• Upgrade and Invest in the Limerick – Nenagh – Ballybrophy Railway Line
    The Limerick - Nenagh - Ballybrophy Railway is a vital piece of national rail infrastructure but it needs a more holistic approach to investment and upgrading in order to deliver a proper service that will attract passengers. Public transport throughout the Midwest region is not good enough. I would hope people throughout the Midwest and supporters of the rail network throughout Ireland would support our campaign. Our requests are not unreasonable, they are modest practical requests that would massively improve the services available on the line. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
    1,191 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Edward Kelly Picture
  • 100% Redress for Defective Blocks
    Thousands of houses throughout Ireland, particularly in the Northwest, are falling apart because they were built with DEFECTIVE Blocks. The blocks are contaminated by compounds called PYRITE and/or MICA. People’s homes and lives are being totally destroyed - lives are being shattered - children’s futures devastated. Our houses are now worthless and are unsafe to live in. Imagine if you discovered today that your home was worthless, unsaleable, cracking and crumbling, and would ultimately collapse. How would you feel? This is what is happening to us, through absolutely no fault of our own. Our houses were built with blocks governed by the Standards set by the Irish Government. The Irish Government allowed the quarries that made the blocks to self-regulate. Both the Irish Government, and the quarries have FAILED innocent homeowners. In 2007 when pyrite contaminated houses on the EAST coast of Ireland the Irish Government introduced a redress scheme. This scheme covered 100% of costs for homeowners allowing them to rectify their homes. The Irish Government is REFUSING to grant citizens on the WEST coast of Ireland the same 100% redress scheme. They are offering a PARTIAL redress scheme which has so many exclusions, conditions and hidden costs that it is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE. €7,000 is needed for testing before accessing the scheme. This make it financially inaccessible for majority of homeowners affected. We NEED a 100% redress scheme to deal with this life-destroying problem. We are your fellow citizens and we ask you to STAND WITH US in our fight for JUSTICE. Please, please sign this petition to support our cause. Help us get our homes back.
    4,029 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jamie-Lee Donnelly
  • Save Tolka Park
    Tolka Park is one of Ireland’s most significant sites of sporting culture and history. Since 1924, the stadium has been enmeshed in the cultural life and sporting traditions of Dublin City. As a stadium, Tolka has a proud legacy; hosting the first floodlit football match in the Republic of Ireland in 1953, being the venue for the first televised League of Ireland game in 1996/7, and becoming the first all-seater stadium in domestic football in 1999. Tolka Park is, and always has been an asset to Irish football and to the local community – acting as a home for Drumcondra FC, Home Farm FC and since 1989, Shelbourne. It has hosted games at every level, from local and junior football, right up to the top European competitions. The Save Tolka Park Campaign is a coalition of local residents, football fans and activists united in opposition to the sale of the stadium to private developers. We believe, that with the right investment and planning, Tolka Park can be rejuvenated as an asset to the community – hosting football at every level, while also acting as a community hub with additional amenities for local people. We have a proposal, launching on June 10th, that sets out how this can be achieved and we are appealing to you to help us make these plans a reality. As City councillors and the Minister responsible, we are asking you to act to protect an irreplaceable part of our sporting history, and to ensure that Tolka Park continues as a backdrop for dreams and memories for years to come.
    4,610 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Tolka Park
    South William street has received an unfair treatment after being only partially pedestrianised although it received 95% public and local businesses support for full pedestrianisation during the trail last summer and 97% during the consultation in November. This decision to support partial pedestrianisation was made after Brown Thomas car park refused to compromise and redirect its traffic onto Clarendon Street, although this worked perfectly fine during the pedestrianisation trail last summer. Partial pedestrianisation doesn’t make any sense! If you have you been on South William street on a busy Saturday or Sunday afternoon, you know that it looks and feels incredible, the energy is fantastic. However the footpaths are just too narrow, the street gets congested, traffic is not moving, air pollution is trapped in between beautiful tall Georgian buildings. The survival of hundreds of small local businesses and the health and safety of our public is now at stake. It's time to make the changes! We need to act like a modern European city that is evolving and needs space to breathe. Streets are for people! Innovative change is needed for the city centre. Please sign this petition to show your support for full pedestrianisation of South William street.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Hertelendi
  • Underground the proposed Irish North South Interconnector (NSI) power line.
    Eirgrid, who operate the Irish Electricity Grid, plans to link the electricity grids in the Republic and North of Ireland by a 400kv overhead power line called the North South Interconnector. This plan would involve the erection of 409 steel pylons ranging in height from 26m to 51m through rural Meath Cavan and Monaghan and Tyrone in close proximity to many homes. This proposal has been rejected vehemently by the residents of these counties on the basis of (a) Health risks associated with living in close proximity to power lines, in particular an association with childhood leukemia, (b) Impact on Heritage, Community life, farming and wildlife (c) Visual impact (d) Noise (e) Impact on property values. From the outset the affected communities, through their representative group NEPP (North East Pylon Pressure) have advocated for the project to proceed using underground cabling to connect the power grids. Eirgrid rejected this proposal stating initially that it wasn't feasible and would cost from 10 to 25 times the overhead option. Eirgrid have since had to concede that undergrounding is indeed feasible and that their costings were grossly wide of the mark. Undergrounding is not in fact more expensive when all costs are taken into account. Indeed Eirgrid have recently selected UNDERGROUND CABLING as the best option for the Kildare-Meath Grid link upgrade. Eirgrid state ..."during the consultation period, new information was received in the form of advice from the Asset Owner cable specialists suggesting that UGC can be constructed in a more efficient manner than was previously assumed.." It can be laid along the road side in a trench 2m by 2m. Had Eirgrid used the same criteria in the Public Consultation process for NSI there is no doubt the NSI would be undergrounded. It is worth noting that Eirgrid are planning to underground the Celtic Interconnector and have dropped plans for the Grid west Overhead line. Why scar the landscape and negatively impact our rural communities for generations to come when there is a viable alternative. Help us to preserve the beauty of our landscape and protect the Health and well-being of our communities. Undergrounding this project is feasible and affordable. We call on Govt to direct Eirgrid accordingly.
