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Doug Beattie: Don't block progress on Integrated EducationDoug Beattie, the UUP Leader, said in January that "Northern Ireland has been blighted by division.. and yet we don't take the brave steps to try and deal with that division...we need to end educational apartheid which is taking place here in Northern Ireland." But his party is opposed to the Bill and may join the DUP in using this undemocratic Assembly mechanism to block the Bill. Doug and his party need to rule out using a Petition of Concern to block the Bill.631 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Adam McGibbon
Ease Refugees Access to Higher EducationIt can accelerate the process of integration and refugees would stand sooner on their own incomes. It can help Ireland tackle the costs of hosting refugees. Please join this campaign and help Refugees be heard. Many many young talents of refugees must be await for three years to be eligible for state support for third-level education in Ireland.56 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shoaib Karimi
Doug Beattie - keep your promises on Integrated EducationRight now, the Integrated Education Bill is going through the NI Assembly - but those opposed to integrated education are misleading schools and parents, telling them the Bill will harm existing schools - it won't. The Bill can pass if enough parties support it - and what the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) do will be crucial. Last month, Doug Beattie, the UUP Leader, signalled his support for integrated education and said "Northern Ireland has been blighted by division.. and yet we don't take the brave steps to try and deal with that division...we need to end educational apartheid which is taking place here in Northern Ireland." We need Doug and his MLAs to support the Integrated Education Bill, and resist attempts by the Bill's opponents to sign a "Petition of Concern" - an Assembly motion that would doom the Bill. Write now and tell Doug how you feel!586 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Adam McGibbon
Make Integrated Education A PriorityIt's been 40 years since the first integrated school was started here, but in 2022 only 7.5% of schools here are integrated schools - bringing together children from all backgrounds - Catholic, Protestant and other. But there is overwhelming demand: 71% of people here believe our children should be educated together. Stormont has commissioned a new Independent Review of Education that could change everything - but we need you to tell them integrated education matters to you so that they make recommendations to promote integrated education! Now's your chance to speak up! Email the panel members now and tell them that you want to live in a future where all our children are educated together, promoting reconciliation.262 of 300 Signatures
Accommodate Immunocompromised Students in IADTAt the beginning of the year these students signed up to third level education and paid their student contribution fees with the understanding that they could safely and effectively complete their studies for this academic year. The change in accommodation mid-year is discriminatory towards students whos disabilities and illnesses mean they cannot risk in-person attendance while COVID-19 is still a factor.85 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arthur McKenna
End gender segregation in Irish schoolsPlease add your signature if want to see a change in attitudes among our young people, if you want to see the equality of genders, and if you care about eliminating aggression and violence against girls, women, and our LGBTQI+ friends.215 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Louise G
Make Schools Safe in IrelandSchools in Ireland are not safe for children or staff. The only safety measures in primary schools are hand sanitiser and open the window. The children and staff are absolutely freezing, but the windows must stay open to try to ventilate the overcrowded classrooms. We need HEPA filtration. Government must put safety measures into schools to keep everyone safe from airborne COVID. We need: · Proper contact tracing for schools - pupils and staff · Close contacts referred for PCR test, not Antigen tests · Masks for everyone, who can wear one · HEPA air filtration installed in every school room · Reduced numbers in classrooms, to allow for social distancing Teachers, Principals, SNAs and Parents want safe schools for children in Ireland. Please sign to show your support and ask your friends to sign too. Thank you.2,355 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Voice for Teachers
Keep Scoil Naomh Padraig for our Rural Community1. Reducing the catchment area of the school makes it very unlikely that it will ever be increased again. 2. The school is a crucial part of local community life. 3. This school has served these local townlands for generations and in the hardest times, people worked hard to keep it open for all. 4. This change has a detrimental impact to the local community. No consideration has been given to this fact - no consultation or engagement with the broader community...the same community who fought to keep the school open when it was on the brink of closure throughout the years. 5. Parents no longer have a realistic option for co-ed schooling for their children once the townlands in which they live have been excluded from the admissions policy of Knocknasna NS. You should sign this petition if: - You are a parent of a child from any of the excluded town lands. - You are a parent of a child from Knocknasna. The school has always been central to the wider community and it is in all our interests to maintain that community spirit. - You are a past pupil and you want to protect the school for those coming after you. - You care about rural community and you want to prevent the erosion of rural life.750 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Friends of Knocknasna
Support Youth Demands for Climate JusticeThe more young people who sign in support, the more we can pressure our decision makers to implement these demands.632 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Theresa Rose Sebastian
Reopen YouthReach in Iveragh, Southwest KerrySW Kerry needs more services for young people facing challenges, not less. YouthReach was run successfully for 20 years, so it can be done. As a community we embrace all our young people and wish them the same opportunities as their urban counterparts. Life can be a very bumpy path and if a young person hits a 'life bump' in their teens they deserve all the support a community can give. Access to education is a fundamental human right for everyone. Mainstream schools do not suit everyone, people need a second option.140 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lucy Henehan
Scrap JobBridge 2.0Under the new Work Placement Experience Programme, bosses are able to get free labour, with workers only receiving €3.43 an hour paid by the taxpayer. Not only does this undermine wages and conditions for existing workers, it blocks the creation of actual paid jobs by incentivising companies to use free labour instead. Instead of this exploitation, we need public investment in a green jobs programme, creating decent, secure jobs building carbon-neutral homes, providing healthcare and education and improving other public services. Such a programme should also involve expanding genuine paid apprenticeship schemes, and opening up education by making it free to all.1,585 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by ScamBridge Campaign
Practical Cooking Classes For Every Child in the School CurriculumNo Irish child should leave school without being able to cook for themselves. Otherwise, we are undeniably, failing in our duty of care to our young people. When you teach someone how to cook, you give them a gift that will forever enhance their lives. Our food choices affect our energy, vitality, ability to concentrate. Food affects our mental and physical health and is at the heart of the fight to tackle the climate crisis.6,682 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Darina Allen