• Dog park in Royal canal park/Ashtown
    There is no designated area that dogs can be off their lease. There will always be dogs that need to run free, so we should have more security for everyone and make this space. It also allows dogs to be more sociable and keeps them in one area, instead of running in all different places.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ger Tolan
  • Incorporate Existing Cycle Lane into the proposed Greenway
    It defies logic to construct a second cycleway instead of utilising the existing one.  The approach seems to be completely at odds with the Greenway’s own stated aim of a "maximising the value of existing infrastructure” and a “Greenway should link with community sites such as schools or housing estates as a means of commuting to work, a school and recreation” Using the existing cycleway would provide a safer infrastructure for everyone, especially school-going children so benefiting the local community as well as tourists. Using the existing cycle lane would bring the Greenway through Ballinderreen village which would benefit local communities by bringing new business opportunities. Loss of privacy to many households, destruction of natural habitat, implications to wildlife (including protected owls and bats), noise and light pollution, safety and crime concerns are among the many fears of the local community. Please Sign our petition to get existing cycle lane finished as part of the new proposed Greenway.
    337 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nuala Martyn
  • Licences and Registration plates for cyclists
    Cyclists and Drivers sharing the same road space is challenging and dangerous. Cycling for leisure, fast-food delivery and competitive cycling are increasing, as are accidents. It is common to be held back on a country road by three or four cyclists, cycling side-by-side, slowing traffic down. Equally, in the city, it is not unusual to be held back on a busy city street by a fast-food delivery cyclist casually cycling in the middle of the road with their phone in hand. These situations are dangerous for both drivers and cyclists. This creates a passive aggressive streak in drivers that we are all more than aware of. It is now time to address this issue. A solution to this problem is for cyclists to undertake both a theory and practical road test to understand the shared rules of the road. Additionally, I am calling for the introduction of registration plates for cyclists, so they can be identified in case of an accident. Please sign this with me and submit to our local councils. Cyclists are only doing what they are allowed and feel entitled to do. We need to ask the change makers to enact this rule of licences and registration plates to keep the roads, cyclists and drivers safe.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liz Madden
  • Save Coolroe Meadows Roundabout
    Dont allow increased traffic and increased speed through Coolroe Meadows/Greenfields Estate. Say NO to removal of pedestrian crossing and splitting estate in two.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John M Daly
  • Save the Mangala
    Our beloved Mangala is a unique area of woodland in the heart of Douglas. It's an area of natural beauty and is full of biodiversity including many protected species. The destruction of natural habitats and mature woodland is not acceptable. The Mangala is also of huge historical importance because of its close connection with Morough Mills. The Mangolds, locally called Mangles, that gave it its name were grown there to be used in the mills. The woods is a haven that generations of us have enjoyed and continue to do so. The people of Douglas won't stand for this. We won't allow the destruction of OUR Mangala
    3,118 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Nina O'Neill
  • No to the Hightown Incinerator: Stop the legal challenge
    In March 2022 former Minister for Infrastructure Nichola Mallon refused permission for the planning application for a mechanical biological treatment (MBT) facility and waste incinerator at Hightown Quarry, beside North Belfast. The planning decision was made following over 5,000 objections submitted by the local community, and a wide range of political representatives from MPs to Councillors. It will increase the market for waste disposal and discourage recycling. Waste technology, waste composition and recycling policies had all moved on since the project was first conceived 15 years ago, and it should be abandoned once and for all - not blindly pursued with public money. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-60893249 The planning refusal followed a long running campaign by the No-Arc21 group who represent residents around the Mallusk, North Belfast and South Antrim areas, who are opposed to the controversial project. This planning application was refused by a previous Environment Minister Mark Durkan, and successfully challenged in the Courts by No- Arc21. There is comprehensive and widespread political opposition to the project from all political Parties in South Antrim and beyond. Alternative do exist and if this Incinerator goes ahead it will reduce recycling and result in millions of tonnes of CO2 being emitted and accelerating climate change. This challenge is a flagrant waste of public money and resources can be better targeted to increase recycling to 70% by 2030 as per the Climate Change targets on Waste Management. During the current inflationary pressures that many households and workers are facing at present, councils should not be wasting more money on a legal case which questions local Ministerial powers to make such decisions. Over £20 million has been spent on the "Waste Monster" to date, how many pot holes, hospital beds, pay rises for key workers etc. could have been sorted in the over eight years of this white elephant. Bin the Burner
    981 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Colin Buick
  • Ensure Pre-legislative Scrutiny of the Defective Concrete Blocks Bill
    The Defective Concrete Block crisis is now affecting at least 12 counties across the country: Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, Clare, Limerick, Tipperary, Louth, Meath, Dublin, Kildare, Carlow and Wexford. The crisis has seen thousands of homes, businesses and public buildings crumble, due to decades of State failure to enforce Building Control and Concrete Product Regulations, a system that continues today. For over 10 years, affected families and communities have endured Government inaction, a failed and inaccessible original Scheme and a standard (IS 465) to assess homes that is not fit for purpose nor science-led. Tens of thousands of homeowners have protested on two occasions in Dublin, are at financial and psychological breaking-point and they need your help. Minister for Housing, Darragh O’Brien, has announced his intention to rush the Defective Concrete Blocks Bill through the legislative process and bypass the important step of pre-legislative scrutiny by the Housing Committee. This is against the wishes of the victims of this crisis and concerns expressed by both Scientists and the Insurance industry. The leading expert on concrete, Dr. Andreas Leemann, has described the Department of Housing’s proposed minor remediation options as ‘playing with fire’, whilst some homeowners have already been advised by insurance companies they will not be eligible for home insurance cover following remediation on the Scheme. But, the Government is ignoring these important warnings. Victims want pre-legislative scrutiny of this important Bill to ensure the Scheme works this time and is: o Accessible and provides the ‘Full Redress’ promised by Minister Darragh O’Brien o Includes all homeowners in all affected counties o Based on science and provides effective and durable remediation options Pre-legislative scrutiny of the Defective Concrete Blocks Bill would allow Housing Committee member TDs and Senators, from both Government and Opposition, to conduct a detailed examination of the Bill and, most importantly, to invite experts and stakeholders to provide their inputs. This will ensure the Government Gets it Right this Time and that families can move on with their lives. Without pre-legislative scrutiny, the new Scheme will be another failure and families will remain in crisis. Please sign this petition to let all TDs and Senators know you support our demand for Pre-legislative Scrutiny of the Defective Concrete Blocks Bill.
    4,573 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Mica Action Group MAG
  • Fix up Inchicore 1937 Public Library
    The local community in Inchicore have used the public library for generations since 1937. Now the Art Deco library needs refurbishment and a wheelchair access ramp built. The architects plan has been drawn up by DCC, but the tender has not been reissued after Covid. There may be alternative plans to convert the historic building into a tourist attraction - a possible social history museum, similar to EPIC. The library keys were handed over by the librarian to the DCC Dept of Property Development and Planning in January 2022. No one in the local community has been consulted about this. The local community are worried that they will lose access to this valuable community space. We are asking DCC to work with the local community on the future of the library, maintaining community access. The building has been empty for 3 years and is unheated. Refurbishment works are urgently needed due to the wet weather. The wheelchair access ramp has been fully designed - the tender just needs to be reissued by DCC.
    666 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • Keep the Creche in Cluain Larach
    There are many young families here and the creche was part of the deal when buying the houses.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Una Dunphy
  • Preserve & Protect Bessboro
    It’s very important to ensure that such crimes on humanity & sites deemed to be crime scenes is properly investigated and while such is dragged out by the Irish government, the least we can do is protect & preserve the whole of the land respectfully until it’s investigated in the manner it legally should be.
    286 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Laura Collins
  • Stop O'Devaney Homes being sold to Vultures!
    In September 2021 the sale of homes at O'Devaney Gardens to vulture funds and large corporate landlords was banned, due to public outcry. Since then Bartra Capital, the main developers of the site, lobbied An Bord Pleanala, including threatening legal action, to rescind the ban. This week An Bord Pleanala caved. This means that hundreds of homes that could have been used for public housing, cost rental and affordable purchase will now, most likely, be sold in one big chuck to a vulture fund or large corporate landlord, who will charge extortionate rent and give little back to our community, unless we stop them. Dublin City Council Management have a responsibility and the power to step in and uphold a ban on the sale to vulture funds and large corporate landlords. Sign and share this petition to ensure that Dublin City Council Management step in and stop O’Devaney homes being sold to vulture funds and large corporate landlords.
    230 of 300 Signatures
  • Establish an Irish State Construction Company Now
    1. A State construction company would divert scarce skilled construction labour to building projects where it is urgently required. In the midst of a national housing crisis, just over a quarter (26.6%) of Irish construction workers are actually building residential homes. Many are building hotels and offices. 2. We cannot rely on the private sector to provide affordable housing and social housing because this does not align with the business interests of ‘for-profit’ private housing developers. 3. A State construction company would attract more young people toward pursuing a career in construction by offering quality permanent employment and better pay and working conditions. There is currently a shortage of skilled construction workers, we urgently need to attract more young people to pursue a career in construction in order to meet Housing for All building targets. 4. Statistics show it is considerably cheaper for local authorities to directly build social and affordable houses than to buy completed units from private for-profit developers. https://www.irishexaminer.com/opinion/commentanalysis/arid-40744002.html?msclkid=433241c3b3b911ec927ed3f61cdce8d4
    745 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Irish State Construction Company Campaign Group