    730 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Philip Ward
  • Referendum on Housing
    A Referendum is essential:- 1. To deliver affordable homes for citizens by outlawing the artificial 37% added costs to build homes in Ireland. VAT alone is €23,000 for a 3 bed semi. 2. To stop Rack Rents preventing young people from saving for their own homes and preventing lower income groups from access to 3rd level education due to the exorbitant cost of student accommodation. 3. To prevent Evictions unless decided by the Courts. ... and ... to remove the Central Bank biased and unfair constraints on Irish citizens which are not applicable to foreign vulture funds or local councils competing for homes. - to stop Vulture funds competing with first time buyers. - to stop Local Authorities competing with first time buyers. - to stop recurring Housing crises. "The 2008 CRASH could not have happened if this Referendum had been passed when called for in 1974. It was again recommended in 2014 by the Constitutional Convention." - to reduce the cost of build - artificially inflated by 37%. - to reduce the funding requirements for small and SME builders to build houses - increasing competition. - to increase competition in the housing supply. - to deliver proportionate amount of social homes.
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by R Neuville
  • Let People Do Their Driver Theory Test Online
    Due to COVID-19 the backlog of people waiting for a driver theory test is extortionate. This is impacting people trying to find work and many of these are young people, who are already suffering from isolation in a pandemic now to be told they may have to wait longer to start out in the work-force. We already know there was an online pilot for truck and bus licenses and the RSA committed to making this service available for all theory test customers, but we are still waiting for the launch. Once this is launched the backlog will go down and will lower the unemployment in Ireland. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/munster/arid-40218968.html
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meghan Roe
  • Defund the Glen of the Downs car tunnel - invest in public transport for Wicklow and Wexford instead
    We are in a climate emergency and Ireland has the highest transport emissions per capita in the EU. This project to increase capacity for more motorists on the M11 was dreamed up in 2018 as part of the last government's road expansion programme. It is a proposal that denies the seriousness of the climate crisis. This project has not entered the design phase yet so there is still time to cancel it and divert the remaining funds into solutions that will actually work to decrease congestion, decrease Ireland's transport emissions and decrease all of the other effects of releasing tens of thousands more cars onto the roads of the greater Dublin area every day. Email the Minister for Transport and Climate Action to let him know that you think this is disastrous for our climate ambitions: [email protected] If you live in Wicklow, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown or Wexford, contact your local TDs and councillors to let them know that this money would be better spent on public transport which would provide lasting improvements for commuting and for quality of life: https://www.whoismytd.com Further reading: "New road capacity attracts new drivers. In the short term, people who had previously been discouraged from using congested roads start to use them." https://theconversation.com/climate-explained-does-building-and-expanding-motorways-really-reduce-congestion-and-emissions-147024 "for every 1 percent increase in highway capacity, traffic increases 0.29 to 1.1 percent in the long term (about five years out), and up to 0.68 percent in the short term (one or two years)." https://usa.streetsblog.org/2017/06/21/the-science-is-clear-more-highways-equals-more-traffic-why-are-dots-still-ignoring-it/ "But even after spending €1 billion on these works, the M50 will remain as congested as ever, as the National Roads Authority (NRA) has conceded." (2006) https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/building-new-roads-won-t-solve-m50-traffic-problem-1.1014217
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oisin O'Connor
  • Protect our grotto
    The Grotto is a much loved community site that the public has continually accessed for over 70 years. It is a spiritual sanctuary for residents and visitors alike, a much used green area, a respite area for shoppers. The Grotto is essential to the wellbeing and mental health of the community. It is in constant use by people of all ages and all creeds from all social classes. The Grotto should be protected due to its importance to the cultural heritage and history of the Liberties. It was built by Canon Francis Gleeson, parish priest of Meath Street from 1944, with the help of the local community. It was built as a monument to those who died in The Great Wars. We believe that the proposed extension of the already permitted development will seriously risk the existence of this important local monument which is an integral part of the culture, heritage and tradition of the area. There is already an oversaturation of hotels in The Liberties. Please protect our Grotto.
    3,298 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Noel Fleming
  • Save Kinsale's Iconic Landmark
    The Pipers, and particularly their historic caravan, have been valued and iconic members of Kinsale's community for generations. They are now being assaulted by a small faction developers, and a town council which appears to have little concern for protecting Kinsale's rich history, culture, and community. We are calling on the Kinsale Town Council to immediately return Pipers beautiful caravan to its historic location, and to cease all eviction attempts in the future.
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Roderick Campbell Picture
  • Keep Ballyhaunis Bank of Ireland Branch Open
    For Ballyhaunis and its community to progress we need our local Bank of Ireland branch operational; to be an open and fully functioning Bank. The Ballyhaunis Community have built and maintained this Bank over the last Century and are dependent on it for its future growth which is crucial to the economic future of the region. We now call on the Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe to now use his influence to have this decision reversed. We need your help please sign our petition, spread the word on social media and anywhere we can get support. How it will be delivered The petition will be delivered directly to the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe TD and by post to the CEO and Board of Bank of Ireland.
    1,679 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ballyhaunis Chamber of Commerce
  • Walk & Cycle path at Old Bray Golf Club land
    Provides a safe route to schools. Provides a shorter, more convenient route to Bray Seafront Joins up green amenities
    259 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Dunne