• Fight for affordable and social housing for the Irish glass bottle house site Dublin 4
    For many years now property prices in our local area have escalated beyond belief. For many years there has been no provision of social or affordable housing in our area and regular local people with regular jobs are unable to buy houses in our community. New local developments such as Bolands Mill offer no affordable or social housing as the government allowed the developers to buy back the 10% social housing they should have provided! We as a community need to address this local housing crisis and fight for people of all ages in our community so that we are able to remain living close to our networks of support.
    606 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Karen Roberts
  • Keep Lynams Hotel Open For Homeless Families
    NAMA owns Lynams hotel in the middle of O'Connell St. This 47 bed hotel currently hosts many homeless families as 'Emergency Accommodation' -- a last resort for families hit by economic evictions with nowhere else to go. It could host many more -- every single day families are refused and sent to 'self accommodate' which means they have to source their own hotel by phoning every hotel in the city. Lynams hotel can hold more than 40 families and ensure none of these children are left on the streets. NAMA want to privatise this hotel, selling it back to speculators and developers at a huge discount so they can make huge profits from us again. We wont let this happen! Join our fight for a better city, against homelessness, against privatisation, against rent increases and against elite corruption.
    705 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Dublin Central Housing Action
    Its important because it will encourage dumping. The bin system is fine. Taxes are being put on ordinary people who are already doing their best to help with the rubbish by putting them into bins already as well as recycling their products. Its not right to impose such charges. We are being forced to pay a polluters charge how dare they. Its the shops have to reduce this packaging on products sold in their shops as we are paying for it now.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noreen Doherty
  • STOP the closure of hostels for the homeless, and provide suitable alternative accommodation.
    Johns Lane West and Brú Aimsir hostels give shelter to almost 150 people who are former rough sleepers in Dublin. They are both set to close in the coming weeks. This will result in the loss of 150 beds for those sleeping rough. Focus Ireland and Peter McVerry Trust who currently run the hostels have not revealed how they plan to accommodate these people who will be forced back onto the streets with the closure of these hostels. The residents have been told they must ring the freephone in Parkgate St to find alternative accommodation. With an already critical shortage of beds, this will only put added strain on a flawed system which puts people in direct competition with each other, having to spend all day trying to get through to the freephone phoneline, often to simply be told there are no beds available. The Irish Housing Network demands: Dublin City Council, Peter McVerry Trust and Focus Ireland put a transparent plan in place with the residents of the hostels in providing suitable accommodation for those affected by the hostels’ closure. Long term social housing stock is immediately turned over for homeless people and families through the building of housing and opening and refurbishment of empty homes. Tenant’s rights for those in emergency accommodation so they cannot be evicted without notice and are protected under tenancy legislation. Rights for Travellers and Roma people in the ability to practice their culture and have well maintained and provisioned sites available throughout the country, including the restoration of traditional roadside stopping places.
    658 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Rosemary Fearsaor-Hughes
  • "Tell Dublin City Council to stop the land giveaway. Build homes for all instead!"
    Ireland is facing an unprecedented housing crisis - one that has been driven and worsened by private developers who work for profit, not the public good. Now, yet again, our council is seeking to fix the housing crisis by giving handouts to developers. Under the current Dublin City Council Housing Land Initiative, public land in three sites across Dublin will be turned over, free of charge, to private property developers. The proposal depends on high-interest finance. Banks, not the public, will benefit from this model that is based, at best, in a naive faith in the efficiency of privatization or, at worst, in cronyism. Cross-subsidized housing is a sustainable alternative where local government develops housing directly. Rent is based on ability-to-pay, and tenants benefit from rents that are below market rate, and enjoy security of tenure should their fortunes change. Similar schemes already operate successfully in Vienna and Singapore. Please sign our petition to call on Dublin City Council to support this sustainable model for public housing, not the giveaway of public land.
