• Save Ardmore Studios - Our National Film Studio
    Save Ardmore Studios – Our National Film Studio Considered a driving force of the Irish film and television industry Ardmore Studios in Bray, Co Wicklow have hosted filmmakers from around the world for the past 58 years and have helped to establish Ireland as a hub for filmmaking. The facility itself has sound stages, production offices, workshops, hair and makeup, props, wardrobe, catering and much more, not to mention the wider reaching impact for the local economy with external companies providing supporting services and facilities. In recent months it was announced that Ardmore Studios is to go on sale, Initially the sale was advertised as an ongoing concern with the function of the land and buildings to remain as they are. However, talks have begun to consider an unconditional sale, which simply put could mean that the land and buildings may be used for other purposes such as residential, commercial/retail etc. The repercussions of a sale on these terms would be felt by the industry as a whole, with the loss of thousands of jobs both directly and indirectly in the Wicklow/Dublin area and beyond. At present through Enterprise Ireland the government holds a 31.6% stake in Ardmore Studios, this stake can be seen as a reflection of a desire to support and grow the film and television industry in Ireland. Currently there is a serious shortage of studio space in the country, which has already resulted in multi million euro productions going elsewhere in Europe. In order to continue to be a competitive challenger in the market place and to ensure the growth of the industry, the government should move to maintain at least this 31.6% stake and and ensure that Ardmore Studios are sold as an ongoing concern Please sign and share
    3,325 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Nicky Mac Manus
  • Keep Lough Key Forest Park In Public Ownership
    Lough Key Forest Park is a national treasure and must at all costs be kept in public ownership. We're really worried that plans are afoot to sell it or part off, similar to what happened at Newcastle Forest where publicly owned land of which we the Irish people are the stakeholders of was leased to a foreign private company for profit gain. Una Bhan is a 'high' POEM / song in the Gaelic tradition,which tells the tragic love affair she had with a rival of her father.It is widely sung the length and breath of Ireland,and it symbolises our rich gaelic culture.She is buried on an Island close by......our heritage belongs to everyone, and no one!
    2,565 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Ian Hester
  • Get Spit on RTÉ
     Dublin/Drogheda no wave band SPIT are very good but have received little to no press attention or media exposure, denying them the opportunity to reach a large & unwilling audience. Although RTÉ broadcasts music on television, there are few opportunities for subcultural, countercultural or underground music to surface on TV. This should change, and the change should start with Spit. They're talented, they're photogenic, and they're sort of from Drogheda so accusations of RTÉ Dublin bias will be cut off at the head. Where in RTÉ's programming do you find blistering, unsettling noise?  On the "Late Late"? Nuh-uh!  On "Tommy Tiernan"? Fat chance ! On "Other Voices"? Don't make me LAUGH !  Putting Spit on TV would meet RTÉ's guiding principles of "independence", "creativity", "diversity" and "excellence".  Nothing even faintly interesting has happened on Irish music TV since that junior minister decided to whine about SPRINTS on twitter. That can change now! 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DJ MAL
  • Help Us Immortalise Savita Halappanavar's Legacy In Galway
    As we approach the 11th anniversary of Savita Halappanavar's tragic passing on October 28, we reflect on the seismic impact it had on Ireland. In 2012, Savita died from sepsis at University Hospital Galway after being refused an abortion. Her untimely demise ignited a resounding call to struggle, propelling a monumental public movement to repeal the Eighth Amendment. This movement championed the fundamental rights of women to assert control over their bodies and make autonomous decisions regarding their reproductive health. It is a monumental stride towards individual freedom and women's emancipation in Ireland and gives further impetus to the global feminist revolt. While the current legislation, though in effect, still harbours room for improvement, it undeniably signifies a watershed moment in recent Irish history. Savita's unwarranted sacrifice became the catalyst for this transformative shift. Having lived, worked, and tragically met her end here in Galway, ROSA Galway passionately advocates for a mural as an enduring tribute in her honour in Galway City.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Billie Bryan
  • Marina Market
    A dedicated building rather than a warehouse.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George O'Mahony
  • Save The Cobblestone!
    A planning proposal by Marron Estates Ltd to build a 114 bed hotel on top of and surrounding The Cobblestone Pub in Smithfield will destroy one of the city’s finest cultural centres. For decades, The Cobblestone has been a centre of Irish music, signing clubs, dance classes, historical talks and events and the promotion of international culture in Dublin's north inner city. Dublin is being overrun with hotels and student accommodation that add nothing to the cultural life of the city. It is Dublin City Council’s policy to 'lead the cultural development of the city" and "to protect and enhance Dublin city's cultural infrastructure.” The Cobblestone is a key part of the city’s heritage and cultural infrastructure and should be protected not destroyed, or made unviable by the building of yet another hotel. This proposal conflicts with the Council’s policy and should be opposed. Please sign the petition and help save The Cobblestone and protect Dublin's culture and heritage. https://planning.agileapplications.ie/dublincity/application-details/146422
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stew Red
    Support to alleviate continuous sufferings of the Undocumented people
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Sobayo
  • Clonmel Needs A Skatepark
    To keep kids and teens off the streets
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by R!an 0shea
  • Mental health and wellbeing in schools for children
    It is the most important thing in life it would reduce all of the issues across the bored if we are are going to fight for mental health we should start with the younger generations we need to give them tools to help others and help themselves it is fundamental to have something in our shcools at a young age
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Jane Kinsella
  • Limit chain stores to preserve small business and the heritage of Galway
    Galway is becoming a carbon copy city and losing what makes it special. It is becoming uniform, full of multinational chains instead of the beautiful independent businesses it once had and is famous for.
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Clare Anne