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To: Minister Eamon Ryan, Cllr Joe Byrne, Ciaran Cannon TD, Noel Grealish TD, Sean Canney TD, Anne Rabbitte TD, Hildegarde Naughton TD, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Dept of Transport

Incorporate Existing Cycle Lane into the proposed Greenway

The Athlone to Galway Greenway route is currently under consideration and is proposed to cut through the townlands of Kilcolgan and Ballinderreen.

However there is an existing cycle lane that runs along most of the section between Kinvara and Ballinderreen.  We would like the existing Cycle Lane to be incorporated into the proposed new Greenway.

Why is this important?

It defies logic to construct a second cycleway instead of utilising the existing one.  The approach seems to be completely at odds with the Greenway’s own stated aim of a "maximising the value of existing infrastructure” and a “Greenway should link with community sites such as schools or housing estates as a means of commuting to work, a school and recreation”

Using the existing cycleway would provide a safer infrastructure for everyone, especially school-going children so benefiting the local community as well as tourists.

Using the existing cycle lane would bring the Greenway through Ballinderreen village which would benefit local communities by bringing new business opportunities.

Loss of privacy to many households, destruction of natural habitat, implications to wildlife (including protected owls and bats), noise and light pollution, safety and crime concerns are among the many fears of the local community.

Please Sign our petition to get existing cycle lane finished as part of the new proposed Greenway.
Ballinderreen, Co. Galway, Ireland

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2022-09-12 21:51:44 +0100

100 signatures reached

2022-09-12 18:29:54 +0100

50 signatures reached

2022-09-12 17:18:02 +0100

25 signatures reached

2022-09-12 16:50:49 +0100

10 signatures reached