• Mogeely Interim Flood Relief
    This interim flood relief scheme will allow us to sleep at night and not worry about waking up to waist-height contaminated water and having to carry our babies out to safety again. The residents of Gleann Fia are continuing to live this nightmare every time it rains.
    518 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Residents of Gleann Fia
  • Stop the Demolition of Havelock House
    In November 2023, Lotus Property brought Havelock House from Olympian Homes with the aim of using its site for a social housing development for Clanmil Housing. Olympian had made two failed attempts to demolish Havelock House, which were rejected by the local community and Belfast City Council. ​After buying the building, Lotus and Clanmil promised that community concerns would be listened to and there would be proper consultation on the proposed development. Lotus managing director, Alastair Coulson, said that: "The next 12 weeks will be about listening to stakeholders and local communities about these draft plans. We look forward to hearing all views and considering them in our plans." ​But within two weeks, Lotus and Clanmil had sent in contractors to strip out Havelock House with the aim of demolishing in January, even before the public part of their consultation began. Havelock House is one of Northern Ireland’s best-known cultural landmarks. Originally a Victorian linen factory, the building then saw service during World War II as accommodation for soldiers and was most recently the home of UTV. The local community played a key role in overturning the previous plans to demolish Havelock House. Lotus Property's rushed demolition must stop, until the promised community consultation takes place.
    263 of 300 Signatures
  • Save Moore Street from Demolition
    We the undersigned wish the Moore Street area to be conserved as a cultural historical quarter and street market. We wish the sixteen-building Moore Street terrace to remain intact. We do not wish the decision on how to manage the area to be left in the hands of property developer or developers. Three freedom fighters and a number of civilians received fatal wounds from British gunfire in this street. The seven signatories of Proclamation, five of whom spent their last hours of freedom in Moore Street, were executed by the British along with another seven.  We recognise the enormous historical importance -- not only for Ireland but for the world -- of the events of the 1916 Rising that took place in this area and the value of the artifacts of buildings, footprint laneways and street of the area.  We recognise too the important social history and current value of a daily street market and independent small business area which needs further development along in character which cannot be achieved by the installation of chain stores. We believe that the future sensitive development and conservation of this area should be in public ownership and along lines agreed by public consultation.
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Save Moore Street From Demolition
  • Naul - Safe pedestrian routes to school
    We need the community of Naul to come together in one strong voice to demand these changes. What we are asking for is very basic. We want our children to be able to access their school and education in the safest manner possible. For years Naul has been ignored and side lined with more and more traffic coming through the village and past the school at speed. We need to stand up now and make our voices heard and take action before its too late and someone loses their life.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mags Road Safety
  • Swimming Pool for North Fingal
    Children in Balbriggan and surrounding areas do not have the abillity to swim. Only 6/23 schools surveyed in north county Dublin have swimming on the curriculum. Balbriggan was promised a swimming pool in partnership with the rugby club in a plan scrapped in 2016. Skerries was promised a swimming pool years previously. People have to spend time and money to access a pool outside the area. Swimming is a basic life skill and contributes to sport and health of our community.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Garrett Mullan
  • Petition to get Waterford Council to buy Gallweys Hill site in Tramore
    Defining a site as an area of high amenity and then allowing it be sold to the highest bidder would be a missed opportunity for WCCC and risks it falling into unscrupulous hands. The stability of the cliff face, bird nesting area and viewing platform on this site are extremely important to the town, as confirmed by the Council when planning was denied. The next step to safeguard the site has to be the public purchase of the land.
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Una Dunphy
  • Reform Dublin Bus
    If you live in Dublin and have ever have any interactions with dublin buses you know what I’m talking about: the buses are rarely-if ever- on time… the schedule is a joke… the digital displays never tell the truth; when the driver sees you running to the bus stop, he shuts the doors and drives off; if you are a cyclist you are afraid for your life; and if you are stuck without change- good luck! We live in a modern industrialised nation; but the developing world has much better bus services. Why do we put up with grumpy, rude drivers and a bus service which can’t get our kids to school on time? Dublin Bus is a joke, but no one’s laughing. Sign up to this and let’s get the minister to institute a proper reform of Dublin Bus so we can get a service that actually works. Where the drivers are courteous and friendly and treat their passengers and fellow road users with genuine respect and care for their safety; where the drivers enjoy their job and their interactions with the public; where the buses run according to the schedule; where the information provided by the digital displays are accurate; where it’s a pleasure to take a bus in Dublin because it’s a true public service that takes care. For the environment, the workers, the public, and the city: Reform Dublin Bus!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Seamus Dinneen
  • Newport Road Public Footpath & Lighting
    Please help our 40-YEAR campaign to get a short footpath laid between two estates Grangewood and Rich Hill Woods on a very dangerous road, which has only become busier with trucks and fast moving traffic. Local resident JJ Ryan has been campaigning to get a footpath built for years. “This is an extremely dangerous stretch of road. There’s no lighting and no footpath between the two estates. “Pedestrians, the elderly, and schoolchildren getting on and off the local bus or cycling to school have to scramble up a very steep bank to get out of the way of traffic.” Mr Ryan, whose son was struck by the wing mirror of a passing car last year and suffered a broken arm, said that “there have been scores of near misses and accidents involving cars and pedestrians. It’s only a matter of time before someone is killed. Do we really have to wait for that to happen before something is done?” If you are a local resident, or would like to support local residents, please consider signing our petition to have a footpath built to ensure the safety of the residents. We are stronger together, and together we can ensure the safety of everyone in our community. This affects more than 200 local residents at least. Please reach out to anyone you know who can support us.
    277 of 300 Signatures
    Created by James Ryan
  • The Hat Factory Campaign Castlebar
    The redevelopment of the hat factory site would be a huge boost to Castlebar providing badly needed preschool facilities to local families and social housing that is desperately needed to alleviate the housing crisis.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Daly
  • Flood relief scheme for Midleton
    Recent floodings show us that Midleton needs proper protection from flooding, so that residents, business owners and the whole town can feel safe during storms or high tides. Floods are destroying many homes and businesses in Midleton, recent damages show that the situation is very bad. The Office of Public Works (OPW) is responsible for leading and co-ordinating flood relief schemes to provide flood protection for towns either directly or in association with relevant Local Authorities. Midleton needs a proper flood relief scheme, expedited, as the town has already suffered multiple floods. Floor relief scheme can save the town and further suffering of residents. It is vital not only for protecting property and ensuring public safety but also for fostering sustainable development, preserving the environment, and enhancing the community's ability to withstand and recover from natural disasters.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Sosinsky
  • Flood relief scheme for Youghal
    Recent floods show us that Youghal needs proper protection from flooding, so that residents, business owners and the whole town can feel safe during storms or high tides. Floods are destroying many homes and businesses in Youghal. By prioritizing the implementation of a flood relief scheme, Youghal can effectively protect its infrastructure, preserve its cultural heritage, sustain its tourism industry, protect its coastal ecosystems, and enhance the overall resilience of its community in the face of coastal flooding and related natural hazards. **** Phase 1 of Flood Relief Scheme in Youghal is done. Phase 2 should be implemented as soon as possible, not within next 5 or 10 years, as otherwise town will be flooded yet again. [1] Flood Relief Scheme document for Youghal - Blackwater: https://www.floodinfo.ie/publications/?t=22&a=669
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Sosinsky
  • Make our Children Safer
    Parents and Guardians are extremely concerned about the safety on the R405 and that risks that 853 (457 Gaelscoil Uí Fhiaich and 396 Maynooth Educate Together National School) shool going children and their parents face on a daily basis.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Coiste na dTuistí Gaelscoil Uí Fhiach