• Require universities to partially refund international tuition fees for 2020/21 due to COVID-19
    The Irish Government should care because thousands of international students studying in Ireland are going to be going into debt for an education that might not be worth the amount of money universities are asking for. Students should get the chance to experience university life in full, with access to societies, clubs, opportunities, and chances to network and develop meaningful relationships face-to-face. Many benefits of attending University have been taken away by COVID-19. There is so much more to University than the academic side.
    227 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Caitlin Hogan
  • Require NUI Galway to partially refund tuition fees for 2020/21 due to Covid-19
    The UMT should care because thousands of Irish and international students studying in Galway are going to be going into debt for an education that might not be worth the amount of money the university is asking for. Students should be able to experience university life in full, with access to societies, clubs, office hours, tutoring, services, career opportunities, and the chance to network and develop meaningful relationships with professors, peers, and staff. Many benefits of attending University have been taken away by COVID-19. There is so much more to University than the academic side.
    1,280 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Caitlin Hogan
  • Build Educational Infrastructure for South Dublin City
    It is our understanding that there have been a number of objections raised at An Bórd Pleanála to the Planning Permission that has been granted for the development of an Educational Campus on the Roslyn Park site in Sandymount Village (Application #4429/19). While some local community groups and residents have their reasons to object, as is their right and prerogative to do, we too are members of the community and want to raise our voice in support of the proposed plan as granted by Dublin City Council.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Ryan
  • Now We're Calling on Government to Progress Legislation for Assisted Dying
    Too many people who are dying endure an unnecessarily, prolonged death, which is inhumane and cruel. International evidence, expertise and experience is available for our legislators to draw on which shows an assisted death is a kinder death for those who want this valid end of life option. Government must hear the lived experiences whilst people are still alive to give their personal testimonies. Assisted dying legislation should: * Have robust safeguards which provides choice and protect everyone * Remove the crime of 'assisting' someone * Eliminate the need to travel for an assisted death or to consider suicide * Allow those eligible to choose when, where and how they wish to safely die Any change in legislation in other countries has been as a result of research and judicial appeals by individuals and groups who were excluded and demanded equal access. We support the right to palliative care across the country but know it does not alleviate all pain, despite what those who oppose assisted dying may claim. More funding for palliative care is a related but a separate issue as is the need for services to support those living with serious and terminal illness. It is currently a crime to 'assist' someone to die. Legislation will remove the need to illegally 'assist' when a medically assisted death can be provided. The lasting impact of seeing a loved one suffer intolerable pain and die 'badly' cannot be underestimated. To know that a loved one died the way they wanted to helps the healing process too. We know that "To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die", but the memories of seeing those we love suffering and die badly are those which can haunt us. Legislation for Assisted Dying with a robust framework of safeguards will give immeasurable peace of mind to a person facing their mortality and there's research to show the quality of life remaining to a dying person improves regardless of whether they go on to exercise that choice. Many do not, just knowing it is there is often enough. Maybe one day you will want this option.Perhaps you've already seen how an assisted death would have been a kinder way to go for someone you've loved. Despite or perhaps in spite of a devastating prognosis, this legislation will allow a person greater dignity, to choose how and when they want to die, to decide for themselves when they have suffered enough. Even if an assisted death would not be someone's personal choice, or in accordance with their beliefs, why would any human being deny another the right to choose. End of Life Ireland is a volunteer led advocacy group. John Wall & Vicky Phelan pictured here gave full permission to use their images and quotes to support this campaign. To learn more about this campaign and Assisted Dying, please visit our website www.endoflifeireland.ie and see our social media posts.
    5,871 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by End of Life Ireland Picture
  • No Child Gets Left Behind - End School Bus Transport exclusion
    Current selection policy does not take into account the nuances of rural living, whereby a child can be 0.1km outside a catchment area due to a twist in the road. The current two tier system that discriminates against a child due to its eircode, with no account to the national road grid, feeder primary schools and recent increases in local population. Concessionary children are being separated from their classmates and neighbours due to current selection criteria. This causes division and hostility in rural communities. Has any consideration been given to a child’s mental health due to this outdated selection criteria? These school bus fiascos have been going on for years. Just google it. Its a time for change and that time is now. No child should get left behind.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ciaran OFlaherty
  • Education for All
    In the fallout of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, a subsequent economic recession and the establishment of the department of further and Higher Education, the funding crisis of Higher education continues to roar on in an age of soaring rents, poor working conditions for academic staff , inadequate student supports and the highest fees in Europe. Students are hungry for change, and this campaign seeks to earn it. Our demands are for the government to commit to and representatives to support a series of commitments outlined in our pledge... 1. An end to the student contribution charge of €3000, the highest in the EU. 2.An end to the study now pay later and earn and learn policies and a move toward publicly funded education at the heart of government policy. 3.A publicly financed student accommodation building strategy and charter for student tenant rights. 4. A reform of student supports across the island that match the cost of being a student in the new decade. 5. A plan to address the crisis in Irish creative institutions. 6. An end to precarious working conditions for academic staff
    2,680 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Picture
  • Courtown Adventure & Leisure Centre
    Courtown Adventure and Leisure Centre has entered into liquidation jeopardising the continued learning of thousands in North Wexford. As the only public swimming facility providing lessons in the Gorey area it has been a vital amenity for the provision of swimming lessons for children and adults alike. The associated health benefits with regular exercise are widely accepted, for some the Courtown Adventure and Leisure Centre is their only outlet for regular exercise. Whether it’s swimming, aqua aerobics or using the gym, the loss of the facility will be keenly felt by people of all ages and abilities within the surrounding communities. In a seaside area the loss of year-round swimming lessons to the local communities could result in a fear of using our beautiful beaches and the various offerings that come with those, such as surfing, sailing, sea-swimming etc. and in turn a loss of income for local businesses. In the worst cases the loss of swimming lessons at an early age could lead to mortalities because of a fear of the water. We urge WCC to take these factors under consideration and to keep the Courtown Adventure and Leisure Centre open by taking over the ownership and operation of the facility. Please share and use #savecourtownpool when posting on social media Thank you, Save Courtown Pool Campaign Group Members: Leah Johnston Killian Ormond Joy Redmond Nivard Rush Thelma Blehein Laura O'Gorman Supported by: Swim Club Courtown Special Olympics Club Gorey Area Surf Life Saving Sammy's Swimmers (open water) Swim Academy parents and many schools in the area
    3,449 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Leah Johnston
  • Amend the Harassment & Harmful Communications Bill
    The bill was categorised by the Law Reform Commission in 2016 after focus groups of young teens identified it as a privacy issue. However on greater examination it is clear that this should fall under sexual violence laws. It is important that people who engage in image based crime should face serious implications for sharing inappropriate images without consent. Also it is important that judges and barristers should understand the full impact on victims lives from the sharing of these images, and be trained up to deal with what is a reasonably new crime, with the age of smart phones and widespread internet access.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Hayden
  • Improve Autism Services in schools
    It will help ensure autistic kids a get a sufficient and useful education, this will also give them greater independence, autonomy and allow for societal inclusion. By creating a specific curriculum that caters to their different needs and is in line with today’s world view, they will be able to teach them things that are useful to their own personal development. Increasing the sizes of classes for those with autism or building specific schools will help ensure that those who need those services can get it. Increasing SNA’s and investing more into individual child costs will also help. As increasing support will help them reach their goals better.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by REMA HAMID
  • Trial Strand road one way and close off rat running for local residents without delay
    In these times of Covid19 this will also help people to commute, get to school and exercise safely. Will provide a much nicer environment for the people in Sandymount similar to what has happened in Blackrock and DunLoaghaire. Will mean an end to the traffic jams we're seeing at rush hour. Will provide almost continuous cycle track along the south Dublin coast from Sandymount to Sandycove allowing kids, families and older people to move about safely.
    978 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Sean Barry
  • Remove school profiling from the leaving certificate calculated grading system
    From the example of the UK, we can see just how disastrous school profiling would be for a large amount of students. 39% of teacher predicted grades were downgraded by an algorithm, which could have robbed thousands of students of their futures (if not for the recent U-Turn of the British government). School profiling is frankly not an accurate assessment of student ability. All students, regardless of their background should be given the opportunity to excel in their leaving certificate without being held back by economic circumstances. Students should be assessed on their own ability and not the past performance of their schools. We recognise that we are a long way from solving the problem of inequality in our education system, but many of us are worried that this is a step backwards.
    2,404 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Aidan Cusack
  • Fix the A-Levels Fiasco
    37% of A-Level students in NI have had their grades lowered, because of the 'standardisation' process put in place by CCEA. The Minister is feeling the pressure. Today (17th August) he announced that teachers grades would be used for the GCSE results. The Assembly has been recalled. Decisions are being made now by universities that will have huge repercussions for the lives and futures of students. Leaving it to the appeals process is not enough. Pupils in England, Scotland and Wales, have been guaranteed results no lower than their AS grades, or had their 'moderated' grades scrapped. Action must be taken now to fix the A-Levels Fiasco. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-53767773
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne