• Extend DART+ to Kilcock
    Kilcock has become an important commuter town and must treated as such. Residents in the area are becoming increasingly and justifiably frustrated with the transport options in the town; an unfit train service, and a bus service that is unreliable and lacking punctuality. The people of Kilcock deserve better. The NTA will be reviewing the plans in 2025. We must throw our full support behind a campaign for a "bolt-on" service to the train depot, that would facilitate a station and secure the DART+ for Kilcock.
    1,127 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Melrose
  • Update Ireland's Aviation Policy
    The stated main goals of Ireland's aviation policy are about: 1. Enhancing connectivity for the needs of business, tourism and consumers. 2. Growing aviation enterprise 3. Maximising the contribution of the aviation sector to Ireland’s economic growth and development Goal 3 is incompatible with other areas of government policy, in particular in relation to greenhouse gas emissions. Goal 3 also encourages the aviation sector to behave in ways which are contrary to the well-being of the citizens of Ireland in the future, as well as to other people outside Ireland likely to be impacted by climate change. Given that commercial aviation fuel is tax exempt, this amounts to a subsidy of tens of billions of euros in Europe annually, and this subsidy should be discussed in the formation of Ireland's new aviation policy.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cornelius Traas
  • Save Our Malahide Road Bus Stops
    Bus Connects has been granted permission by An Bord Pleanala to remove the bus stops at Danieli Road (1219) and Killester Avenue (1220). These are proposed to be replaced by a single bus stop outside Artane Cottages Lower, on a narrow footpath with no room for a bus shelter. This means there will be no bus stop with shelter or seats on Malahide Road southbound between Artane Roundabout and Maypark (near Donneycarney church), a distance of almost 1km. The local community is losing two well-used bus stops with full amenities situated on wide footpaths. Instead, all bus passengers who would otherwise use those two stops will be forced to wait on a narrow footpath directly outside the doors and windows of the houses at Artane Cottages Lower, with no shelter or amenities. This will affect every passenger using the bus service along this whole stretch of the Malahide Road. The biggest impact will be on older passengers, passengers with disabilities and those travelling with children. The distances to bus services for residents from Killester Park / Craigford Drive and St. Brigid’s / Danieli Road will increase significantly. The severe impact on all bus passengers in the area and on the residents of Artane Cottages Lower has been explained many times to Bus Connects in public consultations and formal objections to their proposals, but no changes have been made or instructed to them by An Bord Pleanala. At this stage, the only option to prevent this proposal from being implemented in the Bus Connects scheme is to put pressure on the NTA and the Bus Connects project managers and engineers to revise the detail design for the stops between Artane Roundabout and Maypark in the next stage of the works. Help us to lobby Bus Connects to revise the design. Please sign the petition AND email them at [email protected] to tell them to save our bus stops.
    1,562 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Our Stops
  • We need a local bus for Mullingar town
    Let's make Mullingar accessible to everyone, bring the bus!
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Raimonda Masiulyte - Ramchurn
  • A 'no carbon' future
    At COP 28, the Irish government spoke on the news about false solutions, like carbon capture and storage. These insufficient solutions are a distraction and so many people around the world know this truth. As young people, we already know that burning fossil fuels is causing climate change and that fossil fuels are responsible for 75% of greenhouse gas emissions. We are the ones that will have to face the climate chaos that we didn’t create. We need to make sure Ireland does not fall into the trap of the fossil fuel industry! Please sign your name and SHARE! Bella, Aya, Zoe, Lucas, Tom, Roisin & Riley! students from North Wicklow Educate Together secondary school
    238 of 300 Signatures
    Created by North Wicklow Educate Together students
  • Stop the Demolition of Havelock House
    In November 2023, Lotus Property brought Havelock House from Olympian Homes with the aim of using its site for a social housing development for Clanmil Housing. Olympian had made two failed attempts to demolish Havelock House, which were rejected by the local community and Belfast City Council. ​After buying the building, Lotus and Clanmil promised that community concerns would be listened to and there would be proper consultation on the proposed development. Lotus managing director, Alastair Coulson, said that: "The next 12 weeks will be about listening to stakeholders and local communities about these draft plans. We look forward to hearing all views and considering them in our plans." ​But within two weeks, Lotus and Clanmil had sent in contractors to strip out Havelock House with the aim of demolishing in January, even before the public part of their consultation began. Havelock House is one of Northern Ireland’s best-known cultural landmarks. Originally a Victorian linen factory, the building then saw service during World War II as accommodation for soldiers and was most recently the home of UTV. The local community played a key role in overturning the previous plans to demolish Havelock House. Lotus Property's rushed demolition must stop, until the promised community consultation takes place.
    263 of 300 Signatures
  • Ban single use vapes.
    Millions of the devices are thrown away in Europe each week. As a result, thousands of tones of lithium from e-cigarette batteries wind up in landfills each year, threatening nearby waterways with toxic nickel, cobalt, and organic solvents.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Crow
  • Swimming Pool for North Fingal
    Children in Balbriggan and surrounding areas do not have the abillity to swim. Only 6/23 schools surveyed in north county Dublin have swimming on the curriculum. Balbriggan was promised a swimming pool in partnership with the rugby club in a plan scrapped in 2016. Skerries was promised a swimming pool years previously. People have to spend time and money to access a pool outside the area. Swimming is a basic life skill and contributes to sport and health of our community.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Garrett Mullan
  • Petition to get Waterford Council to buy Gallweys Hill site in Tramore
    Defining a site as an area of high amenity and then allowing it be sold to the highest bidder would be a missed opportunity for WCCC and risks it falling into unscrupulous hands. The stability of the cliff face, bird nesting area and viewing platform on this site are extremely important to the town, as confirmed by the Council when planning was denied. The next step to safeguard the site has to be the public purchase of the land.
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Una Dunphy
  • Stop the use of palm oil
    Every 5 seconds in the Amazon, land nearly the size if a football pitch is cut down, just for the use of palm oil! When we reach our 1000 signatures goal, we are going to send this petition onto Nestle, the company that uses the most palm oil in there products in the world
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Curran
  • Palm Oil Debate
    My friend and I are going to send this on to Nestlé when we reach our 1000 signatures goal
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Curran
  • Conor Pass for the Irish public
    Generations of people have found inspiration in the breaktaking views and enjoyed the scenic walks across the dramatic landscape. People all over Ireland have a deep emotional connection with the iconic Conor Pass and many of us were shocked to discover that it had been in private ownership all this time. Now, you have a chance to do something extraordinary and leave behind a legacy that will enrich and benefit Ireland for generations to come. The Irish government has said that they are interested in buying but would not be able to do so for such a high cost. Despite lots of public support, procurement rules means that the state cannot offer above the market value for a piece of land. The risk is that an international investor will come along, buy the land, and remove public access. The Irish have a very deep and complicated relationship with land and the public loss of such a special area would be devastating. In order to ensure that the Conor Pass can be enjoyed by everybody, for generations to come, we are asking you to enter negotiations with the state to find a way that the ownership of the Conor Pass passes to the Irish public. We are people from all across Ireland, all ages, all walks of life, all religions and none who have come together to make this request of you. Not many people have the opportunity to leave behind such an incredible gift and we are asking you to do everything in your power to make sure that the people of Ireland become the custodians of the Conor Pass. Thank you
    2,159 of 5,000 Signatures