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To: Local Politicians, Wicklow County Council and Local Councillors.

Protect Our Youth: Say No to the Casino in Greystones

Dear [Local Politicians],

I am writing to you today to express my deep concern about the proposed casino in Greystones and its potential impact on our community, particularly our youth. I urge you to take decisive action to protect them by stopping the construction of this casino and only allowing it in an area that does not put vulnerable individuals at risk.

Here are five compelling reasons why I believe this is the right course of action:

1. Adverse Effects on Mental Health: Gambling has been shown to have devastating consequences for the mental health and well-being of young people. Our youth are already exposed to gambling through sports, and we cannot afford to let them be exposed to this dangerous vice in their own neighborhood.

2. Proximity to Schools: The proposed site of the casino is in close proximity to schools, putting our children at risk of normalizing gambling as a part of their daily life. We must protect their innocence and prevent gambling from becoming a part of their future.

3. Increased Incidence of Gambling: The incidence of gambling among teenagers and young men has skyrocketed in recent years, and we cannot afford to add to this growing problem.

4. Protection of Vulnerable Individuals: The casino will also be in close proximity to rehabilitation facilities such as Tiglin, putting individuals in recovery at risk of relapse. We must protect these vulnerable individuals and only allow such a venue in an area where there are no schools or rehab facilities.

5. A Stand for Our Community: By taking a stand against the casino, we are making a statement about our values as a community and our commitment to protecting our youth and vulnerable individuals.

In conclusion, I implore you to take immediate action to stop this casino and to only allow such a venue in an area that does not put our youth, vulnerable individuals, and community at risk. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


The residents of Greystones.

Why is this important?

Dear community members and local politicians,

We are facing a critical issue that demands our attention and action. A casino is being proposed in our neighborhood, and its impact will not only be felt by us but also by our children who attend schools in close proximity to the proposed site, Sweeney’s chipper.

Gambling has been shown to have devastating consequences for the mental health and well-being of young people. Yet, despite these warnings, the incidence of gambling among teenagers and young men has skyrocketed in recent years. We cannot afford to let our youth be exposed to this dangerous vice and be at risk of developing problem gambling.

It is time for us to come together and make our voices heard. We must appeal to our local politicians to stop this casino and to protect our children and community from its harmful effects. Let us show that we care about the future of our youth and that we will not stand by while they are put in harm's way.

Join me in speaking out against this proposed casino and take a stand for the health and well-being of our children and community.

Together, we can make a difference.

A concerned community member
Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

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2023-02-09 13:42:31 +0000

Join your community in standing against the proposed casino. 7:30 PM tonight at St Patrick's School, we urge you to make your presence felt.

Your support is crucial in making a difference and bringing about political change.

Don't rely on others to show up, your voice and presence matter.

Learn the reasons why local schools are opposed to this proposal and why its location is a cause for concern.

A casino may be acceptable, but not at the expense of our village and its residents. A non-residential area outside the village could get support.

Come and take a stand for your community, let's protect what matters most. Your attendance can make a significant impact.

Please brings friends, family and neighbours. Don’t assume someone else is going, you can be the difference today.

Residents & friends of Greystones.

2023-02-05 12:16:21 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached