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Stop the netting of Dollaghan Trout in Lough NeaghTo save these wild native brown trout.541 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Brosnan
TCD: Endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation TreatyThe Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Initiative The burning of fossil fuels is the prime reason for the exacerbation of the climate crisis and – already today – responsible for one in five premature deaths worldwide. The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative calls for a global treaty that would govern the phasing out of fossil fuels in line with the 1.5 degrees goal agreed upon in the Paris agreement. The treaty has been endorsed by the European Parliament, the Vatican, Vanuatu, Tuvalu, the WHO, 70 cities and subnational governments, 101 Nobel laureates, and over 3000 scientists and academics.92 of 100 SignaturesCreated by TimeToAct TCD
Stop Gorse FiresGorse fires destroy biodiversity and cause climate damage16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Jarrett
sign petition for new Educate together secondary school CootehillIt's important that we can educate our kids in a non religious environment. As well as having a low cost School for those who struggle with paying for uniforms ,book etc.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Roche
Help Protect Our ChildrenThe traffic issues around our school with HGV usage have been exacerbated by Brexit and now pose life-threatening risks to the children of Kilrane National School everyday and to the residents of the Kilrane area. In summary; Kilrane has been subjected to years of bad planning practices, Brexit has now made these HGV traffic issues around our school far far worse. The safety issues around our national school are now at a life-threatening stage since the implementation of Brexit. And it is our fear that it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured at the school. The long-term future of Kilrane and Rosslare Harbour as a livable residential areas is in danger, as well as the future of our very valuable tourist industry which is based around the affected area. We wish for the businesses involved to stay in the Kilrane/Rosslare Harbour area as we have no issue with the businesses involved, just with their current proposed locations. So we call on Wexford County Council to honour their promises to solve our traffic issues and to honour their statutory obligations to the residents, especially our children, and reject the planning permission application for a new haulage depot in Kilrane Business Park. The granting of such would be catastrophic for our children. Our detailed objection letter will be ready shortly and we will make it public. Please sign this petition by the 2nd of November 2022.121 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kilrane Concerned Residents
Demand Safe Water for Furbo - Spiddal - Rossaveal areaSign this petition to let your voice be heard We have had no information and no apology regarding the unsafe tap water. The public water quality is considerably compromised and a serious risk to your health if you consume it. This should in a written statement to every household affected. There should also be a notice that the water will damage and break appliances i.e kettle, dishwasher, washing machines etc We need an disposal unit for electrical and plastic waste caused by this issue and compensation for broken appliances. There is a good article here on how Maganese can be toxic and dangerous to our health. https://labs.selfdecode.com/blog/manganese-toxicity/ If you are worried that you have symptoms , you can contact your G.P and book some tests. Vitamin E and Milk Thistle may help to to combat manganese toxicity.730 of 800 SignaturesCreated by sinead mckiernan
Provide Consistency and Transparency in the Presentation of Electricity TariffsPlease see the YouTube video I have created to explain why you should sign this petition (see updates for link). It is difficult if not impossible to understand all the electricity plan variables, and to make an informed choice as things stand today. I created an excel model to assist with this decision making process, but excel skills should not be necessary for a consumer to pick their electricity plan!322 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Kirsty Halloran
Incorporate Existing Cycle Lane into the proposed GreenwayIt defies logic to construct a second cycleway instead of utilising the existing one. The approach seems to be completely at odds with the Greenway’s own stated aim of a "maximising the value of existing infrastructure” and a “Greenway should link with community sites such as schools or housing estates as a means of commuting to work, a school and recreation” Using the existing cycleway would provide a safer infrastructure for everyone, especially school-going children so benefiting the local community as well as tourists. Using the existing cycle lane would bring the Greenway through Ballinderreen village which would benefit local communities by bringing new business opportunities. Loss of privacy to many households, destruction of natural habitat, implications to wildlife (including protected owls and bats), noise and light pollution, safety and crime concerns are among the many fears of the local community. Please Sign our petition to get existing cycle lane finished as part of the new proposed Greenway.337 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Nuala Martyn
Stop giving airtime to Climate Deniers on Irish mediaAt a time when we need to be pulling out all the stops to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent the worst climate change scenarios, it is very misleading and confusing to audiences to hear people with climate denier agendas espousing policies that will instead dig us deeper into the climate crisis. The Chairman of companies Clontarf Energy Plc and Petrel Resources, Mr David Horgan, is an example. Between them, these two companies are involved in oil and gas exploration in Ireland, Iraq, Ghana and Chad. Mr Horgan has signed the world "There is no Climate Emergency" declaration (part of a project by Clintel - a lobby group funded by two Dutch millionaires) yet on 27th August he was on Newstalk's Anton Savage show to discuss "Tackling the Energy Crisis & Budget 2023 Look Ahead". In fact, he is regularly given spots on RTE, Newstalk, Today FM and Radio Nova to espouse views which no doubt stand to improve the market for fossil fuels which his companies profit from. Photo credit: Fringer Cat @nittygritty_photo1,039 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Angela Deegan
Licences and Registration plates for cyclistsCyclists and Drivers sharing the same road space is challenging and dangerous. Cycling for leisure, fast-food delivery and competitive cycling are increasing, as are accidents. It is common to be held back on a country road by three or four cyclists, cycling side-by-side, slowing traffic down. Equally, in the city, it is not unusual to be held back on a busy city street by a fast-food delivery cyclist casually cycling in the middle of the road with their phone in hand. These situations are dangerous for both drivers and cyclists. This creates a passive aggressive streak in drivers that we are all more than aware of. It is now time to address this issue. A solution to this problem is for cyclists to undertake both a theory and practical road test to understand the shared rules of the road. Additionally, I am calling for the introduction of registration plates for cyclists, so they can be identified in case of an accident. Please sign this with me and submit to our local councils. Cyclists are only doing what they are allowed and feel entitled to do. We need to ask the change makers to enact this rule of licences and registration plates to keep the roads, cyclists and drivers safe.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Liz Madden
Demand Government Subsidies For EV Conversions In IrelandIreland has repeatedly missed its greenhouse gas emissions targets and, with the transport sector accounting for 20% of the nation's CO2 emissions, switching to electric vehicles represents a great opportunity to cut emissions quickly. This also has the benefit of reducing air pollution, which will benefit public health, while the cheaper running costs will help many who are already struggling due to the Cost of Living Crisis. At present, incentives are only available for brand new electric cars - which makes them unaffordable for the majority of people. This is also delaying an affordable second-hand EV market, which needs to be prioritised if the majority of people are to be able to make the switch. A key mantra for tackling the Climate Crisis is doing more with less. Converting petrol, diesel and hybrid cars to run as full EVs is a great example of this – as it takes cars that run perfectly well, but which have high and harmful emissions, and delivers all the benefits of electric cars – such as lower running costs and no air pollution – at an affordable price. We have previously seen the Irish Government offer scrappage schemes for cars – but this has come at the cost of a lot of metal, plastic and oil waste. By funding EV conversions instead of supporting scrappage schemes, the Government can not only avoid unnecessary waste, but also help to keep natural resources in the ground by effectively recycling the cars that we already have. The French Government has made EV conversions available for a price of just €5,000, which is a much more realistic entry point for most people in Ireland. Especially during a cost of living crisis55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tom Spencer
Introduce a statutory maximum working temperatureHot weather can make work unbearable and with record temperatures likely to be a trend in Ireland, we should introduce a statutory maximum working temperature after which employees are sent home.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Harvey McDermott