the first day of National Bike Week 2017, Galway City is still massively lacking in the provision of bicycle parking with no evidence of where that money was spent. To date, there are still less than 200 bicycle parking stands in Galway City. With a population of just under 80,000 people this is clearly an inadequate number of bicycle parking spaces for Ireland’s forth biggest city. Bicycle parking is an issue that affects all members of our community here in Galway; from blocking pedestrian and disability access on our streets and footpaths to contributing to an increased number of cars on our roads. The lack of bicycle parking is a something that is driving commuters into their cars unnecessarily. Congestion in the city centre is at an all time high with Galwegians spending more time sitting in traffic than drivers than any other city in Ireland. An increased reliance on cars for transportation is not only adding to the levels of pollution in the city but is also negatively impacting the health, safety and wellbeing of our citizens. Galway City Council themselves acknowledge, through their Park’n’Stride Campaign, that an increased reliance on bicycles as a form of transport would not only alleviate traffic congestion but would also improve the physical and mental health of the population by incorporating exercise into everyday activities such as commuting. On this year, 2017, that Galway holds the European Green Leaf designation and in the lead up to Galway 2020 when Galway will see an increase in tourism, An Mheitheal Rothar is calling on the above mentioned individuals to not just make a commitment, but to immediately take action to increase in bicycle parking for the city and the appointment of an new Cycling Officer within Galway City Council. If you would like to support this campaign please sign the petition and follow us on social media for more information. You can also share the petition using #bikeparkinggalway We would also encourage you to express your concerns to: • Thomas Connell - Galway City Council Director of Services for Transportation, Recreation and Amenity, Corporate Services ([email protected]); • Hugh Creegan - National Transport Authority Director of Transport Investment and Taxi Regulation, Deputy Chief Executive ([email protected]) ; • Cllr. John Walsh ([email protected] )- Chairman, GCC Transport Strategic Policy Committee; • Cllr. Noel Larkin – Mayor ([email protected]), GCC Transport Strategic Policy Committee. As part of Bike Week 2017, An Mheitheal Rothar also took to the streets to speak with some of Galway's cycling community about their thoughts on cycling in the city. Watch our video here: https://youtu.be/sBxkyiRxYv8
    300 of 400 Signatures
    Created by An Mheitheal Rothar
    Specialist armed Garda units have been directed to beef up security in several Irish cities from this evening. (Sunday 4th June 2017) Members of the Garda Armed Support Unit (ASU) have been dispatched to the cities of Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Kilkenny, beginning their duties at 7pm this evening. While the threat of a terrorist attack in Ireland is currently deemed to be possible but unlikely, the directive comes as a proactive and preventative measure in the wake of the past fortnight’s attacks on Manchester and London. The Taoiseach should be reminded that Ireland is renowned around the world for it's neutrality, friendliness and respect for the views and beliefs of others. An unarmed police service is something the Irish people are proud of. Therefore, we call on the Taoiseach to show leadership and not bow down to these cowardly acts by bringing more weapons of war onto the streets of Ireland.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark McAuley
  • Please sign Irish petition for UN Committee Against Torture
    Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Committee recommends that the State party: (a) Indicate how it proposes to implement all the recommendations of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse and indicate the time frame for doing so; (b) Institute prompt, independent and thorough investigations into all cases of abuse as found by the report and, if appropriate, prosecute and punish perpetrators; (c) Ensure that all victims of abuse obtain redress and have an enforceable right to compensation, including the means for as full rehabilitation as possible. Call to action : please show your support by commenting via change.org also uplift.ie and sharing this cause via social media Thank you to you and your supporters X p.s. no abusive language
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cli Buckley
  • Support Our Elderly
    Our Elderly motorists present with their own problems of frailty and mobility concerns, not to mention fear. In general, medical eligibility for Disabled Blue Badge Holders excludes age as a factor, leaving Elderly people exposed. Providing designated parking bays at key locations in and around City &Town centres encourages greater equality, independence and community participation for our Elderly Community.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brendan Byrne
  • Keep Academy Walk Management Out of Hazelwood
    Academy Walk Management Ltd., were removed from the premises of Hazelwood via Court Order around October time following a successful media campaign and eventual legal settlement. Now, the opportunity has arisen for Academy Walk Management Ltd., to purchase another 48 apartments within Hazelwood Student Village. This is detrimental to the student's welfare and well-being and must be stopped. Sign this petition. Share with your friends.
    647 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Cody Byrne
  • RESPREEZA for ALPHA 1 Patients in Ireland
    Campaigning for the life-changing therapy... RESPREEZA to be approved / available here as it is in TWELVE OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES! It is estimated that over 3,000 people here in Ireland suffer with Alpha One, a genetic condition affecting the lungs, liver and skin. For some patients, a therapy trial back in 2006 offered a new lease of life and over time went on to improve their health, giving them some hope of a brighter future. Sadly back in 2016, patients were then told the distressing news that the pharmaceutical company that provided them with the life changing therapy would be withdrawing it, leaving patients right back at square one again. So, with the clock ticking representatives of Alpha One are now, calling for the HSE to agree a fair price for reimbursement of the therapy before it's too late.
