• Stop The Shop
    Residents in the Callenders Mill estate and surrounding estates do not want a shop built on the green area in front of their houses. This green is filled with children playing every day. Residents want to keep this green space as there is already a lack of green spaces for children in Celbridge. Callenders Mill is clearly a residential area. The proposed shop will be open from 7am to 10pm, which will cause serious disturbance and noise pollution for residents. There is already insufficient parking for residents in the estate. There are already a significant number of other shop in the vicinity. There are also vacant shop units within walking distance of the proposed site. We do not need or want a shop in Callenders Mill, Celbridge!
    249 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joanne McGarry
  • Upgrade and Invest in the Limerick – Nenagh – Ballybrophy Railway Line
    The Limerick - Nenagh - Ballybrophy Railway is a vital piece of national rail infrastructure but it needs a more holistic approach to investment and upgrading in order to deliver a proper service that will attract passengers. Public transport throughout the Midwest region is not good enough. I would hope people throughout the Midwest and supporters of the rail network throughout Ireland would support our campaign. Our requests are not unreasonable, they are modest practical requests that would massively improve the services available on the line. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
    1,191 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Edward Kelly Picture
  • Protect Gort Uí Lochlainn Woods, Moycullen
    This petition is in response to Galway County Councils proposed destruction of Gort Uí Lochlainn Woods for a new housing development: https://consult.galway.ie/en/consultation/part-8-la0921-development-31-no-houses-coill-bhruachl%C3%A1in-gort-u%C3%AD-lochlainn-moycullen-co-galway Gort Uí Lochlainn woods is a beautiful mature, natural, broad leafed deciduous woodland that is used extensively by the community. This woodland harbours rich biodiversity with over 200-year-old native deciduous trees, inc. beech, holly, birch etc., a rich understorey and a stream releasing freshwater from the boggy uplands down to the limestone lowlands, all harbouring species of endemic flora and fauna, the latter including mammals such as foxes, badgers and bats; birds such as jays, sparrowhawks and a visiting barn owl; woodland and aquatic invertebrates. The present pandemic has highlighted the intrinsic value of outdoor recreation to human well-being; taking this woodland away from the neighbouring community is an affront to all human needs for natural resources for mental health and wellbeing and it is a natural classroom to teach our younger generation respect for their natural environment. Galway County Council proposes to destroy the woods without even conducting an environmental impact assessment, and in so doing are ignoring that: - The woods is a habitat to multiple wildlife and a variety of flora and fauna - The woods act as a flood protection system - The destruction of woodlands negatively impacts our fight against climate change
    1,228 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by John Clifford
  • Celebrate the Hawthorn, make it our national flowering tree!
    The Hawthorn tree has been an important part of Irish life since time began and appears in many of our ancient legends and folklore. The haw, or fruit of the Hawthorn can be eaten and was often referred to as the poor man's apple or fairy apple possibly due to the fact it resembles a tiny apple. The connection to fairies continues with lone Hawthorns in fields being called The Fairy Tree and so being protected by the landowners. They also appear at many of the Holy Wells around the country. The Hawthorn is particularly spectacular in May/June when it is in full bloom and is a stunning feature on the landscape quite as spectacular as the Cherry Blossom is in Japan which is celebrated there and rightly so. We should honour the Hawthorn in the same manner. By acknowledging the Hawthorn we will keep the stories alive while also helping towards reminding us to protect our biodiversity as Hawthorns grow in our hedgerows and are home and food for many of our native creatures. By making it our national flowering tree we can educate our people on biodiversity, heritage and culture and use her beauty to attract visitors during the months of May and June.
    234 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ann Smyth
  • Keep Magheramore Beach open
    Magheramore Beach is one of the best beaches in Ireland and concerns have been expressed that continued access to the beach could be jeopardised as a 21-acre site that serves as the route to Magheramore Beach is to be auctioned in the coming weeks. It is critical that this site is sold with the knowledge that there is a public right of way to the beach through it. Generations of people have enjoyed Magheramore Beach which is a beautiful cove just outside Wicklow Town. In 2006 a barrier was placed across the entrance to restrict vehicular access to the beach and attempts have been made previously to stop all public access. The path to the beach is a well-established right of way and any attempt to close or restrict public access to the fantastic beach will not be tolerated and will be bitterly opposed. The sale of the 21 acres of land gives an ideal opportunity to Wicklow County Council to purchase the entire site as a public amenity, or a proportion of the land and develop a carpark to cater for the growing number of people that now use the beach. Currently people must park along the main road which has been the cause of some trouble as some people park irresponsibly. Providing a carpark would ensure people can park safely and enjoy the beach.
    1,013 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Muireann Dalton
  • Tell Us Where Our Clothes Come From Dunnes Stores!
    Fashion chains are responsible for ensuring their workers are paid living wages, work in a safe environment and receive sufficient rest periods between work. However, fast fashion chains like Primark and H&M are notorious for sourcing their clothes from factories that provide none of the above. Dunnes Stores has a similar fast fashion model, yet unlike many other large retailers, has no information on its website regarding where it's clothes come from and how their garment workers are treated. The Clean Clothes Campaign estimates that garment workers in India and Bangladesh are paid, on average, 2-5 times less than is needed to live with dignity. Poor working conditions also endanger the lives of workers. In the case of the 2013 collapse of the Dhaka garment factory in Rana Plaza, Bangladesh, over 1,000 people died due to shockingly poor implementation of building safety standards. Some of Dunnes' clothes are made in Bangladesh yet it was one of the few retailers who failed to sign the Fire and Safety Accord in 2013 to improve factory conditions in the country. The sustainability of fast fashion retailers is also coming under increased scrutiny as the climate crisis accelerates. The fashion industry produces 10% of the world's carbon emissions. Two key factors in this are clothes waste caused by excess production and use of unsustainable fabrics. Retailers like Dunnes must take responsibility for sustainably and ethically sourcing the clothes they sell. If not, we as consumers must hold them responsible for the sake of our future.
    159 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Niamh O'Connor Picture
  • Save Tolka Park
    Tolka Park is one of Ireland’s most significant sites of sporting culture and history. Since 1924, the stadium has been enmeshed in the cultural life and sporting traditions of Dublin City. As a stadium, Tolka has a proud legacy; hosting the first floodlit football match in the Republic of Ireland in 1953, being the venue for the first televised League of Ireland game in 1996/7, and becoming the first all-seater stadium in domestic football in 1999. Tolka Park is, and always has been an asset to Irish football and to the local community – acting as a home for Drumcondra FC, Home Farm FC and since 1989, Shelbourne. It has hosted games at every level, from local and junior football, right up to the top European competitions. The Save Tolka Park Campaign is a coalition of local residents, football fans and activists united in opposition to the sale of the stadium to private developers. We believe, that with the right investment and planning, Tolka Park can be rejuvenated as an asset to the community – hosting football at every level, while also acting as a community hub with additional amenities for local people. We have a proposal, launching on June 10th, that sets out how this can be achieved and we are appealing to you to help us make these plans a reality. As City councillors and the Minister responsible, we are asking you to act to protect an irreplaceable part of our sporting history, and to ensure that Tolka Park continues as a backdrop for dreams and memories for years to come.
    4,610 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Tolka Park
    South William street has received an unfair treatment after being only partially pedestrianised although it received 95% public and local businesses support for full pedestrianisation during the trail last summer and 97% during the consultation in November. This decision to support partial pedestrianisation was made after Brown Thomas car park refused to compromise and redirect its traffic onto Clarendon Street, although this worked perfectly fine during the pedestrianisation trail last summer. Partial pedestrianisation doesn’t make any sense! If you have you been on South William street on a busy Saturday or Sunday afternoon, you know that it looks and feels incredible, the energy is fantastic. However the footpaths are just too narrow, the street gets congested, traffic is not moving, air pollution is trapped in between beautiful tall Georgian buildings. The survival of hundreds of small local businesses and the health and safety of our public is now at stake. It's time to make the changes! We need to act like a modern European city that is evolving and needs space to breathe. Streets are for people! Innovative change is needed for the city centre. Please sign this petition to show your support for full pedestrianisation of South William street.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Hertelendi
  • Underground the proposed Irish North South Interconnector (NSI) power line.
