• Rise Up Against Mens Violence Towards Women
    Violence is happening everywhere and all women are at risk. It's happening on the street, in homes, in workplaces, in entertainment, and in intimate relationships.
    3,859 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by SiSi, a collective of intimate abuse survivors
  • Petition for an All-Ireland Referendum on Irish Unity
    This campaign is being orchestrated by the the 1916 Societies, who are an Irish separatist movement who believe the people of Ireland have the right to determine their own future. For more information on our campaign visit our website: 1916Societies.ie
    674 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Seán O'Brolcháin
  • Kids Rock to Open Schools
    We are school children. We want our schools opened now for ALL Children! Paint rocks as symbol of light and rainbow of hope. Leave as many trails as you can, at schools and everywhere! Let us speak up! We miss our friends. We miss our daily lives, our world. We are stuck ...at home. We are waiting…..in our bedrooms, in our kitchens, waiting….stuck. You locked us out of our lives. Don’t leave some of us behind, when our siblings return to their lives, when our parents carry on in their lives, when the whole world carries on but without us…fix a solution for us too! For ALL kids. Give us back our lives! Some of us are smaller, more alone. Sometimes we are sad. Covid Home-schooling is not realistic for lots of us. Education is not reaching us. Our parents are busy, not school teachers. Open our schools now, and safely! Chinese proverb: “Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop backwards” Malcom X: “ Education is the passport to the future” Allan Bloom: “Education is the movement from darkness to light” Article 42 of the Constitution states that “ the State shall provide for free primary education …..and, when the public good requires it, provide other educational facilities or institutions! yay!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by School Children
  • Accreditation for our education
    SNAs are a vital part of every classroom around the country. We want this course accredited to ensure professional development for SNAs around the country.
    2,980 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Linda O'Sullivan
  • Fast-tracking of a Bypass of Kilrane Village
    The fast-tracking of a bypass of Kilrane Village is crucial to the safety of the children of the area as Kilrane National School sits directly on the N25. Haulier traffic in the port increased 500% in the first week of Brexit. The increase in traffic since Brexit we believe also creates many current problems and potential future problems in the development of Kilrane Village and for the quality of life of the residents of the village and surrounding area. We believe that the issues highlighted in the attached full petition cover the concerns of the residents of Kilrane and the surrounding area. The full detailed petition can be viewed at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ty7ADK6uwvOKAdAA79xuz_rkg7FrnTbc/view?usp=sharing
    407 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Eoin Ó Donnagáin - Kilrane NS
  • Post Pandemic Education Fund for Children and Young People
    Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, across the globe, children and young people have made huge sacrifices with their education. Article 28 of UN convention on the rights of the child states in relation to Education, the child has the right to education; the State has a duty to make primary education compulsory and free to all; to take measures to develop different forms of secondary education and to make this accessible to all children. School discipline should be administered in a manner consistent with the child’s human dignity. School closures in 2020 from mid March to end of June and now from January until April, May or perhaps longer could mean Irish children and young people missing between 8 and possibly 9 months of their education. That is 1 years academic term that all children and young people have sacrificed during this pandemic. They have missed out on important rights of passage, transitions to primary, secondary and third level. Early childhood education states the years 0 to 6 in education are the building blocks of education and these early experiences form a crucial foundation of their education life into the future We are all aware of the emergency of Covid-19 but now we want to talk about recovery afterwards, recovery of full education experience for our children and young people. We want a fund to be accessible to all children and young people to support the education experiences they have lost. Its not just education rights but recreational rights that children have sacrificed. Article 31 of UN rights of child states in relation to leisure, recreation and cultural activities that the child has the right to rest and to engage in leisure, play and recreational activities and to participate in cultural and artistic activities. These too they have sacrificed. We are calling on the Justice minister and the Education minister to do what is a fundamental right of children and young people in Ireland and immediately give back the full education experience that has been taken from them.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Hayden
  • Schools are an essential service - Open them IRL (in real life)
