• Save the Legion Hall, Killester.
    We could make a positive and impactful difference to the community of Killester and surrounding areas if the Legion Hall was brought into public ownership, refurbished and reopened once again as a community centre which for decades was a focal and central hub for the community of thr Killester Garden Village and surrounding areas.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Crampton
  • Irish Artifacts Belong in Ireland
    The Mount Keefe Chalice is one of Ireland's oldest artefacts. It is currently on display in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. What's disappointing about this is that this artefact is an object that belonged to monks of the late 17th Century in Ireland. It is presumed to have been used to celebrate mass when Penal Laws were very strict in Ireland. The Mount Keefe Chalice was said to have disappeared after the murder of two monks in the region of Newmarket, Co. Cork. The chalice appeared again, 200 years later! Eventually, in 1929 it was sold by an heiress of a large estate in Co. Cork to the value of £400 (approx. €25,000) to the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. [1] I would like us, the people of Ireland, to reevaluate it's placement in the UK. Why is it displayed in a museum in the UK? Can we reclaim this Chalice and any other artifacts like it, bring it back to it's cultural land of origin. The heritage that this chalice, and artefacts like it could be brought back to Ireland in an appropriate context that can be shared and valued by all. Photograph: Public Domain Pictures | Pixabay [1] https://lovin.ie/news/calls-for-stolen-irish-artefacts-to-be-returned-from-british-museums
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Reapy
  • Bin The Bongs!
    Insulting to those of no religious affiliation. The many others of differing religious faiths. Is broadcast at the expense of the state’s license fee payers!
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joey Crawley
  • Rename Berkeley Library to Wilde Library
    We believe that the college ought to remove George Berkeley's name from the library as he was a supporter of both slavery and settler colonialism; and that Oscar Wilde ought to be given a more prominent role in the college due to his contributions to Trinity life, literature, and the history of LGBTQIA+ people. Berkeley was a slave owner, and he used the funds from his plantations to make profit for himself and organisations like Yale University. He wrote about his beliefs that slavery was an efficient way to Christianize Black people and that Indigenous Americans should be transported by force to missionary colleges in Bermuda. Oscar Wilde participated in many Trinity institutions like the Phil and the Foundation Scholarship while also contributing to the legacy of Dublin's relationship with Gothic literature and socially conscious theatre. He also advocated for social causes such as prison reform, gender equality, and, most famously, sexual freedom. Since Wilde deserves more formal recognition in the college (as it recognizes Beckett, Synge, and Swift) and Berkeley's name should not be given the respect it currently receives, changing the name of the library to the Wilde Library would significantly improve our campus and demonstrate Trinity's efforts towards making the college truly inclusive.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dublin University Gender Equality Society Picture
  • #FairPlayOrNoPlay - Protect GAA Referees
    Recent high-profile assaults on referees have shown us that our national sports have a problem. Referees will not continue to turn up to our matches if they are not treated with respect and fair play. That's why we're calling for a national strategy to tackle this problem by making it clear that people who behave aggressively or inappropriately towards referees have no place in our games.
    14 of 100 Signatures
  • Inchicore Library Community Space
    Our mental health is suffering for the lack of public community space. We have lost so much with the closing - Children's Saturday morning story time, The stitch n bitch, Film club, book club. Cathy Suffel the historian in residence talks, the fact that one never knows who is alive or dead because of the lack of community space
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Teresa O’Maille
  • Fix up Inchicore 1937 Public Library
    The local community in Inchicore have used the public library for generations since 1937. Now the Art Deco library needs refurbishment and a wheelchair access ramp built. The architects plan has been drawn up by DCC, but the tender has not been reissued after Covid. There may be alternative plans to convert the historic building into a tourist attraction - a possible social history museum, similar to EPIC. The library keys were handed over by the librarian to the DCC Dept of Property Development and Planning in January 2022. No one in the local community has been consulted about this. The local community are worried that they will lose access to this valuable community space. We are asking DCC to work with the local community on the future of the library, maintaining community access. The building has been empty for 3 years and is unheated. Refurbishment works are urgently needed due to the wet weather. The wheelchair access ramp has been fully designed - the tender just needs to be reissued by DCC.
