• Save Portobello
    Portobello in Dublin is a known landmark for skaters. It is a public safe space for everyone to use and enjoy and is a very popular skate spot and has been since the early 2000’s. Its crucial for the area and Dublin alike. It’s been used for skate competitions, young and old skaters alike to gain skill and for people to simply just enjoy the beautiful willow trees by the canal on a sunny day. There is currently barricades up, blocking access to this haven as another proposed hotel is once again attempting to force the original culture out of Dublin to make way for more greed, money and financial gain. This is unacceptable. People skate to free their mind; this in turn helps with their mental health (which we all know is still a huge problem in Ireland that is not being tackled correctly) and socialise with people (which is needed now more than ever with the state of current affairs the last 2 years) and make friends outdoors in a safe environment. Public toilets are needed there, not Garda patrols and closure. They’re proposing to block access to this necessary space for 2 years, but who knows when it will be available again. So I’m writing this to appeal to you, your friends, your partners and anyone else who you know who has fallen in love with and shares a passion for skating to raise much needed awareness on this wreckless, senseless act, to save Portobello and not leave the vultures win with taking over more space to make more money to ruin a city that should belong to its people. Please share this petition and sign it and let’s together save Portobello skate spot! Thank you. Peace and love.
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jaime Noonan
  • Open Call To The Irish Government, The BAI & Irish Radio Broadcasters to Support Domestic Artists
    We need to safeguard the domestic Irish musicians, bands and artists within the music industry through a difficult time during Covid. This is an open call to the Irish Government, the BAI & Irish Radio Broadcasters to support domestic artists by allocating more airtime to them on the radio. If Irish Radio continues exporting the majority of royalties to International artists during such a harrowing time in our history - it will equate to our domestic artists suffering even more hardship, some having to give up music careers altogether. We ask Minister Martin, those in power within the Irish government, the BAI (Broadcasting Authority of Ireland) and those who work in Radio Broadcasting to consider allocating more airplay and heavy rotation to our domestic artists to safeguard their careers in such a financial crisis for them, with gigs being cancelled and their music and arts scene being one of the worst affected industries during covid.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Linda J Coogan Byrne Picture
  • Protect the Limerick Greenway
    The Limerick Greenway, which opened in July and cost €10M euros, is now the most successful greenway in Ireland with over 250K visitors already. The greenway traverses a green plain under Rooskagh Hill. This region has huge potential for tourism and could create a multiple of the estimated 200 jobs created in Mayo on the back of their fabulous greenway. It is similar in size to Limerick and visitor numbers are comparable. A dual carriageway through the plain and the greenway will stunt any further growth in amenities and jobs. We believe Limerick County Council; Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Department of Transport have chosen it not because it is the best route to alleviate traffic congestion in and around Newcastle West but purely because they think that it is achievable in the time frame that they must spend the funds promised and also allows them to circumvent future restrictions from the EU in relation to climate control. We want to raise awareness of this flawed decision and try and reverse it before it is too late. The process to date has evolved side by side with the Covid pandemic and the authorities have been able to move swiftly without entertaining any real democratic questioning. Zoom calls with pre-prepared scripts has been the order of the day. The whole planning, implementation and engagement of this process has been rushed and expedited. Most local politicians appear to be repeating the same mantra as the council and there is a clear democratic deficit here. It is left up to ordinary citizens to voice their concern through the media and other channels such as this petition. https://www.facebook.com/protectlimerickgreenway [email protected]
    443 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Limerick Greenway
  • Bring @rtegold to fm & or sky
    We all love this station its such a go to station and keeps memories goin.!
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john taylor
  • Keep Chapters Bookshop Open in Dublin
    Because Dublin needs a proper bookshop, one with a huge range of titles and a massive secondhand section to spend hours browsing in!
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alan Myler
    82% of the Irish people support neutrality in all its aspects.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Margaretta Darcy
  • Save The Cobblestone
    Over the last few years Dublin has lost a number of irreplaceable cultural spaces and hubs. The demolition of The Cobblestone pub will add to the city's cultural demise and add another soulless hotel to the Smithfield area.
    6,776 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Craig Connolly
  • Save the Cobblestone!
    As well as signing this petition, please register an objection with Dublin City Council if you can. It costs €20. Quote the planning file (3617/21), give reasons why you think it shouldn't go ahead, but your address on the letter and upload it to the planning system. The closing date is 4 November. Demolition of The Cobblestone to make room for yet another hotel. This will involve demolition of the backroom venue, the smoking area, and the rooms upstairs where music and Irish language classes were held, leaving only the main bar swallowed up by a 9 story hotel essentially turning the leftovers into a residents bar. We really need people to oppose this. The Cobblestone is far more than just a pub. It is a bastion of Irish culture. People come from all over the world to share and learn Irish music, song, dance, language and storytelling. It is at the centre of this 'folk revival' we're seeing in Ireland. The scene developed within those walls. The Cobblestone is vital for this community. Beyond that, and more importantly, the Cobblestone is the main hub for the broader traditional Irish Music community in the country. I have played with and learned from some of the very best musicians in the sessions. I have listened to some amazing music at The Night Before Larry Got Stretched sessions and Pipers Clubs gigs from musicians and singers you otherwise might never get a chance to hear. I have watched younger musicians develop into great musicians. I've watched dancers dance, singers sing, story tellers recite stories. There is nowhere else that can match the cobblestone for any of this and there's no place that promotes Irish culture to the same level as The Cobblestone. This is an attack on our culture in a City that's getting swallowed up by blind greed. We need as many people to oppose this as possible.
    35,126 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Eoghan Ó Ceannabháin
  • Save Merchant’s Arch
    We can’t have another part of historic Dublin succumb to “development”! Merchant’s Arch is there since 1821 and is part of Dublin’s culture, history and personality.
    53,310 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Edel Leahy
  • Reclaim the Site of the Christopher Columbus Memorial in Galway
    To create a sense of public belonging for all community members, especially those in marginalised or disadvantaged groups.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Megan Maria Ayers
  • Comhlámh le Naíscoil na Seolta/In solidarity with Naíscoil na Seolta
    In Northern Ireland, no matter who we are, our everyday speech is littered with Gaelic and Scots words. Many of the names of our towns and cities are derived from Irish, and it was historically spoken by many Protestant people across Ulster. It's wrong that a vile social media campaign has led this importance educational resource to move premises. Shared spaces where we learn from each other are vital for our peace-building and our quality of life. We offer our support and respect and stand firmly with all those involved in Naíscoil na Seolta.
    1,434 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Keep exhibitions FREE for the public at the National Gallery of Ireland
    The decision to charge admission to a current exhibition at the National Gallery of Ireland is contrary to the gallery's longstanding policy of accessibility for everyone. The public is being asked to pay to see works, gifted or purchased with public funds, that now form part of the gallery’s permanent collection. In other words, we are now paying twice to see these works of art! The National Gallery's mission claims to be the country's most popular free visitor attraction and promised to be 'Dedicated to bringing people and art together' which is why it is so important that access remains free of charge so that everyone who lives in and visits Ireland is able to access all works of art. When €500,000 in capital funding to support the gallery’s acquisitions programme for 2020 was announced by the Minister of Arts, director of the National Gallery of Ireland Sean Rainbird noted that the expanding national collection “of course belongs to the people of Ireland”.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexandra Barton