    457 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Dublin7 Housing Picture
  • Fix boarded up council houses
    The housing shortage in Co. Mayo is serious. Many families are living with extended families in stressful overcrowded situations. The shortage in the rental market makes it very difficult to find suitable housing. Boarded up council houses should be renovated to house those in need. Emergency accommodation being used should be fit for purpose. To encourage the council to make progress on this, we are want people to sign this campaign to ask Local Councilors and TD's to make it there business to put housing at the top of their list. To ensure emergency accommodation being provided is fit for purpose, and to make renovating boarded up council houses a priority. Also to make finding funding for renovations a priority in the Dail. 145 council house empty as of September 2014.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paddy Kilbane
  • Migrants for Ireland: Election Manifesto
    Twelve percent of the population of Ireland are migrants, of whom so many have the right to vote. Migrants bring enterprise and initiative, and in order to actively participate in Irish society, migrants must be visible in all spheres of Irish life and be represented proportionally to our number in the Irish population in all decision making processes. Irish political actors have done little or nothing to reach out to immigrants during elections. Integration has dropped off the radar and from the programmes of all political parties. A diverse republic needs inclusive politics and institutions that reflect the composition of a diverse society. Government bodies and local authorities need to do much more to engage with immigrant communities. We, the Migrant-Led Coalition, are calling on all politicians and candidates to sign up to our election manifesto and pledge to represent the needs of their migrant constituents.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Farah Azadi
  • Remove Anti-Homeless Devices from Gandon House
    The Department of Social Protection is meant to be responsible for fighting homelessness, not making conditions even more unbearable for rough sleepers in Dublin city centre. The recent installation of anti-homeless devices at the Department office building on Amiens street is an unacceptable measure, described in the following terms by the Director of Inner City Helping Homeless (ICHH) Anthony Flynn: "[From] the department that is supposed to look after our vulnerable people...This the most unsympathetic way of dealing with the homeless crisis, it's a 'not in my doorstep attitude' and we certainly condemn it." Accountability, however, has been lacking in the responses of both the Department of Social Protection and the Office of Public Works, which apparently manages the building in conjunction with a private landlord. But it's time for government to stop shirking responsibility. An Tánaiste Joan Burton is also Minister for Social Protection, and TD Simon Harris is Minister of State with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works. Let's call on them to take action against this appalling measure, and to advocate immediately for the removal of all anti-homeless devices from Gandon House.
    3,617 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Ciaran O'Rourke
  • Stop the Woodland Park Eviction
    Last Friday on one of coldest nights of the year, 17 families were evicted from a Traveller local authority halting site that had been decommissioned by Louth County Council. Families were given just hours to pack their belongings and either remove their caravans or mobile homes themselves or face them being impounded and having to pay €1,000 to get them back. All families, including a mother and newborn baby, must be gone by tomorrow. The council have not arranged alternative accommodation for these families and now, they like hundreds of others will be made homeless. Until Traveller specific accommodation is built, we are calling on Louth County Council to treat people with dignity and respect and to provide alternative accommodation for the Travelling community of Woodland Park.
    712 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Paddy Delaney
  • Protect the homeless in Ireland and in the Calais Jungle
    I have just read a report detailing the appalling and disgusting conditions under which homeless families in Ireland have to live. Yesterday I read about the conditions in the temporary refugee camp at Calais in France, which is run under the auspices of the French and UK governments and the EU. The conditions for the homeless in Calais and the homeless in Ireland are horrifyingly similar. Yet the Irish Government is pleading that it has no funds available to intervene and is sticking rigidly to its market economy addiction. This is not good enough when our Government is willing to throw money at bankers and developers and any johnny-come-lately who has robbed the people and contributed to the enforcement of the austerity regime. The Government's inept handling of our housing crisis is a contributory factor to the increase in anti-refugee sentiment in the country. This is cowardly behaviour on the part of those who claim to lead Ireland and who boast about what they claim to have done for Ireland. Front up for the sake of the unfortunate people who are suffering and set an example in 2016.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Pratschke
  • Solidarity With Our Ukrainian Community in Cahersiveen – Let Them Stay
    We urge Minister O'Gorman who, along with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, is responsible for refugees, to urgently reconsider his decision to remove up to 180 vulnerable people in the coming weeks and days from their homes. These residents have made a significant contribution to our town's growth and success, and we would be devastated to see them forced to leave. The Ukrainian community in Cahersiveen is currently facing the heart-wrenching prospect of their lives being torn apart once again, which has left many of them devastated. The news has been difficult to bear, and many have not stopped crying since they heard about the possibility of being forced to leave. Families are being split apart, and children will be torn away from the friends they have made in their new home. This is a heartbreaking situation for everyone involved, and we cannot stress enough how much this would negatively impact the lives of those affected. The thought of having to uproot themselves once again after settling into a new community is daunting and distressing. As a community, we have worked tirelessly to integrate these individuals and families into our town, a key remit for the department and European. It has not been an easy process, however, the hard work has paid off, and we have seen, welcomed and managed a 50% increase in our population, with professional and volunteer input contributing significantly to our town’s success. This also includes maintaining rural school numbers which has had a positive impact both socially and economically. Further, a move to other places will inhibit any early years provision for child care places. The Ukrainian residents in our town are not just faces in the crowd; they are active members of our community. They work in our businesses, send their children to school with our kids, and participate in our sports clubs and social organisations. They have started to open new businesses in our town, providing employment opportunities in the town. They are immersed in further education and training in the O’Connell FET Centre, upskilling in full-time and part-time course and all levels of English Language. We implore the Minister to consider the impact his decision will have on our community and the individuals and families who call Cahersiveen their home.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alliance Cahersiveen
  • Abolish property tax for pensioners
    Due to the unprecedented rise in prices ie; heating oil/ fuel diesel/petrol/ groceries etc; us pensioners are put in a very precarious situation of hardship which is getting worse each day. it is becoming harder and harder to make ends meet, and no letup. Pensioners must stand together and make the government see the seriousness of our plight
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Doyle