• Share the Shore in Greenisland
    The shore of Belfast Lough is special - lovely walks at low tide, seals, birds, the beach. It's a perfect place for people to enjoy, and to improve their physical and mental health, and appreciate our natural environment. Yet it's closed off. Access denied! NIWater and MEABC have the power to change that. So simply open the gate, and #ShareTheShore!
    506 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Shane McKee
  • Environmental Damage and Sustainability
    Environmental damage is an existential threat and we are facing disaster. Much of our planet will not be habitable if we continue on the current pathway.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Knox
  • Clonard Brook Pollinator Walk
    This area has potential but due to neglect, it has become an eyesore and is prone to littering and illegal dumping. It is a walking route to Colaiste Glor na Mara. It is a walking route for many people on leisure activities such as dog walking. It is used by children as they learn to ride their bikes. Taylor Hill Residents Association did plant over 100 pollinator friendly trees and other plants in 2021, with support from Fingal Council. A lot of work from various groups has gone into make this space nice. Local adults and children spent much of the pandemic painting murals in the Summer. This was followed by a collaborative mural project between Bremore ETSS and Colaiste Glor na Mara which involved Transition Years painting murals to promote environmental awareness. We believe with proper support this area can truly become the Clonard Brook Pollinator Walk. his activity is spoiled when there is evidence of neglect and abuse of this land. The school fence has been broken and is unrepaired. Trolleys are dumped in the stream. As there is such overgrowth, it is impossible to for us to litter pick.
    303 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Garrett Mullan
    This will help people reduce their commute time, generate economic activity in Edenderry, and enhance Irelands rail network. Edenderry is a community in crisis. 70% of people commute out for work or education. Unfortunately, there is poor public transport options. 25% of people use bus, 2.5% get a taxi, and 42% use a private car. 10% of people use their car to travel to a train station nearby and get the train from there. This doesn’t have to be the way! 95% of people support Edenderry getting a train station. This overwhelming show of support can’t be ignored! Edenderry can only grow, thrive and prosper with a train station, and this will help with people’s commute and the environment. Join the fight today. Sign and Share this petition
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eden Rail
  • See the Camac!
    People living in cities need access to nature, but in Inchicore the canal and river are largely walled off and inaccessible. Plans have existed for decades to open up "blueways" for public enjoyment and recreation but we have seen little progress between Suir Road and Blackhorse. We need public pressure to progress much needed improvements.
    246 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Camac Community
  • Save The Strawhall Woodland, Carlow, Ireland
    We have come together to draw attention to a 28.87 acre site being sold in Carlow. Gateway & Adjoining Lands, Strawhall, Athy Road, Carlow Town, Co. Carlow is for sale by Greencore Group plc. Advertised as “Tremendous potential for further development” There is zero mentioning of any mature trees nor woodland within the advertisement; lot 6 has a well established woodland (Link below for sale details) We are calling on you to help us protect these trees from potential destruction. We want these woodland back as a public amenity. . We want to protect the wildlife under the Wildlife Act 1976 that call this place home already. Trees are vital to preserve and hugely important to biodiversity in the ongoing climate change. And as we have seen before, trees and woodlands removed overnight; we have come together to prevent this from happening. We need our trees! Though this is not solely about the trees and wildlife this is about the community coming together seeing the potential these lands already have for the community. For our future community. Protecting and enhancing our environment for future generations. And only a brisk walk away from our town centre. What we need? We need time. To buy time we need support. We need you to join us, sign our petitions, and share our social posts. Write your support to newspapers. Contact the local representatives. Contact the Carlow County Council. Spread the word for the love of our trees we are coming together! Already a large community has come together in Carlow and further nationwide to bring these woodlands into the public domain. We hope you will share some support and hopefully some day you will get to come visit 😉 Contact us [email protected] (Link to sale details below in "campaign website")
    531 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Tanya LaC-O'N
  • Ban super factory ships in Irish waters
    Let's send a clear message to the Irish Government and the European Commission that it's time to ban super trawlers and to ensure a sustainable fishery that supports coastal communities around Ireland and Europe.
    6,773 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Brosnan & Pádraig Mac Lochlainn Picture
  • Landsdowne Valley Park Drimnagh needs an upgrade
    Landsdowne Valley park is mostly used by dog walkers and joggers currently. It has a disused pitch & putt section - that has become home to many birds. The lock-down showed how important local green spaces are. The climate crisis is showing the importance of biodiversity. Landsdowne Valley Park has a lot of untapped potential and we ask the council to take steps, to come up with an upgrade plan for Landsdowne Valley Park in partnership with the local community and stakeholders. The run down, polluted condition of the River Camac flowing through Landsdowne Valley Park, is of serious concern. We the undersigned look forward to partnering with Dublin City Council, in creating an upgrade plan for this park.