    Eirgrid, who operate the Irish Electricity Grid, plans to link the electricity grids in the Republic and North of Ireland by a 400kv overhead power line called the North South Interconnector. This plan would involve the erection of 409 steel pylons ranging in height from 26m to 51m through rural Meath Cavan and Monaghan and Tyrone in close proximity to many homes. This proposal has been rejected vehemently by the residents of these counties on the basis of (a) Health risks associated with living in close proximity to power lines, in particular an association with childhood leukemia, (b) Impact on Heritage, Community life, farming and wildlife (c) Visual impact (d) Noise (e) Impact on property values. From the outset the affected communities, through their representative group NEPP (North East Pylon Pressure) have advocated for the project to proceed using underground cabling to connect the power grids. Eirgrid rejected this proposal stating initially that it wasn't feasible and would cost from 10 to 25 times the overhead option. Eirgrid have since had to concede that undergrounding is indeed feasible and that their costings were grossly wide of the mark. Undergrounding is not in fact more expensive when all costs are taken into account. Indeed Eirgrid have recently selected UNDERGROUND CABLING as the best option for the Kildare-Meath Grid link upgrade. Eirgrid state ..."during the consultation period, new information was received in the form of advice from the Asset Owner cable specialists suggesting that UGC can be constructed in a more efficient manner than was previously assumed.." It can be laid along the road side in a trench 2m by 2m. Had Eirgrid used the same criteria in the Public Consultation process for NSI there is no doubt the NSI would be undergrounded. It is worth noting that Eirgrid are planning to underground the Celtic Interconnector and have dropped plans for the Grid west Overhead line. Why scar the landscape and negatively impact our rural communities for generations to come when there is a viable alternative. Help us to preserve the beauty of our landscape and protect the Health and well-being of our communities. Undergrounding this project is feasible and affordable. We call on Govt to direct Eirgrid accordingly.
    730 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Philip Ward
  • Provide Legal Protection for Basking Sharks in Ireland
    Basking sharks are endangered in the Northeast Atlantic and global population estimates indicate that the west and northern Irish seaboard are part of the single most internationally important coastal region for this species. Basking sharks occupy inshore and offshore areas year-round in Irish territorial waters. Ireland and our coastal communities have historically benefited from basking shark fisheries and today we have a duty to provide protection for this highly mobile species when they occupy Irish territorial waters. Recent research indicated that the Irish public supports the protection of basking sharks in Irish waters (Gray, 2019). Adding the species to Schedule Five of the Wildlife Act, (1976) as amended, is the simplest method to provide protection for the species in Irish territorial waters.
    12,982 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Simon Berrow
  • Defund the Glen of the Downs car tunnel - invest in public transport for Wicklow and Wexford instead
    We are in a climate emergency and Ireland has the highest transport emissions per capita in the EU. This project to increase capacity for more motorists on the M11 was dreamed up in 2018 as part of the last government's road expansion programme. It is a proposal that denies the seriousness of the climate crisis. This project has not entered the design phase yet so there is still time to cancel it and divert the remaining funds into solutions that will actually work to decrease congestion, decrease Ireland's transport emissions and decrease all of the other effects of releasing tens of thousands more cars onto the roads of the greater Dublin area every day. Email the Minister for Transport and Climate Action to let him know that you think this is disastrous for our climate ambitions: [email protected] If you live in Wicklow, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown or Wexford, contact your local TDs and councillors to let them know that this money would be better spent on public transport which would provide lasting improvements for commuting and for quality of life: https://www.whoismytd.com Further reading: "New road capacity attracts new drivers. In the short term, people who had previously been discouraged from using congested roads start to use them." https://theconversation.com/climate-explained-does-building-and-expanding-motorways-really-reduce-congestion-and-emissions-147024 "for every 1 percent increase in highway capacity, traffic increases 0.29 to 1.1 percent in the long term (about five years out), and up to 0.68 percent in the short term (one or two years)." https://usa.streetsblog.org/2017/06/21/the-science-is-clear-more-highways-equals-more-traffic-why-are-dots-still-ignoring-it/ "But even after spending €1 billion on these works, the M50 will remain as congested as ever, as the National Roads Authority (NRA) has conceded." (2006) https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/building-new-roads-won-t-solve-m50-traffic-problem-1.1014217
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oisin O'Connor
  • Save Church View Market Tramore
    This is a growing Community Market which offers so much more than locally made goods and produce, it offers a meeting place for people in a safe outdoor setting. It is a great addition to the town of Tramore and is well supported by residents. The Council need to be realistic in the number of stalls needed here AND listen to the voices of the community,both market stall owners and those in the town who support the market.
    1,133 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Blackvelvet