    706 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Crea Sheahan
  • Stop the Carraig Eden Eviction
    The Irish Assemblies of God are selling Carraig Eden, a centre for people recovering from addiction - and the asking price is over €2 million. But, here's the thing - the promised they would sell it to the group supporting the residents - Tiglin - at only a fraction of this price. By the time Tiglin raised the money - the Irish Assemblies of God had decided to go back on their word and sell the centre for a huge profit instead. But, once the groups had raised the money and made an offer the Irish Assemblies of God decided to sell it on the private market for over €2 million instead. Here's what the resident's have to say: We are a group of past and present residents of Carraig Eden, Greystones writing to you to highlight the situation with Carraig Eden. This building has housed men of all ages, on their last stages of rehabilitation and re-entry to society over the last 10 years. The Greystones community has enabled these men to have support, re-integrate into a safe community and become valued members of this and other town’s. Our residents have become part of this community, becoming involved in the daily life and business of their town. In the last two week’s we have received Eviction notices. We would like to highlight the course of events and ask for your support in this situation. Approximately two years ago Tiglin Challenge Rehabilitation Centre in Ashford Co. Wicklow entered into negotiations to buy with the current owners, (IAOG) Irish Assemblies of God, (now Christian Churches Ireland, CCI). Tiglin had to withdraw from the negotiations as the price was increased on a number of occasions and they could not secure the funding. Another Christian endeavour, the “Save Carrig Eden Fund” took over trying to secure funds but unfortunately failed. In the meanwhile, Tiglin was able to secure the funding status they sought through Wicklow County Council and re-entered negotiations in September 2016 with IAOG. The deal was done through Wicklow County Council. As in the case of these complex deals, Wicklow County Council were two week’s late in the drawdown of their funding and IAOG pulled out of the deal. Since this time, it has become apparent that IAOG were offered 3 million from a developer for Carrig Eden. This action is resulting in up to 30 vulnerable men losing their home, we feel ours and those coming after us, hard fought rehabilitation is in jeopardy. We have been taught that if we have a problem, we go to our brother; if our brother does not listen we bring another brother to talk and see if it can be worked out. This is what we are doing, we have formed into a group and wish for our voices to be heard, we are supported by our leaders, churches and many people in the community and we now ask for your support. We are asking IAOG/CCI to come back to the table and honour their agreement with Wicklow County Council and Tiglin. That Carrig Eden continues to equip and strengthen the current and future residents who rely on this housing and its environment. “Carrig Eden is more than a house, it is a home, it is a family that take care of each other and push their siblings to strive towards their potential” .. “Without Carrig Eden, I would have been back in the area where all my problems began. Carrig Eden helped me to develop the skills needed to live, like paying rent and being independent.” “I have come from a life of addiction and homelessness, God saved me, I am on a CE scheme and volunteer with homeless and those in addiction. Please don’t take this opportunity away from me”. “ I need the people in Carrig Eden to support me and bring me through the next stages of my recovery. My chances of a new life are being destroyed and my dreams to help others like me are being crushed”. “Going through my addiction recovery has been the hardest thing in my life, but the best because I am now free from my addiction. I need Carraig Eden for its support, I have nowhere to go”. “If I don’t have Carraig Eden, I don’t have a future” “I have been able to deflect all the temptations that came my way because of the environment of Carraig Eden. I am living with people here with the same goal’s as me “I have been homeless, couldn’t read or write, I am now in education and getting my life on track. I need Carraig Eden to keep going.
    2,587 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Carraig Eden Residents Picture
  • Stop sale of AIB shares until proceeds can be invested in public infrastructure
    Ireland will sell off 25% of a bank that has cost the taxpayer tens of billions of euro for something in the region of €3 Billion, and we won’t be able to give the people of Ireland any dividend from the cash raised from the sale. For months, the case has been made by trade unions, political parties and civic society groups for changes to the Stability and Growth Pact in order to allow for greater investment in public infrastructure. Unfortunately, our Government has so far utterly failed to push this idea at a European level. The result is that none of the proceeds from any sale of AIB can be invested into building houses, hospitals or schools. The Dáil has voted to delay the sale of AIB shares - the Government must now listen.
    2,480 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Siobhán de Paor Picture
  • Grant Asylum to LGBT people fleeing Chechnya
    It was revealed in April that the Chechen government was detaining, torturing and even killing gay and bisexual men. Lithuania has become one of the first countries to give refuge to men fleeing Chechnya because of their sexuality. Now its time for Ireland to step up and offer permanent residency to LGBT people fleeing Chechnya.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Lynch
  • Award the freedom of Dublin to Chelsea Manning
    One day in 1948 Billy Fox, grandfather of U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning bid farewell to Rathmines Dublin and set off seeking work abroad. He settled in Haverfordwest, South Wales. On May 17th Billy’s granddaughter Chelsea Manning will be released from Fort Leavenworth high-security prison, having spent almost a quarter of her life in jail. Following former US President Barack Obama’s pardon, twenty-nine-year-old Chelsea will walk free having served seven years of the 35-year sentence imposed on her for telling the world the truth about US Army activities in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Nothing would be more fitting than for Dublin City Council to celebrate truth and moral courage by granting the Freedom of the City to Chelsea Manning. Her Welsh/Irish mother Susan, as well as her aunts and uncles, have been to Dublin several times, and Dublin musicians, performers and supporters have been to South Wales to express solidarity with the relatives of a true hero. It is a golden opportunity to celebrate the diversity of Dublin’s global diaspora, and to honour a very special granddaughter of Dublin City in an age when the role of the whistleblower is more crucial than ever. .......... On Saturday May 20th members of the Manning family will participate in the 30th annual Afri famine walk in Doolough, Co. Mayo. On Sunday from 5.30pm-8.30pm they will be guests of honour at the Celebrating Resistance event at the Teacher’s Club in Dublin.
    258 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dónal O'Kelly