    666 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • Save Dingle's Iconic Cinema!
    Please help the residents and friends of the Dingle Peninsula secure the future of Dingle’s landmark Phoenix Cinema, which is up for sale. The Friends of the Phoenix Cinema are working to secure the future of the building for use as not only a cinema but community theatre, arts centre and festival venue. Dingle town is currently lacking any of these community amenities. Please help us to create a vibrant beating heart to bring life to the arts and cinema in Dingle. We are requesting support in our fundraising from Minister Heather Humphreys TD and the Department of Justice, Social Protection, Community and Rural Development and the Islands, to allocate funding to provide investment to support rural renewal and assist in the regeneration of rural communities, including enhancement of heritage and/or other community assets including the provision/enhancement of recreational or leisure facilities, on the Dingle Peninsula. Please sign our petition and help us #SaveThePhoenixDingle
    795 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Ionad Phoenix
  • Save Richmond Road Studios
    The disintegration of of Dublin’s cultural scene is a palpable presence in many peoples lives both in and outside of the creative industries. It’s the rental crisis, it’s the cost of living, it’s the disappearance of voices, it’s the endless hustling juggle of trying to keep the disintegration at bay, it’s knowing that there are bigger and constantly unfolding emergencies in our collective daily experience. Dublin has been plundered of its creative spaces for years. Richmond Road Studios is one of the last remaining unfunded and non-profit studios, originating from a time when Dublin was literally bursting to the seams with affordable studios. We are now in receivership and have been given notice. Are we really ok with what our city is becoming? We might have no central heating, and our building can rattle and leak, but it is ours. And we want to stay, and have nowhere else to go. Help us, because what our city is becoming is not ok. We have been extremely lucky to have received a substantial amount of free legal advice since we went into receivership on the 8th of February. However, our legal situation is complex due to a number of factors. We would like to raise money to cover our legal costs in order to properly employ and remunerate those who have been so generous with their time, in order to fight for our studio. Dublin City Council has agreed unanimously to assist us in exploring how they can support the provision of a space for Richmond Road Studio members. But donating to this GoFundMe campaign will allow us to continue to fight for the livelihoods of 20 artists through buying us time to secure a permanent resolution for the studios with the support of Dublin City Council. As mentioned above, this is a far wider issue than just our studio. This is each and every one of us, living in this city, who deserves to experience a city that is rich in culture, in all forms. So help us save our studio, and in so doing, help us change the narrative of a city that is in the midst of a cultural crisis that is gutting our spaces from under us. https://gofund.me/c0ffe468 Update: We have succeeded in securing four months notice rather than the six months that we had hoped for. However we are not done yet! We want Dublin City Council to honour their commitment to look into purchasing our building for us, and failing that to support us in finding an alternative space.
    4,097 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Maeve Brennan
  • Theatre for Tramore
    People powered campaigns are the best for delivering for their own communities, join to enrich the culture of our hometown.
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Una Dunphy
    Treasure it above a sea of cars which could move to other locations and allow our Quays flourish as public places for people to enjoy.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Una Dunphy
  • Play more Irish music and artists on the radio
    Radio plays an important role in introducing listeners to new music and artists. Each licensed station should be required to devote a minimum 20% percent of its weekly music broadcasting to Irish artists. Both Canada & France have policies in place to ensure their homegrown talent is given their fair share of airplay. Let's do the same for our own amazing artists! "Just do it, every fourth song has to be from an Irish act. It wouldn’t kill people and it wouldn’t make people turn off." Dave Fanning. “Irish radio will not play enough Irish records and I just don’t understand it. How can we break a new act if our own radio stations won’t play our own acts?" Louis Walsh. Canadian content requirements for music on Canadian radio: https://crtc.gc.ca/Eng/cancon/r_cdn.htm
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rory McDonald