• Skerries Fishermen & boating community ask for your SUPPORT
    The new bye-laws concerning the harbour of Skerries are being brought into effect of March 1st 2024 which effect the town of skerries and the use of the harbour and the surrounding "inner harbour" use by all persons and vessels. Local government and representatives have done nothing to support the concerned people of Skerries and stop the Fingal County Council from making new sets of rules which will introduce fines and call for people to be guilty of an offence by continuing their boating/vessel activities in the harbour and surround bay / "inner harbour" of Skerries. Your support to object to the county council heavy handed and authoritarian methods is required. Not only to cause resistance to the new bye-laws but to bring a stop to local authority and elected representatives to doing "whatever they want" when it comes to our town of Skerries with little to no consideration for the people of the town. The people who have voted for such representatives yet receiving no representation once the votes have been counted. When done to others for other issues that do not directly affect YOU, it is no big deal right? Until the day it does effect YOU. Then you will understand why a town must pull together and support each other. The bye-laws proposed do not follow any law of the land of Ireland and are being introduced by the county council to undermine the use of the harbour as we have all known it for generations to date. Your support in signing this petition is to take a stand and have your say or voice heard. It is one thing to join a protest or a march and it is another to know what is going on in your own local back yard and see how changes may not always be for the better of the majority. Again if the local "reps" wish to receive continued support for their careers then it is YOU and all of us together that can demand of them TRUE & PROPER representation. Do not allow local reps and Fingal county council to sweep things under the carpet or make swift changes to the town you have grown to love without having YOUR say. You will note that some of the bye-laws are supported by acts of law or Irish statute, while other new bye-laws are creating / being invented without the support of any established Irish law or statute. It is important to sign the petition for so many more reasons than can be typed into this box. The bye-laws below have been voted on in favour of by council members and approved to come in to effect March 1st 2024. Sign below to support the towns of Skerries, Balbriggan, Loughshinny & Rush. A copy of Harbour bye-laws can be found online
    594 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Aidan Mc Nally
  • Save Doci’s Café
    We are a little coffee truck in an area where there is no other barista coffee, we have been in this area for the last 4 years, in which we have made many friends in addition to our customers, to be able to continue in this area we need your help. Please sign our petition.
    844 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lenuta Doci
  • Grit the main Sligo/Roscommon Road
    Updating the road will create safe environment for drivers and reduce crashes between Sligo and Roscommon.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Kelly
  • A zebra crossing near Knocknaheeney
    Because we should be able to cross the road safely, without causing an accident.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Walsh
  • Extend DART+ to Kilcock
    Kilcock has become an important commuter town and must treated as such. Residents in the area are becoming increasingly and justifiably frustrated with the transport options in the town; an unfit train service, and a bus service that is unreliable and lacking punctuality. The people of Kilcock deserve better. The NTA will be reviewing the plans in 2025. We must throw our full support behind a campaign for a "bolt-on" service to the train depot, that would facilitate a station and secure the DART+ for Kilcock.
    1,127 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Melrose
  • Protect our children – install zebra crossings
    We should be able to walk to the local shops without fear of being hit by a car. The footpath down to the local shops and playground / teen space leads directly to a busy road at a T-junction. There is no zebra crossing on the road, so children and residents are forced to look 3 ways to ensure they can cross safely. A zebra crossing is a quick and cheap solution. It would force cars to slow down and allow children and residents safe passage.
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jess Spear Picture
  • Maintain Post Office Services in Tipperary Town Centre
    The Grant Thornton Report on the Post Office Network stated that the withdrawal of a post office from an area has a significant impact on the remaining businesses due to the impact on local footfall. In light of the fact that a taskforce has been assigned to Tipperary town to assist it in developing employment and educational opportunities, developing its infrastructure, tackling dereliction, and putting unused buildings to use, any efforts to take the post office out of the town centre would be in stark contrast to what Tipperary town needs. Tipperary town also has demographics that mean more people depend on services like those currently provided by An Post, and therefore need easily accessible services. Anything but a town centre location cannot be accepted, and the people of Tipperary town need assurances that its post office will remain in the town centre.
    1,280 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tony Black
  • Save Roscommon Town Post Office
    Our Post Office has been established for decades, which is part of the social, economic and cultural heritage of Roscommon Town. It is a landmark building in our town centre, which creates footfall, vitality and viability at this location. The use of the Post Office is part of the Cultural Heritage of the town and therefore must be protected under Planning legislation.
    1,847 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nigel Dineen
  • Save New Ross Post Office
    It is a vital social good. Iconic building in the middle of town. Key service for hundreds of people every week. It will see a dilution of services and job losses.
    1,196 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Sheehan
  • Save Our Malahide Road Bus Stops
    Bus Connects has been granted permission by An Bord Pleanala to remove the bus stops at Danieli Road (1219) and Killester Avenue (1220). These are proposed to be replaced by a single bus stop outside Artane Cottages Lower, on a narrow footpath with no room for a bus shelter. This means there will be no bus stop with shelter or seats on Malahide Road southbound between Artane Roundabout and Maypark (near Donneycarney church), a distance of almost 1km. The local community is losing two well-used bus stops with full amenities situated on wide footpaths. Instead, all bus passengers who would otherwise use those two stops will be forced to wait on a narrow footpath directly outside the doors and windows of the houses at Artane Cottages Lower, with no shelter or amenities. This will affect every passenger using the bus service along this whole stretch of the Malahide Road. The biggest impact will be on older passengers, passengers with disabilities and those travelling with children. The distances to bus services for residents from Killester Park / Craigford Drive and St. Brigid’s / Danieli Road will increase significantly. The severe impact on all bus passengers in the area and on the residents of Artane Cottages Lower has been explained many times to Bus Connects in public consultations and formal objections to their proposals, but no changes have been made or instructed to them by An Bord Pleanala. At this stage, the only option to prevent this proposal from being implemented in the Bus Connects scheme is to put pressure on the NTA and the Bus Connects project managers and engineers to revise the detail design for the stops between Artane Roundabout and Maypark in the next stage of the works. Help us to lobby Bus Connects to revise the design. Please sign the petition AND email them at [email protected] to tell them to save our bus stops.
    1,562 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Our Stops
  • We need a local bus for Mullingar town
    Let's make Mullingar accessible to everyone, bring the bus!
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Raimonda Masiulyte - Ramchurn
  • Newtownmountkennedy roundabouts-not lights
    We believe that implementing roundabouts instead of traffic lights can enhance traffic flow, reduce congestion, and improve overall road safety. Sign this petition to advocate for the installation of roundabouts in our community. Let's create a smoother and more efficient traffic experience for everyone!
    1,406 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Shauna Soady