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • Ban mega-trawlers from Irish coasts
    One of these giant fishing vessels has been seen less than 40 nautical miles off the coast of Ireland in the past week - the FV Margiris has been called the 'Death Star of the Ocean' and can land up to 250 tonnes of fish a day, 14 times what a regular Irish trawler might take, while often leaving tonnes of unwanted 'by-catch', marine life including marine mammals, dead in its wake. The vessel has already been banned from Australian waters - is undoubtedly causing untold damage to marine life off Ireland’s coast. In February of last year, French authorities launched an investigation after pictures of a huge 'carpet' of dead fish left behind the FV Margiris caused international condemnation from environmental groups. Up to 100,000 dead by-catch from the huge ship, were left floating in the water and it led to calls for the ship to be banned from French waters. The mega trawler - the second largest of her type in the world, is banned from some international waters, where countries have decided the cost of these types of factory fishing operations is just too high. https://www.independent.ie/news/environment/alarm-for-marine-life-and-local-fishing-crews-as-monster-super-trawler-fishes-in-irish-waters-for-a-third-day-42388536.html https://afloat.ie/port-news/fishing/item/58163-controversial-supertrawler-margiris-currently-fishing-off-irish-coast https://mobile.twitter.com/TrawlWatch_EU
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alex Barton
  • Protect the land we love
    Another 7 wind turbines are proposed to be built on a mountain above Glencar in Leitrim, which already has been exploited by the wind industry more than any other Irish county. These turbines would carry the name "Charafenna wind farm" and would expand and connect with the pre-existing Carrickeeney windfarm, as well as the additional and current proposal for another 18 machines on Dough Mountain to the East. It would require excavations to create a cable connection across 9 Kilometres of farmland to the electrical substation at Manorhamilton, a significant widening of the high mountain road, the addition of a new circular industrial service road on the top of the mountain, plus 7 additional buildings (one for each turbine). Each machine would be at least 150m tall and very visible from the head of the Glencar Lake Valley and the world famous Devil’s Chimney waterfall. They would overshadow a great many residential homes in close proximity as well as their turbary rights on the mountain above, producing severe noise pollution and shadow flicker, devaluation of property and a loss of local jobs in tourism and other fields. —— From this elevation there are magnificent views across the Glencar and Glenade valleys as well as an astounding vista right across Donegal bay to the distant mountains above Killybegs. Home to hen harriers, barn owls, golden eagles, sparrowhawks, buzzards, kites, grouse, red squirrels, pine martens, hares, bats, foxes, badgers and bees - This is quite simply one of the most pristine places in Leitrim and indeed Ireland. —— And whilst of course the world is in dire need of better solutions to our energy issues, it is easy to understand that this old technology cannot possibly be the best solution. - Firstly we need widespread education to encourage every household to wake up and cut their own energy usage…there are a myriad of simple ways to do this. - For energy generation we need to be investing in far more progressive thinking than we currently do - this could perhaps include offshore windfarms instead (although not good for marine life), wave power generation, solar collection and other far less obtrusive and destructive technologies. - Wind turbines have a life expectancy of approximately 20 years and are not biodegradeable or recyclable. They end up in landfill. - They create a significant loss of biodiversity - in this case, affecting a rich and specific local fauna which includes rare and protected species. —— When making decisions which directly affect the community, our ancestors traditionally considered the impact upon at least 7 future generations. Would that we in Ireland were still this wise and forward thinking… What will our children and grandchildren say about us when they realise that we selfishly made irreversible, ignorant decisions which altered and destroyed the mountains and inhabitants of these very special places? These lands were beloved of W.B.Yeats, our great poet and thinker, who would surely be turning in his grave to see Glencar progressively overshadowed by major industry? —— In recent years Leitrim County Council has had a history of leniency in its responses to such applications, a stance which now needs to be scrutinised and reevaluated to be in line with the future, not the past. It is time that our authorities cease to think in purely monetary terms, ticking boxes to benefit themselves and their industral partners, but instead to begin to lead with impeccability and forward thinking so as to leave behind a legacy from which everyone in Ireland may benefit. Please add your voice and your intent to this petition, so that together we may share and cherish this precious land for many more centuries to come, and wisely show the way into the future for new generations who may better care for it as well as for one another…
    276 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tim McGuire
  • Create awareness of sustainable printing solutions in Ireland
    Printing doesn't have to cost the Earth - we can use recycled paper and cardboard, non-toxic ink, set-up multi-use purposes for printed material, re-fill ink cartridges. Let's start with our ink - printing wholesalers to offer consumers ink-fills for costly cartridges.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Reapy
  • Save our hedgerows NOW, Minister McConalogue
    Hedgerows are our single most important landscape feature. They are vital for our wildlife (including most of our songbirds and pollinating insects), flood control, shelter, shade, beauty, AND.... they store massive amounts of carbon. It makes NO SENSE to allow the destruction of up to 3000 kilometres of hedgerow every year.
    2,472 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by alan moore