    Education is an essential service. Sign this. Goal of this petition to show how much support there is for schools to re-open at the beginning of March for ALL children. Keeping this simple as the debates are complicated but the ASK is simple. School IRL (In Real Life) is an essential service. Open our schools at the beginning of March. Sign if you want to show our politicians that you want schools to open beginning of March. ++++++ Currently there is no clear road map for the opening of schools. "End of March" is now being used to manage parents' expectations. No clear goals, no plan in place to work towards. Nothing concrete. If we don't voice our opinion now, this could easily slide into post-Easter. NPC, National Parents Council, just sent a countrywide survey asking: From Feb 11th do you want 4 weeks of online support for your children? This shows me schools are planning to stay closed. Preparing to stay closed. This shows me we need to act now. Teachers' Unions are NOT taking Governmental advice, NPHET, The WHO, Tulsa?. Whose advice are they taking ? Dr Glynn has repeatedly stated the negative impact school closure is having on children. Opening of schools cannot be tied to covid numbers any longer. Risk is always there. Speaking at a press briefing by the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) earlier, Dr Ronan Glynn said that although there were no “zero-risk” environments, the reopening of schools was in the best interests of children. POLITICIANS are asking for parents' voices to help with their debates. We need to show we care about this and want a clear plan. Agreed dates no more " hopes and maybes". Teachers Unions cannot be allowed to leave school openings in limbo. We have no road map. Currently, there is nothing to stop schools from being closed until after Easter. Sign this. The goal of this petition to show how much support there is for schools to re-open at the beginning of March for all children. I love my school. I support teachers. I am not going to simply wait until Easter to look back and wish I had voiced my opinion earlier. Give us a concrete plan to Open our schools in Early March. Don't wait until the end of February to be told you have to wait until after Easter. Schools are an essential service. Distance learning is not the same. Open our schools beginning of March. Thank you for your time. and your signature. #iloveteachers Keeping this simple as the debates are complicated but the ask is simple. School IRL (in real Life) is essential service. Open our schools at the beginning of March.
    8,431 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Sine Dunne Mary McCarthy Picture
  • Rent Refunds for NUIG Students
    Students were told in an email from NUIG in the summer of 2020 to book accommodation in Galway for the college year, as all students would have time on-campus. In reality, the vast majority of students have had little or no on-campus activity. Cúirt na Coiribe and the Westwood refuse to refund students who took out leases in the anticipation that they would need accommodation in Galway. Many of these students have never set foot inside the accommodation which they are renting.
    303 of 400 Signatures
    Created by CATU Galway Picture
  • Remove the unpronounceable 'R' in February
    People can go about their business saying Febuary without the added anxiety of people judging your inability to pronounce it properly.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Healy
  • Vocalise gay rights in GAA community
    Men playing for GAA are often subject to discrimination, rumours, harassment, abuse and bullying as old-fashioned club and Gaelic values like to hyper-masculinise Gaelic sports, leaving little room for the openness and encouragement of actively “out” (or closeted) homosexual/gay GAA players, clubs should adapt morally and respectfully to the ever changing world and stop hiding in the shadows of “Old Ireland” ‘s tradition of hyper-masculine, “strong men only” in GAA and widen their eyes to the recognition and importance that sexuality does not halt talent, and that players will feel emotionally more comfortable being recognised in their club for who they are, not just what they can achieve on the field. Proof of fear of being LGBT+ in the Gaelic community are players who have came out after they retire due to stigma during their playing career, e.g. Valerie Mulcahy, possibly the most successful Cork GAA ladies player winning at least 10+ All-Irelands; didn’t come out until she retired, Donal Og Cusack, Kilkenny hurling goalkeeper, didn’t come out until he retired and many more
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Rankin
  • #Buildourroad
    This is important because 13 years of incredible work from the community and its stakeholders is being torn up because a Minister and his party believe they know more than Moyross community. This party have never tried to support our community and are now actively destroying its future. This is important for all communities to show those who are publicly elected that they cannot deafen the voice of the people.
    717 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jason Craig
  • Protect and Pay Student Nurses
    At the start of the pandemic, student nurses were being paid to staff wards and make up the staffing shortfall in the NHS. Since September these payments stopped, despite the current wave of Covid19 putting Northern Ireland's hospitals under pressure like never before. Students Nurses work 37.5hrs per week on clinical placement at the rate of £2.86 per hour under the current bursary of £430 per month. This does not meet basic cost of living standards. Paid less than the national minimum wage. Northern Ireland bursary has not been increased whereas Scotland's bursary is increased year to year. The majority of students still have to work part time on top of placement to be able to live month to month. Due to covid placement areas students are restricted to where they can work if at all Students are working in Covid wards and are at the same risk of as a paid member of staff. Students do not receive sick pay. Many students have incurred costs from covid-19 pandemic from moving out of home due to vulnerable family members at risk. No support available. These student nurses are the future of our NHS. They deserve to be paid for the risks they are taking at the frontline of this pandemic.
    1,241 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nathan McAree